"Useless things." Jin Mengni looked at him with disgust. Then she looked up at Xiangmu and Xiaoyue and said with a sneer, "I made a mistake. I didn't expect that you were still a poison master! Hum, but what about that? Soon your two uncles, Kim, will be defeated by my grandfather

"After I make an appointment with you, my father and grandfather will fight against them. Without your support, they are just ants, not afraid at all!"

Jinmengni's eyes were filled with malice and coldness, and her lips drew a ferocious sneer, "calculate the time, my father and grandfather should be successful. If you dare to kill me, neither of them will live! Oh, there's that old trash! "

The old and immortal waste in her mouth refers to Mu Qianyue's grandfather, Jinlong.

Mu Xiaoyue heard the words and raised a sneering smile. "We have already understood your plan, but we have played a drama with you. Do you really think that all this is perfect? Hehe, I forgot to tell you that I had cured my grandfather's illness for a long time. Now he can walk freely and recover his health, but also recover the strength of the sixth level emperor warrior. "

As he said this, he casually played with the tea cup in his hand, and slowly looked up at Jin Mengni. His long, long and black eyes were filled with piercing coldness, "it is estimated that your grandfather and father should be killed on the spot! Who else do you think can come to save you? "

"No! No way Smell speech, jinmengni face instant white, ugly, she roared.

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, because you'll soon get what you deserve." Murmured coldly.

At this moment, Jin Mengni's body was completely paralyzed. Her face was pale and bloodless, her eyes were empty and full of unbelievable expression. Did Jin Long's injury recover? All the strength has been restored?

It's impossible!!

His bones are broken below the waist!

At that time, almost all the Dan pharmacists in the whole magic state continent said that there was no cure!

Now he is cured by mu Qianyue? How is that possible?

Why is there no movement these days?!!

But no one will answer her doubts!

Li Hongxiao saw Jin Mengni's face, the last point on his face, Xiyi retreated, even climbed to Mu Qianyue's face and cried, "don't kill me She told me to do it It's none of my business... "

"Hum! It's too late to regret now Ice flame kicked him away.

"Brother Bingyan, I'm wrong. Don't kill me. I'm really wrong Sister mu, please spare me Xiaoying, please ask them for love... " Jinmengni was stunned for a long time before she suddenly regained her mind and kept begging for mercy.

"If sister Yue saw through your plot early in the morning, I'm afraid we'll all die in your hands! Do you think we might let you go? " Jin Xiaoying looks at her coldly.

Ice flame as in the past, cold and indifferent, even a look are disdain to her.

Seeing mu Qianyue, Bingyan and other people's expressions cold, Jin Mengni felt disgusted and cold in her eyes. At this moment, she deeply regretted that she had offended them

"At this moment, the good play begins." Nalan Xueling chuckles and flicks her finger. Two pills fall into the mouth of Jin Mengni and Li Hongxiao.

The pill melts in the mouth, and instantly goes down the throat. No matter how Jin Mengni and Li Hongxiao buckle, they can't make it out!

"What did you give us?" Jinmengni looks pale and raises her head. She looks at Nalan Xueling with fear.

"Hee hee, it's nothing. It's just love medicine that can make you two revel for three days and three nights. Well, after three days, I'll die with rotten intestines. How about I'm kind and righteous?" Nalan Xueling said with a smile, blinked her lovely big eyes, and looked harmless to human beings and animals.

That light tone is like saying how the weather is today. If you don't listen to her, you will think that she is a very lovely little angel. In fact, she is a real devil!

After a while, jinmengni and Li Hongxiao felt hot and irritable, and their eyes gradually became blurred. Then they rolled and hugged each other and began to tear each other's clothes. Their actions were rough and wild. They were just waves and waves, and they were almost endless!

"Let's go." Mu Xiaoyue gets up and walks out of the box. The rest is naturally those things. They don't even have to look at them. One more look will only stain their eyes.

Bing Yan, Nalan Xueling and Jin Xiaoying follow behind.

The wind bell on the street looks at the two people rolling together in the room with cold eyes. There is also a trace of painful memories in his eyes. If he had left one more heart and didn't trust others, maybe he would not have been disfigured by others

At that time, I was still too naive and simple. Compared with the calm and meticulous mind of the little girl, it was far from perfect.

But this time, she will never be as credulous as before!

Poison dance door, it won't be long, I will return to the wind chime on the stranger!Heavily exhaled a breath, covered the eyes of the flying thoughts and feelings, the wind chime on the stranger got up and followed up.

All kinds of people gasp from the outside to the room.

The entire restaurant in the second floor of customers, see the situation have been surprised to stare at the eyes.

"Shit! Who are these two people? How dare you! It's shameless to be in full view of all the people in the day and night! "

"Wow, wow, free spring palace show! Still alive! Tut Tut, this posture is against the sky... "

"Eh, aren't these Jin Mengni and Li Hongxiao of the Jin family? How can these two people get together and still be so emotional? "

"Dry firewood and fire, tut tut It's exciting and passionate... "

We also did not have the mind to eat, one by one staring at the big eyes, a look of watching the play, talking in succession.

Jin Mengni and Li Hongxiao were naked and hugged together. They went to the street on the second floor of the restaurant directly. This scene scared people and shook their heads and sighed.

"The world is going down, the world is going down..."

It was already afternoon when the master Li received the news and rushed over. Li Hongxiao still didn't hear what he wanted to say. He was immersed in the beautiful entanglement with Jin Mengni, with a look of ecstasy and selflessness.

Li's face immediately looks very ugly. It seems that Xiao'er has been taken a very powerful medicine!

According to the news, Jin Xiaoer has been entangled with Xiao'er for a whole day.

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