"Do you dare to question the person the second prince likes? You don't have the ability to destroy the tiger regiment, but you can rest assured that as long as you are loyal to the second prince, the second prince will never treat you badly! " The elder raised his eyes and disdained to look at the head of the fierce tiger and said coldly.

The fierce tiger commander's face changed dramatically. For a moment, he became very ugly. He clenched his fist under his sleeve, and then released it.

"Yes! I will try my best to be loyal to the second prince. "

Yan Yi nodded with satisfaction, "tiger, when things are over here, you can follow me to Yanhuang Empire, and I will provide you with cultivation resources."

The tiger was overjoyed when he heard the speech. The anger, displeasure and dissatisfaction that had been held in his heart just now disappeared in an instant. He quickly said with a smile, "thank you, second prince."

It is more promising to follow the second prince to the Yanhuang empire than to stay in the city of the sea. Moreover, the conditions there are superior and safe. It is not as dangerous as here and lives a life of licking blood with the tip of a knife every day.

Yanhuang empire is a giant in the magic land. Its status and power are higher than that of Mojia and Shangguan family. Even in the face of the temple, you don't have to be afraid. I don't know how many people want to break their heads to enter the Yanhuang empire!

Now there is such an opportunity in front of him, he naturally does not want to miss it!

This is a great opportunity! With the support of the second prince, maybe he can become the king of gods and become a strong generation! That is the supreme glory!

"Listen to me, you people! Standing in front of you is the second prince of Yanhuang empire. Now the second prince has a fancy to you, which is your blessing! Come to the second prince's side obediently, and enjoy all the glory and wealth. If you don't follow, the dead sea will be your burial place

The tiger team immediately played the role of a dogleg, Yangwu Yaowu roared.

Hearing this, Xiao xuan'er disdained to pick his eyebrows, "what's the second prince of the Yanhuang Empire, very powerful? I've never heard of it. It's a self righteous fool. "

"Death! How dare you insult the second prince Standing beside Yan Yi, the elder was furious.

But Yan Yi raised her hand and stopped him, "Hey, don't be angry with the beauty. It's normal for the beauty to have a little temper. It's just like those obedient beauties, just like puppets. It's really boring."

His eyes twinkled with excitement, as if he had found a new prey. The more fiery a beauty is, the more he can arouse his desire! Such a woman has the desire to conquer!

Whether it's a cool, elegant, indifferent and quiet girl in purple, a shark with green eyes and black hair, Xiao xuan'er with red eyes and a red suit like fire, a mature, noble and cold wind chime on the street, a green and tender little ling'er carved with powdered jade, a gentle and pleasant Xu Yurong, or a dream like a non cannibal fireworks People.

And they all have their own characteristics. They are so fascinating that they don't pay for their lives!

I didn't expect to meet so many beauties this time!

But his eyes fell on Tian Shuo, Mu Ru Tian, Jun Lin Tian, Bing Yan and other men. There was a trace of jealousy in his eyes. So many beautiful beauties could form a team. What a bargain these guys are!

If you are the person on that ship, blowing the sea breeze, surrounded by beauties and attentively serving, it is really great cool!

Nine nine disdain stretch out a hand buckle nose, small face show disdain look, "mother, someone is going to die again."

"Since people come to the door to ask for a fight, is there any reason to refuse to do so?" Tian Shuo answered, and a bloody sneer came up from the corner of his mouth.

"Well After all, it's because we are so beautiful. Well, it's not our fault to be beautiful. " Xiao xuan'er covers her mouth and smiles.

Ice flame speechless took a puff of the corner of the mouth, "can not narcissism? But to be honest, our group is really too handsome, too cool, have wood have? It seems that because of the problem of beauty, several batches of color embryos have been attracted. Oh, pity us men. We're going to be flower protectors again. "

"It's your pleasure to be with us. Don't you see that the people opposite are envious to drool?" Xiao xuan'er looks white.

"Well, it's really an honor. It's my lifelong honor to be with the master." The ice flame lip angle raises a good-looking radian.

"Everybody, I want to catch all these people. Remember, treat beauties gently, but don't hurt them. As for those men Kill them all and feed them. " Hum, but after a cold look on his face.

These people not only don't beg for mercy, but also chat freely in front of them? What a nuisance!

Soon, he will regret his decision, and regret it as never before.

"Tengtengteng" leaped up one after another and rushed to the two boats on mu Qianyue's side. Their swords were full of wind and their swords were flying, which caused waves of thousands of layers for a moment!

Mu Qianyue found that the strength of the second prince on the opposite side was very strong. There were six emperor warriors, twelve divine warriors, and more than twenty holy warriors. Such a powerful team was very powerful.

Some of these people are from the Empire of Yan and Huang, and some of them are strong men who are recruited by high price.The commander of the fierce tiger with a big knife quickly rushed to the emperor Lin Tian and others. Hum, just now the second prince said not to kill women, but to kill men. In front of these Tian Yu Tuan men, he can kill them at will. It's just revenge!

Jun Lin Tian's body moved, and his sword waved in his hand, blocking the thorns he waved.

Fighting figures were everywhere in a cabin and deck.

Yan Yi is standing on her own deck, holding a glass of wine bottle in her hand. She tastes the burning liquor carefully. She just feels comfortable. After a while, she will have a beautiful woman in her arms. Ha ha

The next moment, he was startled to widen his eyes, only to see a road of majestic momentum from the opposite, like a mountain like a roar over!

That's the strength of the high-level emperor warrior!

However, those people on the opposite side are obviously young and seem to be only about 20 years old. Why are there so many emperors and warriors?

Those experts on Yan Yi's side also showed a frightened look on their faces. They couldn't beat these people at all! It's clear that he's under pressure!

"Four nine level, eight level and five level?" Exclaimed the old man in disbelief.

Smell speech, Yan Yi's face showed a deep shock, deep eyes flash through a flurry, these people are so young, how can they have such strong strength! Are they old people who have lived for hundreds of years?

Since the GUSHENG beauty pill, even the old man can recover his young face! If they take GUSHENG Meiyan pill, then this is possible!

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