"I know you're worried about me, but it's easy to be suspicious when there are too many people." Mu shallow moon eyebrow light congeals, thought a way, "wait a moment you several all enter my space, have matter words I can call you out at any time."

Originally, the less people know about Tongtian tower, the better. However, Fengling and Ke Yingying are both their own people.

For her, for the sake of this friendship, even the gloomy and horrible hell prison can accompany her to break through. If such a friend is not trustworthy, what can be trusted?

As for mu rutian, is a persistent guy, he will not leak a trace of Mu shallow moon news.

So all of them are reliable people.

After dinner, mu Qianyue and his party went out of the restaurant and found a place without people. The space of Tongtian tower opened, and they took in murutian, moshang wind bell, Nalan Xueling and Ke Yingying.

When Mu was walking on the street of Shura City, she met an acquaintance.

What can be called acquaintances here is naturally the young master of Luocha City, Bulu.

Bru was very surprised when he saw mu Qianyue. He rushed to meet him with a smile, "Miss mu, you are here!" As if thinking of something, his face showed an embarrassed and apologetic smile, "I'm really sorry about the day, I didn't think of my father..."

"It's OK. I've got my revenge." Mu shallow moon light says.

Although his father, bunnier, was a jerk, the hand that feeds the hand feeds, bloom is a good man.

"Are we still friends?" bloom asked nervously

"Of course." Mu Qianyue nods.

"That's wonderful!" Bru said excitedly with a smile, "Miss mu, do you come to Shura city to participate in the martial arts competition?"

"Yes, are you, too?" Mu Qianyue looks at him sideways and asks.


"Can you tell me something about the fight? I don't quite understand. "

"Of course, the martial arts competition is held every 100 years. People from the whole hell prison can take part in the competition. There are thousands of people participating in each competition, but only 12 people are selected. Once selected into the nine pylorus, it will be the twelve shuras around the ghost master of the nether world, with noble status and detached status, and will be strongly cultivated by the ghost master of the nether world. Once the strength step into the level of the devil, you can condense the strength of the body, and the cultivation speed will be faster. " Bloom explained.

"Oh..." Mu Qianyue's eyes quickly flash a touch of dark light.

Here, she has a general understanding of the strength ranking of the Youming prison.

The Magic general is equivalent to the emperor, the demon king is equal to the God King, the magic saint is equal to the God Emperor, and the devil is equal to the God Emperor.

But these shuras and luochas have no substance. Once they die, they will disappear forever.

But if they step into the level of the devil, they will have a body again. Even if they die, they will not die, just like they have a second life.

So many shuras and luochas broke their heads and wanted to enter the nine pylorus and become the followers of the ghost Lord in order to cultivate their own entity as soon as possible.

"Let's go and sign up first." Bloom laughs.

Mu Qianyue followed him and walked to the center of the city. There were many people around him. Obviously, they all came to sign up for the competition.

There are several old looking Shura holding paper and pen there to record what, their faces are full of wrinkles, face iron, very frightening.

I haven't been to the hell prison before. I don't know what's going on here. I didn't expect that this place is managed in an orderly way like human beings. There should be all facilities. It seems that the hell prison is keeping pace with the times.

"We're both here to sign up." Bloom said.

"Name, age, strength." Short words, said the cold voice.

"My name is blu. I'm 151 years old. I'm a first-class general."

"This is a black card for the competition. Take it." One person records, another old man Shura is a light expression, take out a brand to bru's hand, carelessly said.

"It's your turn."

"His name is mu Qianyue, 120 years old. He is a seventh level demon general." Mu shallow month thought to say, also don't know whether there is a stone to measure the age here, in case the gang is not good. After all, her real human age is only 20.

Is mu shallow month doubt, a black card handed to her in front of, "this is your black card."

Mu light month reaches out to take over, the face shows a trace of surprise color, sign up is so simple? I thought there would be some demands.

"Well, then we just have to wait for the competition in a month." Bloom said with a smile, "we can find an inn in this city first. What do you think? "

"Yes." Mu Qianyue nods.

At this time, a strange voice sounded, "Oh, isn't this the young master of Luocha City, Bulu?"? How did you come to my Shura city? "

Hearing the voice, bru's face suddenly sank down. There was a trace of displeasure between his eyebrows. He did not intend to pay attention to the visitors. He looked at mu Qianyue and said, "let's go."However, it was obvious that the visitor did not intend to let him go easily. As soon as he moved, he stopped his way.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Little master bru's temper has grown a lot!" The visitor sneered, and then his eyes fell on the one side of the Mu shallow moon, and his eyes quickly flashed a touch of fine awn.

"Get out of the way!" Bloom said angrily.

"No way Come on the face show disdain scorn sneer, "I said how you become so angry, it turns out that there is a big beauty around you, is it to rush to show in front of the beauty?"

"Hodge, don't go too far!" There was anger in Bloom's eyes.

"I just like to go too far. If you have the ability, you can hit me, come and hit me!" Hodge, who looks as young as bloom, exclaimed triumphantly.

Mu Qianyue noticed that Huo Jie's strength was a fifth level demon general. No wonder he was so arrogant in front of blu.

At the same age, he is four levels higher than Brucella. It can be seen that his strength is much stronger than Blu, so he is so fearless and abusive in front of blu.

Blu's face was livid, his fist clenched under his sleeve, and he seemed to be trying to hold back his anger, while Hodge seemed to be deliberately provoking him.

Mu Xiaoyue's eyes narrowed, reached for Bloom's arm and chuckled, "sometimes the dog bites us, we can't bite the dog, right? It's going to be demeaning. Let's go. "

Blue body trembles, the anger on the face suddenly disappears, put on a smile, heavy nod, "en."

Then toward huojie cold hum a, and Mu shallow month together turn to leave.

Looking at bru and mu Qianyue leaving, Huo Jie's eyes are filled with bloodthirsty Leng mang. This damned smelly woman dares to take the opportunity to call herself a dog! It's disgusting!

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