He and she really can't go back?

Now he doesn't even have the courage to meet Yingying!


Seven days later.

Early in the morning, many people gathered here. Their faces showed different faces. Some were full of curiosity, some were full of expectation, and some were holding the attitude of watching the Opera

When mu Qianyue and Ke Yingying arrive, the opposite Zhou mengran has already arrived. At this time, dusk stands beside Zhou mengran.

Zhou mengran saw Ke Yingying coming, his lips raised a smug smile, deliberately stretched out his hand to hold the arm of twilight, "Ze, who do you think will win?"

Ke Ying Ying Ying's eyes fell on the arms of Zhou mengran and twilight Ze, but glanced back, as if they had not seen it.

Mu Ze is indifferent and does not speak. His eyes always fall on Ke Ying Ying Ying, who is opposite him. He has not seen her for several days. Her face has not changed at all. She is not haggard, sad or sad. She is as beautiful as Canyang before. She is innocent and charming.

It seems that she didn't feel sad because of him

Twilight moved his lips, but did not say a word after all.

Although Twilight does not speak, but Zhou mengran's face is more proud of a few points, from the twilight did not shake off her arm can see that now he is standing on his side!

Standing beside mu Qianyue, Fengling's eyes are filled with anger and cold murder. Seeing this pair of dogs and men in front of her, she can't help but think of the past in Xuantian world! At that time, I was as naive and simple as Ke Yingying!

But Ke Ying Ying Ying is lucky, she met a shallow moon, so she did not die!

But she has gone through a life of death, disfigurement, lameness

Fortunately, she also met the shallow moon, and her fate changed dramatically!

Now she really wants to rush up and strangle the dog and man in front of her!

The disdainful eyes of Jiu Jiu lightly swept the opposite Zhou mengran, just a clown. No matter how tossed, they were doomed to be unable to turn over much waves.

Nalan Xueling is also a face of disdain and disdain.

This makes Zhou mengran very angry, two little fart children who have no hair all grow up, dare to look at her with such eyes! Hum! Wait a moment Mu shallow moon cure divine tree, she just has reason to deal with them! She's going to ravage them!

When he saw that all the people had arrived, he opened his mouth. His eyes fell on Zhou mengran and mu Qianyue. He swept and said, "since all the competition personnel have arrived, let's start the competition now! Which of you will come first

Zhou mengran's eyes flashed and chuckled, "I'll come first."

The expression on Mu shallow moon face is light, "casual."

Let her first also can, if oneself all at once cure the divine tree, Zhou mengran does not even have the opportunity to perform, she has the excuse again?

Zhou mengran stepped forward slowly, with a noble and decent smile on his face and a flash of palm. He took out a bucket of green liquid medicine from the Najie space and said to the sharks, "this is the spirit liquid that I spent a whole seven days researching, which can make dead dead branches alive."

When people heard the words, their faces showed excited, envious and adoring eyes, "miss mengran is so powerful!"

"Yes! It is worthy of being the talented pharmacist of Wucheng! Even such spirit liquid can be refined out! "

"Maybe the tree is really saved this time."

Hearing the praise and praise from all the people, Zhou mengran's eyes twinkled with complacency. He glanced at mu Qianyue and waved his sleeve. The spirit liquid flew up automatically and poured it towards the root of the sacred tree.

After absorbing the spirit liquid, the branches and leaves of the divine tree seem to become more luxuriant.

And then there was no movement.

Zhou mengran said faintly, "although this spirit liquid can cure the divine tree, the process is slow and needs to be absorbed slowly."

After waiting for half an hour, all of a sudden, the green branches and leaves of the sacred tree slowly turned green and yellow, and then gradually withered down!

"What's going on?"

"The branches and leaves of the divine tree have turned yellow!"

"My God, what's wrong with the sacred tree? Is it possible that the divine tree is going to die?"

"What's going on here?"

The shark people's faces showed panic and yelled one after another.

Ke clan head's face also immediately became ugly incomparable, looked to Zhou mengran angrily, "what did you pour on the divine tree?"

Zhou mengran's face suddenly changed greatly. He bit his lips, and his eyes were filled with astonished and flustered expression, "those are just the spirit liquid made of tonic! It doesn't have any effect at all. Even we can use it. It's just some ordinary spirit liquid. I, I don't know why it's like this

Gradually, the tree no longer changes, but those yellow branches and leaves no longer green, the original vibrant tree, suddenly seems to be decades old.

Nine nine hears speech, lip Cape draws up a smile radian, "Oh? Is it some ordinary spirit liquid? Aren't you deceiving everyone? "Mu Xiaoyue turns her head and looks at the little man beside her. She doesn't need to look at it and knows that it must be the ghost of Jiu Jiu. However, she is surprised that Jiu can make the sacred tree wither instantly, which is what she can't do!

She felt a strong breath of death around the root of the tree. It was this breath of death that made the branches and leaves of the tree yellow

But now it's been a long time since we've recovered the smell of death.

You can control the smell of death at will, which is not what ordinary people can do.

When they heard the words, they turned their heads and looked at Zhou mengran. In their eyes, they couldn't help showing contempt and anger. The damned Zhou mengran was deceiving them!

He almost killed the tree!

For a moment, people looked at her with disgust.

"Since you have not cured the tree, now it is my turn." Mu Qianyue opened her mouth and walked up to the sacred tree in front of her. However, Zhou mengran blocked her way. She looked ferocious, her eyes twinkled with a cruel look, and sneered, "even I can't cure the divine tree. You, a human woman, can't cure the divine tree! Now the tree is sick. What if you cure the tree? "

"Yes! You can't go near the tree

"The sacred tree is the guardian God of our people! We can't live without the sacred tree! "

"Human beings, you can't get close to the sacred tree. Roll down for me!"

The chimaeras roared, their eyes full of anger and panic.

Mu Qianyue's lip corner brings up a faint smile, and looks at Zhou mengran's eyes, but it seems cold and sharp like a knife, "if you can't cure it, it's you useless!"

The woman's light voice fell to Zhou mengran's ears, but it was like a thunderbolt. It fell hard in her ears, making her body tremble suddenly. Her eyes were filled with fear and panic. The whole seemed to be silly. She stayed in the same place, and her soul trembled and scared!

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