"But what about that? Did he die ten thousand years ago? Isn't it the same reincarnation? " The corner of Yan Li's mouth lifted up a touch of scorn, "besides, it's also a matter of ten thousand years. What does it have to do with me? Now he has the ability to take charge of the Yanhuang Empire, let alone. Do you think the emperor would be willing to take out his throne, give up the great river and mountain, and give his position of incomparable dignity to a stranger? "

Yes, now nalanjing is just a stranger. He said he was the emperor of Yan ten thousand years ago. They should believe it and obey it?

"Yes, Yan Li is right. Even if he is the emperor of Yan for ten thousand years, then how about that? It's a matter of ten thousand years. It's not the same as before. Besides, we don't know what his strength is. If his talent is not as good as ours, we don't have to submit to him! " Yan Xin said.

"You two are too much! Ten thousand years ago, if Yan Emperor had not given our ancestors the incomparable noble blood of Yanhuang, how could we have our present status? " Hot summer rage way.

"Summer, you are so loyal! He really gave us the incomparable blood of Yanhuang, but if there were no efforts of our ancestors and our efforts, would there be the present Yanhuang Empire? Will there be such a prosperous Yanhuang city? All this has nothing to do with our efforts! " Yan Li disdained to curl his mouth.

The hot summer is angry the complexion is some red, turned the head to look at the other two people, "you two, is how to think?"

The two looked at each other, and after a long time, they said faintly, "I agree with Yan Li and Yan Xin."

"Do you want to betray the Emperor Yan, betray the original oath?" Yan Xia angrily rebukes to ask a way.

One of them frowned slightly, and a touch of pride appeared on his handsome face. "I can't decide now. I'll take a look at his strength and see if he's worth following! If he doesn't have that strength, even if he betrays the oath of his ancestors, I will never obey him! "

Yan Xia smelled the anger on his face, which just faded a little bit. His eyes filled with pride and excitement, "I believe you will be willing to obey him after you have seen him!"

Because he has the strength! Yes, although he has not seen the master yet, he can see from the data collected over the years that the master's talent is very strong, and his strength is also very strong!

Yan Xia turned to look at the remaining man and asked, "Yan brilliant, what about you? What do you think? "

"I am the same as Yanyang, as long as he can show us the strength to frighten us, I will consider it." Yan brilliant light said, yes, he said is only to consider the same.

What's wrong with being a little prince of Yan Huang Empire? Now suddenly a master comes out and makes him submit to another person. How can he be reconciled?

He has always been rich in clothes and food. He has always been flattered and flattered by others. Now, if we want to make him submit to others, how can they accept this kind of mood and status difference?

"I don't have time to talk to you. I have something else to do. Let's go. "Yan Li waved impatiently and said that he was going to leave. He was stopped by the hot summer." the master will come here later. Let's wait a second. "

"Well, in the face of your loyalty, I'll wait a little longer. If he hasn't come after a cup of tea, I won't stay even if you say so." Yan Li said coldly.

"He will come!" The hot summer is determined incomparably to say.

Yan Li disdained to curl his mouth, raised his judgment and looked at the hot summer, with a strong irony in his eyes, "hot summer, summer, anyway, you are also the son of heaven's mansion, but now you are eager to be a servant to others. You really have backbone!"

"The reason why we Yan and Huang people have been reproducing and living up to now is to wait for the return of Yan Emperor. This is the oath made by our ancestors! Although thousands of years have passed now, we can't forget the old oath! " Yan Xia said with a serious face.

"Don't tell me what oath, ten thousand years of time, it has been submerged in the long river of history, rotten with the wind, only you will be so pedantic!" Yan Li sneered.

Scornful of the summer glared at him, did not speak again.

Just at this time, the closed door "creak" was pushed open, and a slender and cool figure came in.

The man is dressed in white like snow, spotless, with light green silk. His beautiful and delicate face is full of cold and arrogance, and his eyes like purple glass are full of thrilling domineering power. His momentum is extremely frightening.

He was dressed in white, calm and introverted. He didn't spill a cent, but he was like a sharp sword, sharp and introverted!

Just in the moment of seeing Nalan scenery, the five people in the hot summer and Yan Li have a kind of suffocation like a mountain rising to the top!

Let them have a trace of palpitation panic!

Cangming and Xuanye came out of nalanjing's back, looked at Yanxia and said, "this is your master, and also the Emperor Yan ten thousand years ago."

"Master! You're here at last In the summer, the color of joy surged on her face and rushed to meet her.

"Yes." Nalanjing nodded at him.Yan Li, Yan Xin, Yan Yang and Yan Huihuang were not very good-looking. They kept looking at nalanjing. They seemed to want to see something in him, but they didn't see anything.

"Now that the master is here, you four can ask the master if you have any objection." The hot summer turns the head to see to inflammation benefit four people to say.

Yan Li raised his hand to touch his chin, and his eyes were filled with fine awn, "I really don't agree. I just want to see Yan Emperor's reincarnation, strength in the end, do not know after ten thousand years of time, there is no previous life that talent and amazing posture

"Yanli, what do you mean?" Summer looks cold.

"Can't you see that?"

Yan Li sneered, "I want to challenge him! If you want to be my master of Yanli, you have to see if he has the qualification first! I'm a son of law from the palace. I'm a high-ranking son. I'm not a man who can make me submit to him! "

"You..." It's a hot summer.

Yan Xin said, "Yan Li said well, we need to see his strength."

Nalanjing squinted, did not speak, light eyes from the four of them gently, casual with a kind of king in the world, powerful everywhere domineering.

Mu Qianyue and Chu Tiange come in at the end. Mu's light eyes also look at the four people of Yanli. Just now, she heard the conversation between them clearly when she was outside.

In addition to the hot summer, Yan Li, Yan Yang, Yan Xin and Yan guanghuang do not recognize the identity of the same scene, nor do they have any heart of submission, or even the mood of watching a good play.

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