"Although I agree to let you stay here for one night, I hope you'd better not make any bad ideas or bully Yingying, otherwise I won't let you have a good time!" Ke clan chief lenglengleng dropped a word, turned to leave.

Mu rutian has a flash of opportunity in his eyes. The eyes of the wind chime on the street are filled with cold killing intention and displeasure. On mu Qianyue's two wrists, the same cold and bloodthirsty breath comes out, which is the anger of Xiao Xuaner and Bingyan.

Ke Ying Ying Ying changed her face and said, "brother Tian, sister Fengling, don't be angry. My father is very nice. He just hates human beings, so he said that. You must not take it to heart."

"It's OK." Mu Xiaoyue raised her eyes and glared at Mu Ru Tian. Mu Ru Tian then snorted and restrained her murderous spirit.

No matter how the patriarch Ke's attitude was, she would sell Ke Yingying a face. Moreover, she promised Ke Yingying not to fight with her father and patriarch before she came.

Let's bear it for a while, and go to the forbidden area early tomorrow morning.

That night, mu Qianyue and his party were arranged to live in Ke Yingying's home.

After dinner, Ke Yingying looked at her and said, "sister Yue, I'm going to dream about elder sister ran. Let her refine pills for my mother."

Then he turned and left.

A group of light red light from Mu shallow month's wrist drill down, quickly into the dark, quietly followed Ke Yingying behind.

Needless to say, we also know that this light red light is Xiao xuan'er.

Mu Qianyue wants to stop her, but Xiao xuan'er runs fast. In a flash, she disappears. With a sigh, she leaves. It is estimated that Xiao Xuaner is too curious. However, mu Qianyue did not doubt that Ke Yingying would do harm to them.


Ke Ying Ying Ying, holding a wooden sandalwood box with Yunrong flowers in her hands, walked briskly in the moonlight towards a courtyard at the foot of Fangshan Mountain.

"Sister mengran, sister mengran..."

Shout a few have no response, Ke Ying Ying Ying eyes surging doubt look, is dream ran elder sister not at home?

She walked into the yard and looked for it again. She didn't see Zhou mengran's figure. Ke Yingying had a disappointment in her eyes. She seemed to think of something. Her lips couldn't help but smile. "By the way, maybe sister mengran is there with brother Muze! Well, I've just come back, and I don't have time to see brother muzawa. Maybe he will be very happy to see me! "

After that, Ke Yingying went to twilight's house and entered the garden where she lived. She had not come here once or twice, so everything here is very familiar. Even with her eyes closed, she would not go wrong.

Just as she had just entered Zeyuan, she saw the two familiar figures standing under the tree. Before she could shout out, the sharp and harsh voice penetrated the air and fell into her ears, leaving her stunned on the spot!

"Twilight, don't be silly! Ke Ying Ying Ying Ying, she died long ago! Even if you wait for her here all your life, she will never come back! " Zhou mengran said angrily.

Twilight does not care about her at all, but self-care to drink the wine in his hand, the strong cold and scalding wine down the throat, swallowing his heart, his reason, his narrow eyes in a faint sadness.

"Twilight, did you hear me talking to you? Why do you only have Ke Ying Ying Ying in your eyes? What's good about her? Am I not good to you? Don't you understand my feelings all these years Zhou mengran continued not to give up.

Twilight's gray eyes gradually became colorful. He looked down at Zhou mengran, and his eyes filled with cold and disgust, "did you mean to say that yunronghua can make pills? Yingying, will you go to the forbidden mountain to collect herbs at all costs? Right? "

Because in the whole city of Wu, only the forbidden mountains have Yunrong flowers.

Zhou mengran was stunned, and a cold smile appeared on her beautiful face! I said that on purpose! Yunronghua can't make pills at all, and I don't have any pills that can make her mother wake up. It's just that I lied to her! Ha ha What a fool she was to believe it! A stupid man ran to the forbidden mountain

"Why? Why are you doing this? You always trust her as your sister Twilight Ze's face is surging with anger, a hand held Zhou mengran's throat.

Standing in the dark, Ke Ying Ying Ying's face turned pale and bloodless. She bit her teeth and clenched the wooden sandalwood box in her hand. Her eyes filled with anger. She suffered a lot and even died there for the sake of the Yunrong flower!

Because Zhou mengran said that yunronghua could refine pills and make her mother wake up, she believed it!

But she never thought that Zhou mengran was lying to her!

When she was about to walk out, Zhou mengran's voice continued to ring in the night, with strong disdain and anger.

"Ah Why? All this is about to ask you! I love you deeply, but you only have Ke Yingying in your eyes! So she's damned! As long as she is dead, no one will rob you with me! I am Dan pharmacist. I am the pride of the whole Spanish people. I don't know how many men love me, but why can't you see my good"There is only one Ying Ying in my heart!" The cold voice of the twilight.

Zhou mengran disdained to sneer. She looked up at the dusk. Her eyes were full of tenderness. She gently reached out and touched his face. A charming smile rose from the corner of her lips, "right? If you really only love Ke Yingying, why did you want me last night? Do you know, last night you were so fierce, so domineering, and so gentle that I couldn't help indulging in your beauty and could not extricate myself Twilight, I'm your woman Are you going to kill your wife now

Dusk face a white, holding Zhou mengran's fingers from a loose, hand slowly and powerless slide.

"Ha ha..." Zhou mengran's complacent smile.


There was a dull sound in the dark.

The wooden sandalwood box fell to the ground, and the snow-white Yunrong flower fell out of the box and fell on the ground. The snow-white petals were stained with dirty soil.

Ke Ying Ying Ying's beautiful face was pale. When she heard that Zhou mengran had deceived herself, she was very sad, disappointed and angry. However, when she heard that Mu Ze said that she only loved her, she got a trace of comfort in her heart.

But at the moment, hearing Zhou mengran's words, she was no longer able to pretend to be strong, and the last strong line of defense collapsed and broke in an instant

Tears poured down like rain.

"Yingying?" Dusk turned his head and looked at it. His eyes were full of surprise and excitement. One side of Zhou mengran's face is also full of fright, her eyes are incredible staring at the boss, Ke Yingying, she is not dead?

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