Mu Lingheng's voice is full of excitement and exclamation.

At first, he didn't understand the little Lord's recognition of the moon as the Lord. Although he saved his life, he didn't need to worship her.

Now he knew that she was the master of the little Lord, and she would not suffer losses. Her future achievements must be extraordinary!

"The realm of life?" Mu Qianyue's eyes quickly flashed a touch of surprise, it turned out that she had understood the field, is life.

What does it mean?

Can the field of spring be saved?

However, she has yin-yang divine needle, which can also save people. In this way, this field of life has no effect?

What she wants is the field that can fight!

Mu light month's face showed a trace of disappointment.

With mu Qianyue's mood change, suddenly the whole field of Yin Feng, the mountain top of the blooming flowers suddenly withered and died.

Heaven and earth are crying and howling, countless ghosts and ghosts, just like coming to purgatory.

"What's going on? Why has it changed all of a sudden? " Mu Lingheng was standing in the field. He felt a strong breath of death. He was terrified. He was not cold but millet.

Mu shallow month also is eyebrow light frown, the pupil of black is full of doubt.

"I see! You understand the dual domain! Life and death! This is the field of life and death All of a sudden, mu Lingheng cried out excitedly, and his old face showed a very excited and excited look, as if he was the one who understood the field of birth and death.

"The realm of life and death?" There is a doubt in Mu Qianyue's eyebrows, and then she understands that there are life and death in this field. They are two different fields, which are fused together by her!

Life can revive all things, and death can summon countless ghosts and spirits, which makes people in this field feel that they have come to Jiuyou hell!

Similarly, such ghosts can be used to fight!

After thinking about this, mu Qianyue gently raised a smile and moved her mind to withdraw the field.

"Miss mu, I have never admired anyone in my life. Except for my grandfather, you are the first one." Mu Lingheng looks at mu Qianyue with admiration on his face. His voice is still a little excited, but much better than before.

"I can have this understanding, thanks to elder Heng's guidance." Mu shallow moon eyebrows and eyes light curved, smile.

Mu Lingheng Wen Yan repeatedly waved his hand, "I just said a few words casually, the key to have this understanding is your talent, your strength."

After that, he looked at the admiration in the eyes of Mu Qianyue.

This girl is very good-natured. She is not arrogant and arrogant because of the rare dual life and death field in the field. On the contrary, she is very modest and low-key.

There is no lack of genius in this world. The lack of talent is that kind of low-key and modest talent.

If it's too arrogant, it will only lead to the stagnation of talent.

Only modest and low-key talents will continue to learn from the experience of predecessors, and continue to move forward.

This is the difference. This is one of the reasons why mu Lingheng appreciates mu Qianyue most. Bi Jian, at her age, has such achievements, but few people understand modesty.

"Elder Heng, what's so happy about?"

Suddenly the voice of Mu Ru Tian rang out behind him.

"Master." Mu rushian stepped forward, and the breeze blew his dark robes, which made him tall, aloof and stern.

Mu Xiaoyue looked up at him, "have you broken through?"

"Well, master, I'm a seven level warrior now." Mu is like the way of heaven. A smile appears on the face of Jun Lang such as Yu. In the eyes of Phoenix, which is long and deep, there is a bright light.

"Yes, in 20 days, you'll have a breakthrough." Mu Qianyue said.

"It's also thanks to the master you gave you the red crystal, otherwise I would not have been so fast." Mu rutian's face showed a trace of smile. Who could have thought that a month ago, he was a third-class warrior, but now he has reached the level of seven level Shenwu.

I thought I had to wait for two or three years according to my own speed.

Who knows that in a month it's four steps up!

This speed can catch up with the meteor!

"Little Lord, Miss Mu has just realized the space of the field, which can only be understood by those who have reached the power of Emperor Wu! No, even some emperors and warriors can't do this! " Mu Lingheng road.

Smell speech, mu rudian's eyes can't help but stare at the boss, a look of horror to Mu Qianyue. Before closing down, he heard the master mention it. He thought that the master was just talking about it. Unexpectedly, she did it! After all, before this, he didn't believe it!

How can you understand the rules of heaven and earth if you don't reach the level of Emperor Wu? After all, how difficult it is!

"What's more, what Miss Mu understands is the dual field, the field of life and death!" Mu Lingheng continued, looking at Mu Ru Tian with the appearance of watching a play.

When he saw mu rutian's face that was deeply hit, the depression in his heart could not help but fade a little bit. Haha, it turned out that not only himself, but also the little Lord was deeply hit! Hehe, if only he was hit, how irritating!You know, it took him ten years to realize that the space field is not too slow. This speed can be said to be not fast or slow. It belongs to the medium level.

I didn't expect that mu Qianyue used seven days to understand it directly, and it was a double field of life and death!

This gap is not so big!

Mu rutian is depressed and shriveled with a face, and the joy on his face disappears. Instead, he is deeply depressed. He thought that he had taken 20 days to advance to a higher level. This speed has been very fast, but he didn't expect that the master would change his attitude, and the direct field has become a double field of life and death!

It's good to hit people. There's wood, there is?!

"Everyone has his or her own fortune, and your recent fortune is also good." The girl's soft voice fell on mu rutian's ear, which made him wake up, and his face became dignified.

In this period of time, he was promoted so fast that he was unstable and almost fell into a selfish and narrow realm. Once people's desires and expectations were not satisfied, they would only fall deeper and deeper, thus losing themselves.

Fortunately, what the master said just now awakened him.

Yes, if you are promoted to four levels in a month, this fortune can also be called against the heaven!

Not everyone has his good luck, so what is his dissatisfaction?

Mu shallow month sees his disposition so fast steady come down, the lip corner bends up to wipe shallow smile, "continue to refuel, I look after you."

Mu rudian's face showed a trace of embarrassment, raised his hand to scratch his head, quite a bit embarrassed.

"Mu Qianyue, come out for me!"

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