The ancient twigs are intertwined with roots, and the thick trunk needs at least a dozen adults to embrace it.

The trees are as high as 100 meters and block out the sun. Even if you stand far away, you can see the tree at a glance.

Is that the sacred tree of the Spanish people?

Ke Ying Ying on one side saw her frowning and could not help saying, "sister Yue, do you see that tree in the distance? That's the divine tree."

She pointed to the distance like a huge green umbrella, showing the ancient trees between heaven and earth.

In front of the ancient trees, the houses in the distance are very small.

"It is said that the sacred tree has lived for tens of thousands of years. Whenever there is a big event or a decision of the Spanish people, they will go to the tree. It's a pity that ten thousand years ago, the divine tree stopped talking, and the aura was not as strong as before. " Ke Ying Ying Ying's voice has a trace of loneliness.

Smell speech, Mu shallow moon eyes shine.

"I'm the Dan pharmacist Ke Yingying invited back. She can cure the withering tree. That's why she brought us back." Mu shallow moon light mouth.

Zhou mengran, however, seemed to have heard some funny joke, with a scornful smile on his face, "cure the sacred tree? What a joke! Since ten thousand years ago, the aura of the divine tree has been decreasing day by day. After ten thousand years, it has not been as good as it was before. I don't know how many ancestors and strong people there are in the past ten thousand years. They don't dare to talk about how to cure the tree. Why do you, a human woman, make such a big statement? "

After a short period of shock, the mackerel people came back to their senses one after another. They looked at mu Qianyue with suspicion and a trace of contempt.

Human beings are so boastful!

Both clan chief Ke and Ke Yingying were shocked. Ke Yingying was better. After all, her broken elixir field was cured by mu Qianyue, but patriarch Ke was different. His eyes were full of horror and a trace of displeasure.

Before, he thought that the man who admired the moon was very good. Now he thinks she is too arrogant!

Even if she is a Dan pharmacist and can make pills, it is impossible to cure the divine tree! She even dare to bet!

"If you can't do it, it doesn't mean other people can't do it." Mu Qianyue's lips curled up a provocative arc and looked up at Zhou mengran, "I heard that you are also the Dan pharmacist, or the best genius in the whole city. How about a competition? See who can save the tree! "

"Why should I compare with you?" Zhou mengran disdains cold hum, her eyes fall on the body of Mu shallow moon, mercilessly across a touch of jealousy.

This damned human being, if it had not been for her troubles, Ke Ying Ying Ying would have died long ago, how could there have been so much nonsense?

"Don't you dare? Afraid of losing to me? It's also true. You must have never thought about something as shocking as treating the tree! " Mu shallow moon pick eyebrows, good-looking eyes filled with contempt and arrogance.

Zhou mengran's face changed and he snorted, "hum! I thought about it a long time ago, but the patriarch ordered that no one should go near the tree and hurt it, so I didn't do it. "

"Do you compare it or not?" Mu Xiaoyue asked with a smile. Zhou mengran was annoyed by the light and light eyes.

"You can bet. If you can't cure the tree, you must follow me, including Ke Ying Ying Ying!" Zhou mengran haughtily raised his head and pointed to Ke Yingying with a cold smile in his eyes.

"Yes." Mu shallow moon does not hesitate to nod, eyebrows light pick, sneer, "if I cure the tree, you can't?"

When Ke Ying Ying sees mu Qianyue's promise, she doesn't show any panic in her heart. On the contrary, there is a trace of moving. She is very confident that mu Qianyue's medical skills can be cured. Maybe sister Yue can cure the sacred tree!

But clan chief Ke didn't think so. His face showed a look of horror and incomparable, and his eyes were filled with a trace of displeasure, "Mu Gu..."

If she can't cure the tree, Yingying will have only two ways to go. One is to leave Wucheng forever, the other is to guard the forbidden area for life.

Either one is not what he wants to see.

But before he finished his words, she was interrupted by Ke Ying Ying, "Dad, I believe in her! Will you give her a chance? "

I don't know why, she just believes in sister Yue from the bottom of her heart, especially her eyes like stars. The light shines on people, and she has a charm of fans!

Ke clan chief Leng Leng Leng, light sigh a, "well, let her try it is OK."

If you can cure the tree, it's the best.

If they can't be cured, just throw them out again.

"If I can't cure it, you can't cure the tree!" Zhou mengran disdains to hum.

"How can you be so sure?" Mu Xiaoyue chuckles, the expression on his face is always light, and because Zhou mengran is arrogant and idiotic, he is not angry.

Zhou mengran's face was slightly white, and he snorted, "I grew up in Wucheng, as a shark, do you know the divine tree better than me? Therefore, if I can't cure it, you can't cure the tree! "

"There is nothing impossible in the world. Besides, we are gambling. If you don't add something worthy of gambling, we will suffer too much!" Mu Xiaoyue chuckles."What do you want?"

"If I have cured the tree, but you have not, you should kneel down to Yingying in front of all the people, how about that?" The light voice of Mu shallow moon falls gently, falls in Ke Ying Ying Ying's ear, but is like a thunder.

She thought that the month elder sister proposed this gambling engagement, is to stay, did not expect is is to help oneself to vent one's anger, revenge.

At this moment, her eyes could not help red, there is a kind of sour sad, want to cry feeling.

"No way!" Zhou mengran's face was so ugly that her chest and chest heaved violently.

Mu shallow month hands ring chest, the corner of the mouth hook up a playful sneer, "you should consider clearly. If I lose this bet, Ke Yingying will leave Wucheng with us and never come back. Isn't that exactly what you want? Even if you drive us out, Ke Yingying is always the daughter of the patriarch. No one can force her to leave Wucheng unless the patriarch speaks or she leaves voluntarily. "

In the end, mu Qianyue didn't say it directly, but passed it to Zhou mengran in secret.

Zhou mengran had a cold look in his eyes and said, "good! I promise you that you will lose this competition! See you under the tree seven days later

In these seven days, she needs to prepare well. In fact, she knows that she can't cure the divine tree, and mu Qianyue is even more impossible!

But the surface of the work is also done! As long as Mu Xiaoyue loses, Ke Yingying will be driven out of Wucheng together, let her disappear completely in the eyes of twilight, and he must be well prepared. , the fastest update of the webnovel!