"Kindness to the enemy will only bring endless disaster to yourself and those around you."

Mu Xiaoyue looks at him from the side. His black eyes are as bright as the stars in the sky. They are crystal clear and twinkle with thrilling light.

"Master, I understand!"

Mu such as the day deep in the eyes of a flash of light, he heavily nodded.

Yes, if Mu Linggang didn't despise the enemy, if he and his master were both masters, I'm afraid they would have died!

At that time, Ke'er had to cry again. It was not only Ke'er who was sad, but also her father and mother

Besides, if the moon had not saved himself last time, he would have died.

So, all this is not cruel, she is just self-protection! Just to better live, just to be able to protect the family and friends around it!

People don't attack me, I don't offend!

Besides, it's Mu Linggang. Damn it! His selfish desire is also clear in Mu Ru Tian's heart. Hum, now Mu Linggang's pulse is short of his backbone. In the future, it will be much easier to clean up. He has to thank the master.

On the other hand, he was originally a perfect blood. After he was saved by the master, the purity of his blood was re baptized again, so that he knew that there was a master level above the perfect level. Otherwise, he was like a frog in a well and thought that his blood was invincible.

Just like Mu Linggang, he is arrogant and conceited and thinks he will win. As a result, because of his carelessness, he gives mu Qianyue and mu rutian a chance to fight back!

Otherwise, they will die.

In the future, I will not! I will never be soft on those who should be killed! " Mu rutian's black eyes flash through a cold killing machine.

Mu Qianyue nodded. After taking several Huiyuan pills, his breath immediately calmed down. His mind moved, and the realm of life summoned out. He wrapped Mu Ru and mu Lingheng in it. After a while, the wounds on the people immediately recovered.

"Er..." Mu Lingheng's quiet meal opened his eyes. When he saw mu Qianyue and mu rutian, he was stunned. He seemed to think of something. He immediately jumped up from the ground and roared, "young master, Miss mu, go quickly..."

The posture of defense attack has been set, but there is no Mu Linggang's figure in front of him. He is stunned at the same place, and his face is full of amazement and stupefied.

Seeing that he just woke up, he was thinking about himself and mu rutian's safety. A touch of emotion rose in Mu's heart, and the corners of his lips curled slightly, "Mu Linggang has died."

"Oh, dead. what? Dead? " Mu Lingheng reacted, and his face was full of fright. At first, he didn't believe it. He thought that mu Qianyue was joking. When he saw the body not far away, which was almost as dry as air, his mouth was so big that he almost stuffed a duck's egg.

The eyeball son is startled to stare, full face unbelievable look, "he, how did he die? Who killed him? "

"It's the Lord and my blood." Mu Ru Tian said faintly, and then said the process of the matter.

After hearing this, mu Lingheng's surprise on his face still remained for a long time. He didn't expect that there was a grand master on the perfect level of blood! And mu Qianyue and Shaozhu have reached the blood of the grand master!

Oh, my God! Master level!

This is the first person in the mainland!

Mojia will definitely develop in the future! Thinking of this, mu Lingheng's face is full of excitement and excitement.

"Ha ha Little Lord, you are blessed with misfortune! Miss mu, you are definitely the lucky star of my family... " Mu Lingheng laughed excitedly, but before he finished his words, he suddenly turned pale and fainted. He fell down with a straight bang.

"Elder Heng!" Mu Ru Tian was surprised and rushed forward to help him, "elder Heng, what's the matter with you?"

Mu shallow moon god feeling also slightly changed, went to Mu Lingheng body squat down, finger on mu Lingheng pulse, eyebrows gently frown.

Mu rutian looked up at her and asked, "master, isn't your field of life able to heal quickly? Why does elder Heng still... "

"His soul has been greatly traumatized. The field of life can be healed, but the spirit cannot be restored." Mu Qianyue said.

"The spirit is wounded?"

"Well, it should be caused by elder Heng when he burned the green dragon's blood to deal with Mu Ling. It's a pity that there is no medicine in my space that can cure spirits. " Mu Qianyue frowns tightly. There are a lot of Chinese medicinal materials in the space of Tongtian tower, but there are few for treating spirits.

Medicinal materials for treating spirits are rare and hard to find.

"If God, you don't have to worry. Elder Heng is only injured in the spirit. At present, there is no danger of life. I will try to find some medicine to cure the spirit."

Kuang Mu's way to save her is to save her from the wound.

"Yes." Mu rutian nodded. He would never doubt the master's words.

Through this period of time, he gradually learned more about Mu Qianyue. Although the master was young, his mind was delicate and steady. He would do everything he said, belonging to the type of saying what he said."Medicinal materials for treating spirits? I got it! There are seven color flowers in the hands of Yin crazy woman, but unfortunately, she is extremely eccentric and does not like to talk to people. It is almost impossible to get the seven color flowers from her hand. " Mu Lingheng shook his head and sighed.

"Yin crazy woman?" Mu shallow moon, shallow eyes.

"I'm not hurt. Anyway, I've been a second-order emperor warrior for more than ten years. I'm afraid I've reached the bottleneck in my cultivation, and it's hard to break through this life. So whether the spirit is good or bad is the same to me. " Mu Lingheng Road, he does not want to see little Lord and Mu girl again involved in danger.

"Elder Heng, who is that crazy woman you are talking about? What a strange name. " Mu Qianyue's eyes flashed and asked.

"Oh, the mad woman is a strange woman. She has a strange, smelly and hard temper."

"Is she on the ninth floor, too?" Asked asamo.

"Well, she lives on the Yinfeng mountain not far from here. Miss mu, you must not go to her. She is not only cruel and cruel, but also good at using poison. Even the high-level emperor martial arts people will be afraid of her. " Mu Lingheng's eyes flashed with fear.

Smell speech, mu Qianyue's eyes can not help but produce a trace of interest, in this case, it should be more to have a look, by the way, to see how to get seven color flowers from the Yin crazy woman's hand.

"Don't worry, elder Heng. I won't go to the Yin crazy woman." A faint light flashed between the black pupils, and Mu Xiaoyue said with a smile.

But her smile fell in the eyes of Mu Ru Tian, but she didn't believe it. He clearly saw that the master was very interested!

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