Seeing the amazement and surprise on mu rutian's face, he couldn't help laughing and said, "OK, I'll be busy first, and I'll look for you in two days."

After throwing down a word, Mu shallow month then head also did not go back into the space of the tower.

Smell speech, Mu such as day corner of the mouth mercilessly, uncertain? Master son, she did not have perfect assurance, also dare to do business with the crazy woman!

Well, the master's courage is really too big. I just hope the master can work out a way to detoxify!


The sword marks on her face were not ordinary, but had been quenched with abnormal fire. Therefore, the scars on her face looked scarlet and ferocious. Even GUSHENG Meiyan Dan only played a part in it.

The best way to get rid of this kind of scar is Bingling flower.

Yes, Bingling flower!

Mu Qianyue began to search the medicine storehouse, and finally found Bingling flower among the numerous herbs. The ice blue petals radiated light in the sun, elegant and fascinating.

This time, she did not refine Bingling flower into pills, but liquid medicine, plus several other beauty and scar removing herbs.

Colorful liquid medicine mixed together, sending out a strong fragrance, dark green light crystal clear, like crystal jelly general.

After refining the liquid medicine, mu Qianyue began to think about how to treat the leg disease of Yin crazy woman.

Toxic blood, she has analyzed and studied, the toxin is determined to be very powerful, for a time, she could not find the antidote medicine!

She tried the method of attacking poison with poison.

Well It's really a bit of a brain injury!

Some herbal medicine can be found in the heart of the moon, and some of them can stay in the heart.

After a day's wandering, there was no harvest.

Gradually the sun slants to the west, the setting sun's afterglow shines on the valley, and the magnificent sunset clouds cover the sky.

"It's getting dark. I'd better go back first. I'll come out tomorrow and have a look. There are still four days left." The fingers under the sleeve clenched.

A drop of poisonous blood suddenly spilled from the bottle containing poisonous blood and dropped on a wild flower in front of her. The yellow petals and flower cores were stained with a trace of venom.

Mu Xiaoyue was stunned and chuckled at her carelessness. She thought that it would be better to destroy the flower. If people were infected with it, they would have to be poisoned.

Just then, a big bee flew over and landed on the wild flower and picked up the honey!

The big bee was stained with silk poison gas. It struggled for a moment, and then staggered away!


Mu Xiaoyue's eyes suddenly narrowed, quickly caught up with the bee, wrapped the bee with true yuan force, carefully included in the palm.

Rudai's brow frowned slightly. She found that the big bee was not a common bee, but a rare poisonous bee!

After taking the venom from the poisonous bee, he took a drop of poisonous blood. Mu Qianyue found that the toxin on the poisonous bee could resist with the poisonous blood!

In other words, this wasp can release the poison of hate!

Mu was overjoyed by the discovery. Unfortunately, there were too few wasps. He had to continue to look for some more. Through the hands of this wasp, Mu shallow month to a poisonous honeycomb, which actually live on thousands of poisonous bees!

Immediately mu Qianyue thought that it was a trouble to take the venom from the wasp.

All of a sudden, a flash of light in my mind, and a smile rose from the corner of my lips.

Five days passed quickly.

Mu Qianyue and mu rutian came to Yinfeng mountain again.

"You're on time, little girl." Yin crazy woman light said, but her eyes are infected with a trace of strange light.

"Old master, this is the liquid I refined. Just smear it on my face." Mu Qianyue took out a small jade bottle and handed it to him.

The woman took over the bottle suspiciously, opened the bottle cap, and carefully smeared it on her face. After covering it, she asked, "and then?"

"Half an hour. I'll fix your leg now. " Mu shallow moon way, then let Yin crazy woman sit down on the stool, roll up the left trouser leg.

I saw a huge black block in her left leg and belly, which was terrible.

Mu Qianyue took out acupuncture and moxibustion to seal several important acupoints on the left leg of the Yin crazy woman. Then her palm shook and she took out a leaf and put it on her lips to play it gently.

The clear and ethereal music came out from among the leaves, beautiful and moving.

See, Yin crazy woman's face can't help showing a surprised and puzzled look, what is this to do?

Even Mu Ru Tian's heart is also full of doubts, don't understand what the master is doing!

"Hum, hum..."

After a while, I heard a "buzzing" sound and saw a group of bees flying over.

"What are you doing, little girl?" At this moment, Yin Feng's face became a little bad.

Mu Ru Tian Mu Lu doubts what to call a group of bees to do?"Drugs. Otherwise? Do you think honey gathering Mu Qianyue did not hesitate to see her a big white eye.

She had practiced for four days before she was able to control the wasps.

As soon as her fingers were raised, she sprinkled pollen on the poison spot on her left leg, and saw that the swarm of poisonous wasps fluttering their wings toward the poison spot on her leg.

Looking at this swarm of poisonous bees, the crazy woman could not help feeling numb on her scalp. It was strange that she could not feel any pain. Instead, she felt that the spot was stung by the poisonous bee, which was very comfortable!!

I used to feel itchy and painful there! Do not scratch, but strange itch, after catching, and very painful, almost painful to the bone marrow!

Never felt so comfortable for a moment!

Some of the wasps were infected with the venom, and after landing, they died. Immediately after that, new wasps pounced on them, and so on.

After a while, I saw that the poison spot on the left leg of the mad woman was getting smaller and smaller, and there were more and more dead bees on the ground

After a long time, finally, I saw that the poison spot on the leg belly of the Yin crazy woman disappeared completely!

And that group of wasps died.

Mu Xiaoyue's frown reveals a trace of intolerance. What a good wasp, it's gone.

"Xiao Ni Zi, how do you know that this poisonous bee can get rid of hatred?" She asked in surprise.

"By accident." Mu shallow moon light says.

"I've tried many methods, including poisonous snakes, scorpions, poisonous spiders and even some animal venom, but they didn't work! I didn't think of using wasps Yin crazy woman a face with emotion said, Mu shallow month young age poison technique is good, also is not without reason.

"If you cure my leg disease, I will abide by our agreement, stay with you for three years, protect your safety and obey your orders." She said.

Words down, her palm a flash, a wooden box appeared in the hand, "this is seven color flowers, little girl, you take it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!