In the excitement and tension of the waiting, suddenly the sky clouds, a dark, overcast wind gusts, the breath of death from under the nine days shrouded, like the God of death!

Originally the bright sun did not know when to hide, was blocked by dark clouds.

Day turns into night in an instant!

Even around the sound of howling ghosts and wolves, sad and sad cry, people heard it creepy, as if in nine hell!

Not only is Jingyue Pavilion like this, but also the whole Jingyue city and the whole neighborhood of nearly a thousand miles are exposed to such a scene, which is extremely terrifying!

The common people and the strong people in countless cities were scared to run home. They closed their doors tightly. They even dare not take a step. Their faces were frightened. What's the matter? Good weather change? Or did they come to the nine hell? How did the world suddenly become so terrible?

The eyes of Xiao xuan'er, Mo Shang Fengling and others are also full of deep horror.

"Cluck, cluck..."

Only listen to the blood in the flowers spread out a burst of clear and pleasant "giggle" laughter.

"Mother My mother... "

The pure and tender voice, as if it were the most beautiful note in the world, struck people's hearts.

With the sound, the sky suddenly returned to normal, the sun was high, the sky was blue, and the clouds were flying in the sky. Everything was not normal, as if they had been hallucinating just now, and had never appeared.

But we were already stunned, one by one, astonished and surprised, and apparently not yet awakened from the sudden change.


A little noise.

At the next moment, the petals of Xueling flower open, revealing the figure inside.

Mu was dressed neatly, still wearing a lavender dress, her hair was slightly disordered, but it did not affect her beauty. On the contrary, because she was a new mother, she had more charm and elegance.

In her hands, she held a small guy with smooth, tender, tender and fleshy body.

Blood spirit flowers into a red awn, into the body of the little guy.

The little guy giggled straight, the tender white toot small hand ring Mu shallow month's neck, the sound of milk is very pleasing.

"Mother Mother Cluck... "

The crowd was already in disorder in the wind.


When you're born, you call your mother, you talk?

Shit, do you want to be such a monster!

People were born with a loud and clear cry, that I came to the world.

But this little guy is not only not crying, but also laughing so happily. He will call his mother as soon as he opens his mouth

In vain, they worry about it for so long!

What a blow! It's so annoying!

This man is more angry than others!

"It worries everyone." Mu Xiaoyue said with a smile.

The public then responded, one by one speechless, obviously this blow is not small!

However, Xiao xuan'er, Bing Yan, mu rutian, Fengling on the street and Nalan Xueling were calm, for they knew it for a long time.

Rao is so, they are still shocked.

At that time, mu Qianyue didn't say there was such a scene!

This scene is so shocking!

Did this little guy make all this?

In particular, Muhong and Jinlong, the two old guys have been stunned, stay in place, for a long time can not return to their senses.

Seeing the consternation and dullness on the faces of the people, Mu Xiaoyue raised a bitter smile on her lips. However, at the beginning, she was afraid that the incident would cause too much noise and did not tell others.

Now, it's going to be known all over the world.

It's really not at all easy

It's more strange than having a freak

"Little girl, what kind of monster did you have? On his face Is this the mark of Manzhu shahua On the stranger's surprise, his eyes fell on the delicate, round and lovely left face of the little guy. He could see that there was a trace of blood on his left face near his ear temples.

"I don't know..." Mu shallow month is very speechless, she is estimated to be the only mother in the world who does not know her own child's situation.

"My mother, my brother is so beautiful. He has a pair of purple eyes just like my father." Nalan Xueling stepped forward and couldn't help reaching out and pinching the little guy's face. His face showed a spoiled and gentle expression, "mother, my brother is smiling at me, hee hee..."

Maybe it's because the little guy was just born. His big eyes are bright and full of curiosity. They are clear and pure, even clearer than nalanjing's eyes.

The little guy looked east and West, and his eyes fell on Nalan Xueling's body. His soft and sticky little hands grasped Nalan Xueling's hands.

"Sister Sister... "

"Ah! He called my sister! Ha ha, mother, my brother calls my sister Nalanxielin jumped with excitement."He looks like the Lord." Xiao xuan'er and others also gathered around and stretched out their magic claws one by one. They couldn't help touching the newborn.

It's too soft, too cute, too cute! I can't put it down!

"Moon, are you a child or a monster?" After a long pause, Jinlong suddenly came back to his senses. He swallowed his spittle and asked.

I've seen so many children. It's amazing that he hasn't seen so many children! It caused such a stir!

"Pooh, Pooh! You are the monster, your whole family is a monster! How to talk! My baby grandson is gifted. Do you have any insight into reincarnation? " Mu Hong was not happy, said to look at the moon, grinning, showing a touch of excited and flattering smile, "come and come, give me a hug, my baby grandson ah!"

Mu Hong carefully takes the baby from mu Qianyue's arms, and looks at his pink face, dark and pure big eyes. His face is full of joy and love. What a lovely baby!

Especially to see him lick tongue, yawn lazy look, is to sprout people's hearts.

"Hello, I haven't held it yet!" Jinlong shouts discontented and rushes forward to grab it.

Mu Hong holding the baby up and down, discontented shouting, "don't give, don't give! I haven't had enough of it yet

"This is my great grandson too!" Golden Dragon rage way.

"I don't care! I want you to have a granddaughter Mu Hong grinned.

Jinlong is speechless. Xiaoying is only 15 years old. Even if she wants to live, it will be years later

"The old man, give me the baby, don't make me do it!"

"You dare to hurt my great grandson. I'm not finished with you!" Mu Hong is holding the baby. He can't put it down. , the fastest update of the webnovel!