"When you get there, it's my father's yard." Gold is also the way.

Looking at this simple courtyard, mu Qianyue's heart is sour and cold.

"It's no use for me. As the owner of the Mu family, I can't put a comfortable yard for my father. I can only live here." Jin also sighed, and his voice was full of remorse.

"Brother, it's not your fault." Thinking of those people, Jin Yicheng's eyes became cold.

"Master, six elders? Why are you here? " Out of the house, a middle-aged man walked up to Jin Yicheng and Jin Yicheng, bowing to each other.

"How's father? How are you?" Kim asked, too.

"The same as before." The middle-aged man sighed.

Jin also sees mu Qianyue's puzzled eyes at the middle-aged man, and can't help explaining, "after his father's paralysis, his legs and feet are inconvenient. This is his close friend, Xu Lun, who has been taking care of his father all these years."

The man looked suspiciously at Xiaoyue, and his eyes showed a strange look. He didn't seem to understand how Jin Yicheng could explain it like a young woman. It seems that this woman has a high status in Jin Yicheng's hearts.

Mu Xiaoyue nodded and understood the intention of Jin.

Walk into the yard, pick up the steps and walk into the house.

Although the yard was simple and crude, the lighting was excellent, the room was bright and the air was fresh.

There was an old man lying on the soft couch by the window. He looked at the green bamboo by the window with his slightly turbid eyes. He heard a slight footstep coming from the room. It was not as heavy as Ping Jin or Jin Yicheng, nor as cheerful as Xiaoying, but calm.

"Xu Lun, who is it

As he spoke, he turned his head, and when he saw the girl's beautiful and slightly familiar face, his body could not help shaking violently.

A pair of eyes immediately red up, covered with sour, water mist, look excited and happy, but also with a bit of urgency, sadness and so on As if in a moment, all the emotions are pouring into my mind, five flavors mixed Chen.

"Lan'er Lan'er? Is that you Are you back? "

He couldn't help but stretch out his hand to her. If it wasn't for paralysis, he would get up and rush forward.

Now he can only quietly wait for the girl to approach, quietly looking at her beautiful and familiar face.

In an instant, tears flowed from the old man's wrinkled face, blurring his sight, but he didn't dare to blink his eyes, and he didn't dare to lift his hand to wipe it

He was afraid that in the blink of an eye, Lan'er disappeared

Is his Lan'er finally back?

The girl's face is white and delicate, her eyes are picturesque, her jade nose is high and straight, and her pink lips are like peach blossoms flying in March, charming but not gorgeous.

A light purple dress came slowly, and the golden light was shining behind her. It looked like a fairy falling on the earth, not contaminated with a trace of secular atmosphere.


Mu Xiaoyue called out, quickly stepped forward, went to the bedside, sat down, and held his outstretched hand.

Jin Long's body trembled, his eyes gaped with disbelief, "what do you call me?"


Mu shallow month continues to shout, the voice can not help but put gentle down.

"You, you are not Lan'er?" Jinlong looks surprised, "you don't Lan'er, why do you look so similar to Lan'er? And why do you call me grandfather? I don't know... " Said, his words suddenly a meal, the eyes once again incredible open boss, "you are the small month?"

"Grandfather, do you know me?" Mu shallow moon surprised way.

"Are you really Xiaoyue? Are you really Xiaoyue? Are you really Xiaoyue Jinlong was excited and asked three times in a row.

"Yes, I am Xiaoyue, and Jin Yilan is my mother." Mu's voice is no longer as plain as before, but with a trace of excitement, emotion and apology.

At that time, because of his mother and grandfather's paralysis, he lost all his strength and became a disabled man. As soon as he lay down, he lay on the bed for nineteen years!

In the past 19 years, who knows the pain, sadness, sadness and desolation in his heart?

He was in this small room day after day, year after year lonely pain, then his LAN son did not come back a step

"You are really Xiaoyue! Xiaoyue, you are so big, you are so big You look just like your mother... " Jinlong voice choked, the old face because of excitement, because of tears, and appear more old, more distressing.

At that time, he only saw Xiaoyue from afar. At that time, Xiaoyue fell asleep after drinking milk, and her appearance was very lovely.

Since then, he has no chance to meet again. He is missing day by day in his heart. Now, in the blink of an eye, Xiaoyue is so big!!

Although Xiaoyue and Lan'er look alike, but look closely, there are some differences.

Just now he was so excited that he recognized Xiaoyue as Lan'er.

"Well, grandfather, I grew up..." Mu's voice choked up."Good, good, grow up, grow up..." Jinlong was so sobbed that he could hardly speak.

Mu Xiaoyue reached out and gently brushed away the tears on his face. He didn't dislike him for being old and ugly.

On the contrary, Jinlong was a little embarrassed. He wiped the tears on his face with his sleeve and said with a smile, "you can see that my grandfather is very old and still crying. It's really a joke."

"Great grandfather, don't worry, we won't laugh at you." Soft waxy voice sounded, very cute.

Jinlong noticed that there was a little girl about ten years old standing by the bed. Her white face was like a ceramic doll, and her dark eyes were even more dazzling than the stars in the sky.

"You call me granddad?"

"Well, she is my mother, so you are my great grandfather." Nalan Xueling said with a smile.

Jin Long's surprise on his face was deeper. He turned his head and looked at Xiangmu Qianyue. "Xiaoyue, you should be only 19 years old this year, right? She, she and she seem to be ten years old. Why don't you just be nine years old... "

"Grandfather, no, it's not what you think. Xiaoling is really my own daughter, but I didn't give birth to a child when I was ten years old. In short, things are a little complicated. Maybe her nutrition is too good? In fact, she is only four years old. "

From the rebirth of Nalan Xueling, he was really four years old, and four years had passed in a twinkling of an eye.

"Oh..." Jinlong suddenly nods, but Xiangmu Qianyue's eyes are still full of heartache and self blame. Four years ago, she was only 15 years old. She had a baby at the age of 15. Although it's not too early, it's still early

Without the love of parents, Xiaoyue must have suffered a lot.

And standing on the side of Jin also, Jin Yicheng's face also showed a sudden color. Before hearing that mu Qianyue had such a big daughter, they were both greatly surprised.

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