Although she was full of envy for the little girl, she was absolutely not envious.

If the little girl had not cured her face and detoxified her body, she would never have had the opportunity to come to the dream city. So in her heart, she is full of gratitude to the little girl. She is not the kind of person who doesn't know how to be grateful.

So now see the little girl and nalanjing feeling so good, her heart in the envy of the same time, but also really feel happy for the little girl.

Mu rutian looks up and looks at the pair of figures standing in the vast starry sky. Before that, the bitterness in his heart disappears. Instead of admiration, what can give the master happiness and security, only nalanjing can do it! He really can't compare with him!

Looking at nalanjing so will Mu shallow moon care in the palm of her hand, that doting appearance, that purple eyes will always only that touch of figure, burning elegant eyes filled with deep jealousy and resentment, the fingers under the sleeve tightly twisted together, sharp nails pinched into the flesh, she can not feel pain, because her heart is numb with pain.

"Why? Why even after ten thousand years, his heart is still only that woman! Why can't he look at me? "

She murmured, her eyes full of hurt look, reincarnation, is to find you! But you still fall in love with qingnu! Is this the destiny? I don't believe in fate!

Fate is in her own hands, she believes that as long as she works hard, she can change her destiny and change all this!

"Qingya, why do you persist in him? If you like, I can take care of you as a treasure in the palm of my hand, just like he did to Mu Qianyue. I will only love you for generations to come. " Yan Fengxie stood beside her, her eyes fell firmly on her face, and said word by word.

Yan Qingya smell speech but suddenly raised his head, black eyes glared at him, "you don't understand! I love him for 10000 years, 10000 years, you understand? This one of the vicissitudes of life, the change of time, he has never changed in my heart. If he could be replaced by someone else, I would not be so miserable! He is in my heart, no one can replace him! No one can replace it! "

Her eyes were reddish and she looked pitiful.

Smell speech, burning wind evil body fierce tremble, yes, ten thousand years, ten thousand years time is too long, how can he replace nalanjing in her heart position?

Yes, it's his delusion!

"I won't let them be together! Absolutely not The finger under the sleeve of Yan Qing Ya clenched tightly.

On the other hand, when Xiao Lankai saw the scene of nalanjing and mu Qianyue's love so much, her heart was full of jealousy and depression. If her eyes could kill people, she would have killed mu Qianyue several times.

"Your name is Xiao Lankai, aren't you?" She is in a trance, next to the sound of burning elegant.

Xiao Lankai raised her eyes and looked at her, with a disdainful look in her eyes, "what do you want to do?"

"Xiao Lankai, it seems that you don't like mu Qianyue. Why don't we cooperate?" Yan Qingya, a touch of cold in the corner of his lips.

"Miss Ben has nothing to do with you." Xiao Lankai disdained to turn his mouth.

"Ah You should also see how deep nalanjing loves mu Qianyue. Do you think you can get nalanjing's love? " Yan Qingya raised her eyes and looked at the two people with ten fingers entwined in the air. She showed a faint smile on her face. She looked calm and confident. However, her fingers under her sleeve were tightly twisted together. No one would understand the pain in her heart.

"So what? Don't you get it Xiao Lankai sneered. She really fell in love with nalanjing at first sight and liked him very much, but that kind of love didn't reach the point of never dying.

No doubt, this sentence stabbed Yan Qingya's heart, which made her heart shrink suddenly, and her face turned white again.

"As long as mu Qianyue is dead, we will all have a chance to get nalanjing's love. At that time, we can compete fairly. But if Mu is alive, we won't have a chance. " Yan Qingya road.

"Nonsense!" Xiao Lankai rolled his eyes with disdain. There was a trace of vigilance in his eyes.

"I'll rush to the footprints of the heavenly way, and I'll take action against mu Qianyue. Then you just have to stop the two people." Yan Qingya said and looked at the wind chime and Mu Ru Tian not far away from the eye.

Smell speech, Xiao Lan Yan Mou son mercilessly trembles, look to Yan Qing Ya's eyes full of shock, this woman is so cruel! In front of nalanjing, they dare to kill mu Qianyue, and hope nalanjing will like her? So good, then borrowed her hand, in addition to Mu shallow moon.

If she really killed mu Qianyue, nalanjing would never like her! In this way, their own opportunities are the greatest!

It can be said that this cooperation is only beneficial and harmless to itself!

"Xiao Lan's face is satisfied, and I'm satisfied with everything."

"When I rush up, you will stop them both. You can rest assured that the pathogenic wind will help you. " Yan Qingya's eyes are slightly heavy, with a ferocious and ferocious look in the bottom of his eyes. He looks up into the air and looks for opportunities.In mid air, mu Qianyue and nalanjing have already stepped out of 106 steps, and still need the last two steps!

The people around said, "damn! I didn't expect that the footprints of heaven can still walk like this! "

"Yes! What a pity! I knew we were working together! "

"Ah, ah, I'm so angry!"

"Do you think they can make 108 steps?"

"I see the difficulty! You don't want to think about it. Is this 108 step easy to walk? Through the ages, I don't know how many strong people have been blocked here! I think they may be the same as Yan Qingya, and they failed only one hundred and seven steps. "

In the public's discussion, mu Qianyue and nalanjing have gone through 107 steps.

At this time, nalanjing was not as calm as before. His face turned pale and his breath was disordered. There was a trace of blood on his mouth.

Mu Qianyue looks pale, but the situation is much better than nalanjing, because those injuries fell on nalanjing alone.

On the footprints of the heavenly way, her field of life can't be used at all. Yes, in the invisible scope of the heavenly way, all fields can't be used.

"Jing, leave the rest to me. You have blocked a lot for me." Black bright eyes some worried looking at him.

"I am a man and your husband. It's up to me to stop the injury. What's more, you are pregnant now, so you should not use force frequently. What if you and your child are hurt? " Nalanjing's eyes are filled with infinite tenderness,

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