The figures followed black scorpion and green scorpion and walked out.

Mu Qianyue and mu rutian also went out.

Walking to the door, we can see that the figures in front of the house are constantly busy. Some are carrying bricks, some are carrying cement, and some are directly building walls. They are quick and capable, energetic and powerful.

A 60 year old man was smiling and directing.

Black scorpion, green scorpion and other people see this scene, are surprised to stare at each other, very speechless. They copied the guy and thought they could have a big fight, but they came to build the wall instead of fighting.

Suddenly a speechless rolling eyes, no fight, really boring ah.

"You must be the master of Jingyue Pavilion. Do you admire the moon?" When the two elders of Tujia saw someone coming out, he showed a friendly smile on his face. His eyes swept through the crowd, and fell on mu Qianyue.

In order to find out who is mu Qianyue, he did not do less work, especially to get the portrait of Mu Qianyue, so as not to recognize the wrong person.

"Yes, I am mu Qianyue. Who are you? Why do you come to Jingyue pavilion Mu shallow moon eyebrow tiny frown, a face cold asks a way.

One side of the street wind chime smell speech is speechless, the little girl acting ability is high! I know they are from Tujia, but I pretend I don't know them. Ha ha

"Ha ha I'm the second elder of Tujia. I've made it clear before. It's my Tujia people's fault. Although Tu Wei Ming is a direct disciple of our Tujia family, he is used to domineering and domineering in ordinary times, and he has caused a lot of trouble. We've been disciplining him, but he didn't listen, and now he deserves it. " Elder Tu Er sniffed at the corner of his mouth and said with a smile.

"Why? Don't you come here for revenge? Seeing that you have brought so many people, I think you are going to be the enemy of Jingyue Pavilion. " There was a soft and waxy sound in the crowd.

It was Nalan Schelling who spoke.

On hearing this, elder tu'er took a puff of his mouth again, raised his head and looked forward. When he saw Nalan Xueling, his eyes showed a look of horror. Then he stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes, for fear that he would be dazzled.

What? First class warrior? In the past, the little girl who looked like she was only about ten years old was a warrior?!

Oh, my God! I'm not dazzled, am I?

"Tuer, what are you looking at? Do I have flowers on my face Nalan Xueling stepped forward with a smile and stretched out his hand to pull the goatee on the chin of elder tu'er. The pain made him straight canthus and grin, and quickly came back to God.

"No, No Elder tu'er quickly returned to the road, but in his heart he set off a startling wave.

The Jingyue Pavilion is amazing. All the ten year old first-class warriors have come out!

All of them are changing. State!!

Such strength, such talent, too terrible! I can't imagine how this little girl will grow up in ten years!

Looking at Nalan Xueling playing tricks on the earth two elders, Mu Xiaoyue shakes her head in silence, but her eyes are full of doting and tenderness.

Then she looked up at the opposite person and said, "elder tu'er, you are here for tuweiming's sake. These days, I'm thinking of going to tuzhou city and visiting your Tujia. After all, tuweiming and tufei are Tujia people."

The second elder of the earth was surprised at the speech, and quickly arched his hand and said, "Tu Wei knows that he has committed many crimes and deserves to die. It's his honor to die in your hands! As for tufei, he will seek revenge regardless of the details. He is an idiot. He deserves to die. "

In the eyes of the wind chime on the street, a huge black line flashed over her head. The little girl is really a cow! It's amazing to let the two elders of Tujia speak like this!

In fact, it is her own strength that really frightens her. No matter where she is placed, is it not frightening?

Mu Xiaoyue's heart is also secretly funny. If Tu Weiming and Tu Fei hear it in the ground, they will be angry to climb out of the soil.

The black scorpion and the green scorpion were quite speechless when they heard the speech. The old man was really good at talking. So they were embarrassed to find his Tujia trouble.

"Since you Tujia are not going to investigate this matter, let's go." Mu shallow moon light way.

make complaints about the two elders, and they can not help but feel that they can't help them. Seven level Emperor Wu, sneeze can kill them

"That's good, so good. Master mu, this is the intention of our Tujia family. I hope you will accept it. This has caused a lot of trouble to Jingyue Pavilion. I hope you will not be surprised. " With a flash of his hand, he took out a small space ring and handed it to him.

It contains a large number of gold coins, medicinal materials, weapons, etc.

Tu Er Chang was smiling on his face, but he was bleeding in his heart. The money that the Tujia family had managed to accumulate was scattered for no reason. It was all due to the damned Tu Wei Ming and Tu Fei, who were all dead and even implicated the Tu family.

"Elder tu'er is really polite. I'll take it so as not to worry you." Mu Qianyue reaches out to take it.Although the gold coins, medicinal materials, weapons, etc. are not rare to her, they must be collected.

Although she is not rare, it can be left for the development of Jingyue Pavilion.

Who would think he had too much money?

The second elder of the earth saw that mu Qianyue had accepted Najie and pressed. A huge stone in his heart finally sank, and he could not help but feel relieved.

After that, mu Qianyue ordered people to invite elder Tu Er into the house, so that they could be entertained.

For mu Qianyue's decision, some people didn't understand at the beginning, but they all understood Mu's painstaking efforts afterwards. Although Jingyue Pavilion now has the ability to fight against Tujia, it can even destroy the whole Tujia.

However, Tujia is a big family that has lived in the land of magic state for thousands of years. It has certain connections and friends. Besides, all the eight physical families have contacts.

If Jingyue Pavilion really destroys the Tujia, it may lead to the common anger and hatred of the eight physical families. If these families are connected together, even if Jingyue Pavilion is strong, it can not be defeated.

So mu had to consider these factors.

Besides, the leader of the Tujia family sent someone to surrender and showed his attitude.

This is the meaning of the so-called hand out smile.

After repairing the collapsed wall, elder tu'er went back immediately. It took less than a day to recover.

It spread like a hurricane across the land of unreal state.

When everyone knew that even the Tujia were afraid of Jingyue Pavilion, they were all shocked and shocked, and their faces showed an incredible look.

Once there were only a dozen people in the small school, now it has developed into a big school! , the fastest update of the webnovel!