If the little girl is such a person, at the beginning, she would not choose to follow her.

After returning to the room, mu Qianyue's mind moved and called Mu Yifeng.

"Master! You're back at last. I thought you didn't want an old slave! " Mu Yifeng red eyes, full of grievances looking at her, like she is very heartless abandon him in general, this makes Mu shallow month very speechless.

Corner of the mouth a convulsion, lazy lift eyes to look at him, "recently Mu home can have what movement?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Mu Yifeng nodded his head in a hurry. After getting the permission of Mu Qianyue, he continued, "half a year ago, those people of the Mu family once sent out a part, as if they had gone to tianwu land and captured a man named Muhong. Now that man is being held in the dark room of Mu family, and has not been released so far."

Hearing this, Mu Xiaoyue's body was shocked, and she stood up from the stool with a Shua. Her black eyes were filled with anger, hatred, and an undisguised intention to kill.

It's really the people of the Mu family who did it!

Although she has known for a long time, but at the moment, listening to Mu Yifeng's account, the anger in her heart still can't help but erupt, which makes her have the idea of rushing to Mu's home to save people.

"Master, who are you

"He is my grandfather and a very important and important relative in my life." Mu Xiaoyue clenched his fist under his sleeve.

It seems to feel Mu's anger and thoughts. Mu Yifeng thought and said, "master, you can't be impulsive! Before, I thought everything was ordered by elder Mu Linggang, and he wanted to fight for the artifact in your hand. It was only recently that I realized that Mu Linggang was just following orders. "

As he said that, his face showed a look of shock and horror.

Smell speech, Mu shallow month facial expression suddenly a change, the black eye son light squint, look back at him, "say all you know."

"Yes, master." Mu Yifeng bowed his hands and continued, "recently, I secretly investigated and discovered that the man who had been secretly controlling all this was the supreme ancestor of the Mu family. Sixty years ago, he stepped into the realm of the Ninth level emperor and warrior, but he has not been promoted. He has been stuck in the same place for more than ten years without any improvement in his strength. It seems to be the highest level of his life and the peak of his life

"But the supreme ancestor, he is not reconciled! He wanted to break through the realm of God King, but he couldn't find the chance. One day, he found out something about Muxuan a thousand years ago in the history books of the Mu family. He was surprised to learn that there was an ancient artifact named Tongtian tower in Muxuan's body. It was precisely because of the tower that Mu Xuan had changed from a genius to a waste. Therefore, the supreme ancestor began to look for the ancient artifact Tongtian tower. "

"It's a pity that Mu Xuan has been dead for a thousand years. There is no way to find out, and no one knows where he went. But the emperor was not reconciled to it. Every day he sent people out to look for mu Xuan's descendants. Finally, one day, 20 years ago, he found a clue, that is, he found the descendants of Mujia in tianwu land! "

"But no matter what method he used, Mu Xuan's descendants always insisted that there was no ancient artifact to connect with the heaven tower, so the ancestor wanted to order people to capture them. But because of the rules of the plane space, he could not fight against the people in tianwu, so he sent a group of people in black. I thought it would be easy, but I didn't expect that Mu Yan's wife was the third daughter of Jin's family in the land of fantasy

After a sip of tea, Mu Yifeng continued, "the Jin family is far less powerful than the Mu family in terms of strength and background. Even if Muyan has the support of the Jin family, it is difficult to be an enemy of the Mu family! The supreme ancestor finally captured Mu Yan and his wife Jin Yilan. However, the owner of the Jin family was crazy and wanted to fight against the emperor. In that war, naturally, it was the Jin family leader who was defeated and nearly died in the war. Finally, it was the worry free old man who was famous in the illusory state to appear and put the matter right. "

"After that, the emperor wanted to find the trace of the two of them, but he found that they were mysteriously evaporated in the world, and could not be found. Although the master of the Jin family didn't die, he lost all his strength and was very miserable. As for how he is now, I don't know. "

After listening to Mu Yifeng's story, mu Qianyue's heart is full of ups and downs, and her mood is hard to calm down. Her eyes are filled with water mist, and her anger is like a snowball!

It turns out that all this was done by the supreme ancestor of Mu family!

Just for his own selfish desire, in order to break through the God King as soon as possible, he started to attack her father and mother like this! Break up their family alive!

And my grandfather

The gold master in Mu Yifeng's mouth should refer to his mother's father.

The current leader of the Jin family met with her four years ago when she took part in a sectarian competition in Qingzhou City. She was a middle-aged man and should not be a grandfather.

At the thought of her grandfather's total loss of strength, it was tragic, and her heart filled with pain.

In the mainland, no strength, will be bullied, will be ridiculed, will be severely trampled under the feet!

Especially in a large family like the Jin family, my grandfather, as the head of the Jin family, must have suffered a lot after he stepped down.Some people like to do is to meet the high step low, when you see the dejected, severely step on a foot.

In the past, she thought that my grandfather was heartless. She only cared about herself, regardless of her mother and father, but she didn't expect her grandfather to pay so much! In order to save my mother and father, I almost died!

If it wasn't for the carefree old man, I'm afraid his mother, father and grandfather would all die in the hands of the supreme ancestor!

The fist under the sleeve is tightly clenched again. No matter what strength you are, this time I must ask you to pay a painful price for what you did at that time!

"Master, your enemy is the supreme ancestor. I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with! But don't worry, master. No matter what happens, I will be on your side! " Mu Yifeng said seriously.

"Yes. Muyifeng, I know your heart! " Mu shallow moon helpless shallow sigh, this God's blood contract is good, is overbearing.

But muyifeng is a little sticky!

"Here are some red refined stones, which can improve your strength as soon as possible. Are you now the eighth level warrior?" Mu Xiaoyue takes out a pile of red fine crystal stones.

"Yes, master, I just got promoted last month!" Mu Yifeng is excited and says with a smile that the master's talent is strong. Those who were weaker than him at that time have become emperor martial artists.

When he saw the red fine crystal stones in Mu Qianyue's hands, he couldn't help but stare at them with astonishment, "master, where did so many red fine stones come from?"

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