Thinking of Xiao Ling and Jiu Jiu, the light in Mu shallow moon's eyes couldn't help but soften down, "no, they are both practicing in seclusion."

Xuanye heard the speech and cried out angrily, "master son, mistress, you two are too miserable and inhumane! The little master is so small that you and you even want them to practice in seclusion! This is abuse! Poor little master

"Yes! Master and mother are really too much! Even if I'm a madman, I'm also forcing my masters to practice madly. Ah... " Cang Ming can't help sighing, and his tone and eyes are full of complaints.

Mu Xiaoyue's face is black. Does she have it? Besides, she didn't ask them to practice in seclusion. However, Xiao Ling and Jiu Jiu are different from other children. Although they are young, they are mature and mature.

Although they have great strength at a young age, they lack the happiness of childhood.

No matter whether they have experienced two lives, or reincarnated to restore the memory of previous lives, they are unlikely to play as innocent as other children.

"I think they'll be out soon." Mu shallow month thought for a while, light says.

Dark night and cangming two faces of displeasure and depression, this just light some.

Mu shallow month is very injured, the person that should be depressed should be her, isn't it?

"How is it going?" Nalanjing's face was light and asked in a cold voice.

Hearing this, the banter of Xuanye and cangming immediately shrank, and replaced by seriousness and congsu, "return to master, one third of the people in the Yanhuang Empire still support you, and now they have turned to us."

"One third? Enough! " Nalanjing lips raised a touch of radian, beautiful purple eyes in the surging soul stirring light.

"Two months later, it will be a grand gathering of flowers once every three years of Yanhuang Empire, which is very lively. Then we can take advantage of this opportunity to seize Yanhuang Empire and take back what belongs to the master!" Cang Ming's eyes are full of fierce essence.

These people have occupied the master's things for such a long time. It's time to return them!

Two months later? Nalanjing's purple eyes narrowed slightly.

"What is the flower festival?" Mu asked curiously.

"The hundred flowers Festival is an activity held by the emperor of Yanhuang. It will be held in the imperial palace. The whole Yanhuang family, from ministers to ordinary soldiers and maids, can participate. Every man will hold a flaming yellow flower. If you have a favorite woman in the grand meeting, you can give it to her, and each woman can only receive one." Xuanye explained.

"Er..." Mu Qianyue's eyes flashed quickly, and she was surprised. There was such a grand gathering. It sounds like fun. To put it bluntly, it was a large-scale blind date meeting.

I didn't expect the Yanhuang people to have such a grand gathering, so advanced! It really surprised her.

The rest will wait for the flower festival in two months.

Cangming, Xuanye and jinliye had been lurking here four years ago, collecting intelligence and breaking into the interior of Yanhuang empire. One third of emperor Yanhuang's family were loyal to Yan Emperor, the God of war, so they had secretly turned to nalanjing.

After ten thousand years of living and reproducing, the Yan and Huang people have a large population. There are nearly 10 million people in the Yan family. Although the rest of them are not Yan family members, they are the courtiers, guards and soldiers of the Yan and Huang empire. The total population is tens of millions, which is very large.

However, the real strength is superior to others, and few of them reach the peak. After all, cultivation is not a simple thing.

After dinner, mu Qianyue and his party walked in Yanhuang City, led by cangming three people, to a trading market. This is the largest trading area in Yanhuang city. There are all kinds of things to sell. As long as you can afford to pay, you can basically buy them.

"Mistress, do you want to buy anything?" Xuanye asked with a smile.

"Just look around." Mu Qianyue's eyes were sweeping around the stalls. Suddenly, a figure bumped into the dark night beside him, followed by a roar, "grass, you don't have eyes! How dare you bump into this prince

Mu shallow month raises an eye to look, not from pupil a shrink, Yan Yi!

Yan Yi, the fourth Prince of Yanhuang Empire, who met in the sea of life and death in the past, would have fed the creatures in the sea if he had not escaped with the Amulet of returning to the city.

Did not expect to just come to Yanhuang City met!

Yan Yi obviously recognized mu Qianyue. He was stunned at first. Then he took a cold look at her side. Seeing that he didn't see those helpers, he couldn't help but shout, "come on, arrest these people who dare to invade my prince!"

As his voice fell, a dozen bodyguards rushed over and surrounded mu Qianyue, nalanjing and chutiange.

"Ha ha, it's really a narrow road! I didn't expect to meet you here! You damned woman, I will never let you go this time The sneer in Yan Yi's eyes is more and more sinister.

But his words just fell, a foot has already kicked over, directly kicked him to fly out, when and directly."Where's the dog, barking here?" Nalanjing took back his feet and dusted his clothes. It seemed that he was dirty.

Jade like face with a cold look of contempt, purple eyes cold oblique Ni with him.

Mu shallow month also one face surprised looked at him.

"Lady, do I have flowers on my face?" Nalanjing turned to look at her and chuckled.

"No, very handsome." Mu Xiaoyue smiles.

Yan Yi didn't expect that nalanjing would suddenly attack him, but also kicked him directly. The speed was so fast that he didn't have time to react, so he fell out and hurt his canthus and grinned. It took him half to get up.

"How dare you kick me?" He raised his head and glared at nalanjing, and his eyes were filled with anger of the two clans. His ferocious look was like eating nalanjing.

"My master thinks highly of you when he kicks you. What's the matter? Want to fight? Come on! I have been itching for a long time Gold from the night called the instrument way, rubbing hands, a pair of very poor flat appearance.

"Which onion are you?" Yan Yi covers his aching chest. His face is ugly. These damned villains dare not pay attention to the fourth Prince of Yanhuang empire. It's really hateful!

"Take it down!"

More than a dozen bodyguards rushed to draw their swords, but they were laid down by Jin Li at night.

Gold from night disdain clapped his hands, "just these little guys also mean to bring out disgrace? Look what I'm pretending to be

The movement here caused the crowd around. Seeing that Jin Liye was not even afraid of burning wings, they could not help smashing their tongues secretly, and their eyes showed sympathy , the fastest update of the webnovel!