"Take him back so that he won't be disgraced here." Xiao Lankai raised his eyes coldly and looked at the elder of poison Dance Gate with a trace of scorn and ridicule in his voice.

"Miss Xiao, you must have said too much! My little Lord has done so much for you. He is seriously injured now. You should say that to him! " That poison dance door elder anger way.

"Don't say anything for me. Don't you want to come to dream this city just to accompany me? Or will you give me whatever you get in here? " Xiao Lankai's lips were full of sarcasm.

"You..." The head of the poisonous dance master was so old that his face turned blue. He snorted and stopped talking. Instead, he helped the comatose Hao Kailin to a safe area nearby. He was not in a hurry to go, but to try the footprints of the heavenly way. However, after he had made fifty-one steps, he could not move any further and fell back.

Everyone sighed. The elder of poison dance sect is the one who has taken the most steps among the several people who have walked.

After the elder fell down, he did not try again, nor did he make a dash. Instead, he stepped aside and guarded Hao Kailin, who was unconscious at home.

Mu Qianyue saw this, and her eyes narrowed slightly. It seems that the elder of poison dance sect is quite loyal.

Then we all scrambled to try, all ended in failure, of which 72 steps were the most.

"I'll try." A flash of light flashed across Xiao Lankai's eyes. He took a look at Nalan Jing and stepped forward slowly.

Before she did not rush to leave, because she knew that the footprints were not so easy to walk, and her father had told her before she came.

The people who rush to the first place are all idiots.

After such a long time of observation, she found out a little way, so she dared to put it forward for a try. On the other hand, she also wanted to show it in front of nalanjing. She is much better than his lady!

The moon is just beautiful.

As he moved, he was as light as a swallow and landed on the first step. Soon, Xiao Lankai walked out of his fifty steps. When he walked so far in one breath, everyone exclaimed and his eyes changed.

Surprise, curiosity, jealousy, nervousness, fear and so on fell on her one by one.

Following Xiao Lankai's figure.

But after a while, her movement gradually slowed up, and finally ended in 83 steps, then fell down.

Her face was pale, and her eyes were filled with reluctance.

Turning her head, her eyes like autumn water are filled with a trace of water mist. She looks pitifully at nalanjing. Unfortunately, nalanjing disdains to look at her, which makes her very disappointed and lonely.

Then came the fire wind evil, walked 78 steps.

And then there is the elegance.

Now there is a cry of surprise, because she has already reached a hundred steps!

"My God! Who is this girl? She has gone a hundred steps! Do you think she will take 108 steps? "

"I don't know! She seems to be from unreal land! It's so powerful

Those who didn't leave, they talked about Tao one after another.

Xiao Lankai's eyes towards Yan Qingya are infected with a trace of jealousy and resentment. Ah, this damned woman is actually more than her own steps! She is just a person from a lower level!

All eyes fell on Yan Qingya's body, as if expecting her to create a miracle, but also did not want her to reach the dream palace, otherwise the treasures in the dream palace belonged to her!

You know, the dream palace, from ten thousand years ago to now, have never been in, the treasure hidden inside must be against the heaven!




The crowd counted them in their hearts.

Although the movement behind Yan Qingya is very slow and slow, it is still stable and does not fall down.

Soon she was at 106 steps!

The crowd exclaimed, "she's going to make it!"

At this moment, even Mu shallow moon's eyes are not from slowly squinting up, did not expect that the strength of the Yan Qingya is so strong! Even heaven can understand!

When Yan Qingya stepped out of the 108 step, a thunderbolt suddenly fell from the top, and then she fell directly from the sky and fell into the arms of Yan Feng Xie.

"Qingya, what's the matter with you

Yan Qingxie's eyes were gloomy and did not speak. Instead, he struggled out of the arms of Yan Feng Xie. His eyes were filled with resentment and anger. "Just one step short, one step short, I can reach the dream palace!"

As a result, she moved and rushed to the footprints again. Unfortunately, this time she only took more than 30 steps and failed.

The scene was filled with sighs and sighs of relief.

It is a pity that Yan Qingya did not succeed, but also secretly congratulated that the treasure in the dream palace is still there. People's hearts are so strange.

"A thousand miles, a loss." Xiao Lankai's face showed a smug smile. She looked sarcastically at Yan Qingya. At this time, she felt very happy in her heart. This woman had only one step to fall down, and her heart must be extremely distressed.At the same time, her heart is very jealous, after all, she has only gone eighty-three steps, and Yan Qingya has taken 107 steps, proving that Yan Qingya is better than her.

As the first lady of the Xiao family, a woman with a lower position than Xuantian world and stronger than herself, how can she bear it?

So now to see the failure of Yan Qingya, she felt very happy in her heart and couldn't help but make a voice to strike.

Yan Qingya's face was filled with anger and unwillingness. She glanced at Xiao Lanfu coldly. There was a cold breath in her eyes. She was bloodthirsty and frightening. When Xiao Lankai looked at her terrible eyes, her heart suddenly shrank and she suddenly shut down.

Yan Qingxie took back her eyes coldly and raised her step to the footprints again. Yan Fengxie stopped her, "Qingya, don't try again. You've been seriously injured. It's useless to try again."

"But I am not reconciled to it!" Yan Qingya cold road.

"Elegant, even you can't walk 108 steps, let alone others? That Mu shallow moon is impossible! So you can rest assured. " Inflammatory wind evil soothes the way.

She didn't think that mu Qianyue's strength would be better than those present. Most of them were middle-level imperial warriors.

Smell speech, Yan Qingya this just walked to one side, took a healing pill, began to heal.

Then the demons scrambled to try. Only five of them succeeded in coming to this space, including the one who had conflicts with situ Mingrui and mu Qianyue. He snorted coldly and strode forward, "I'll do it!"

"We humans can't pass this test. Do you think you animals can?" Xiao Lankai disdained a sneer.

Infuriated by Yan Qingya, she decided to find it from these demons.

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