If the ghost Lord's power bombarded her, even if she had the body defense of ten body, it would be broken to pieces!

But at this moment, she can't escape!


The force of ferocity and terror hit hard, and the whole space shook violently.

Mu shallow month surprised stare big eyes, see situ Mo without hesitation rushed over, and then blocked in front of her body, for her to carry this terrible incomparable blow!

All the forces bombarded situ Mo's body. His face was stiff and his pupils were slowly enlarged. His body became soft. He fell down involuntarily and fell in front of Mu Qianyue. She couldn't help reaching out to catch him.

Black bright eyes are full of surprise and shock, surprised and shocked eyes fall on situ Mo's pale and beautiful face, "you..."

"Ha ha I don't know why. I know I'll die if I block this move for you, but I still can't help but rush to... " Situ Mo eyes nostalgic fall in front of that absolutely cold small face, the corner of the mouth hook up a smile of self mockery.

He knew that she didn't like him, but he couldn't help but rush over because he didn't want to see her die.

In fact, when the ghost Lord exhibited the ghost ban, he expected that the ghost master would attack xiaoyueer, so he secretly walked to her side.

Just ah, the ghost Lord's power is too strong, he can't resist at all. Fortunately, xiaoyueer is OK.

"Xiaoyue'er, if there was no nalanjing, would you like to see me more?" Situ Mo looks at her closely. There is a trace of tension, a trace of expectation, and a trace of fear and melancholy

"If you're not that bad, we can be friends. But I can forgive you for all the things you did to me, and I won't hate you again... " Mu shallow moon light says.

"That's enough. Don't hate me Good Xiaoyueer, thank you Let me feel the feeling of heartbeat... "

Situ Mo's lips raised a sad and contented smile, slowly closed his eyes, his body also instantly turned into countless pieces of light and shadow, slowly dissipated in the air, never seen again.

He's dead! Situ Mo died, in order to save her!

At this moment, mu Qianyue's heart is mixed with five flavors, which is very uncomfortable. There are feelings, relief, and a trace of discomfort. It is like knocking over a bottle of Schisandra, which contains bitterness and bitterness

Yes, she used to hate him, but at this moment, she couldn't.

He is willing to use his life to protect her, but his love is too deep, selfish and overbearing, which makes her disgusted.

At the end of the day, he just loves the wrong person.

After all, his love was in the wrong way.

But when he dies, all the hatred will disappear.

"Hum! Useless stuff! In vain, I cultivated him so carefully. Not only did I not get the position of the little Lord of the temple, but I fell in love with a human being. What a waste The ghost master of the nether world disdained to scold, and did not feel sorry for the death of situ Mo, but felt it was a shame.

Si Ming smell speech facial expression a change, "originally in your heart, situ Mo is just your chess piece."

"Good! I carefully trained him, at the expense of a lot of resources, but he repeatedly let me down! Because he didn't get the position of the little Lord of the temple, my plan failed. I thought he would become the little Lord of the temple and inherit the throne of the Lord in the future. At that time, I could secretly turn the temple and the city of light into the hell prison! At that time, the city of light and the land of magic state will be under my control. Who knows that he will lose to nalanjing? It's ridiculous to be in love with human beings now The ghost master disdains to sneer.

Mu Xiaoyue slowly stood up, looked up, and looked at the ghost Lord coldly.

Nalanjing's body moved, swept to her side and held her hand tightly. In fact, he was very surprised just now. He didn't expect that situ Mo would do that. He would use his life to block the fatal blow for yue'er! What a surprise to him!

Not only he, but also mu rutian, Tian Shuo, Xiao xuan'er and others all showed a mixed look of amazement on their faces. To be honest, before this, they really hated and hated situ Mo, but in the end, he made them no longer hate him

It can be said that his love for the moon is no less than nalanjing.

For each other, even life can not, how many people in the world?

"Tut Tut, what a powerful lineup, one spirit, two green dragons, one ancient snake and one yellow blood. It seems that this is definitely the compensation of God. Ha ha, this time I will be able to break through the devil saint and become the devil!" The ghost master of the nether world sneered excitedly. All of a sudden, his expression was Su, and his eyes fell firmly on Nalan Xueling's body, "eh? The spirit of heaven and earth? "

"Ha ha ha Even the spirit of heaven and earth appeared! How do you say I'll enjoy you The ghost master's eyes were shining with greedy light, and he was staring at Nalan Xueling in a sinister and strange way.The spirit of heaven and earth is absolutely a great tonic in the world. No matter it is Warcraft, human beings or Shura, it can devour refining without any side effects. It can increase the strength of dozens of levels. What's more, it can change the Constitution and become the spirit body of heaven and earth!

If he swallows the blood of Yanhuang and Qinglong again, tut, it is absolutely against the heaven!

From the beginning of the morning, he just took a fancy to nalanjing's body and his yellow blood, and wanted to devour his soul and seize the house.

But I didn't expect so many people. It seems that even God is helping him!

"Let's start with you! Ha ha ha The ghost master of the nether world sent out a sneer. His body moved like a streamer and rushed to Nalan Xueling. His face showed a ferocious and excited look. Obviously, he wanted to be the first to swallow the refined spirit!

In his rush to the past, Siming suddenly rushed past, pushed Nalan Xueling out, and the next moment, Siming was caught in the heart of the ghost master.

It's like a huge palm, wrapping him in the palm, "since you want to die so much, I'll solve you first! You are the same as situ Mo, who are not familiar with the white eyed wolf! waste material! How dare you help mankind

After that, he opened his mouth wide and swallowed up Si Ming.

From the beginning to the end, Si Ming didn't even have the ability to resist.

The Ninth level devil saint is too strong and strong, far from being able to compete with the level of Magic general, just like elephants and ants.

"Si Ming

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