Yan Qingya's face "Shua" turned pale and incomparable, and his eyes were filled with anger of hatred.

The emperor was furious, "it seems that you are determined to die!"

Calculate the day, nalanjing and muqianzhong purple Mandala flower poison also have a day, should also be deep into the bone marrow, originally wanted to save his life, since he himself is determined to die, that would not wish him!

Just at this time, a discordant voice came in.

"Qingya, how can you do this! You swore last night that you would only love me in this life. Why are you doing this to me now See Yan Li a face melancholy sad walked in, his eyes affectionately locked in the Yan elegant body, eyes deep seems to contain a trace of pain.

Seeing Yan Li come in, mu Qianyue's eyes contain a faint smile and say to Nalan Jing beside him, "Jing, there's a good play to see."

"Well, your blood contract is really overbearing." Nalanjing looked at her fondly.

Yan Huang a Leng, look puzzled to Yan Qing ya, "this is how to return a responsibility?"

The eyes of all the ministers also showed a look of doubt.

Yan Qingya's face turned white, "Yan Li, I don't know what you're talking about! This is Yanhuang palace, you'd better pay attention to your words! Otherwise, it would be bad if it would bring you disaster to leave the palace! "

Her cold tone was full of strong threat, and the meaning was obvious. If he dared to tell the story of last night, she would kill him and leave the palace!

However, Yan Li didn't realize it. She was still looking at her with deep feeling and pain, struggling and sad. "Qingya, last night we had a love of fish and water. I have promised you. Today, I will come to ask your majesty for the imperial edict to marry you to me. Why do you want to do this? Have you forgotten how much we loved each other last night

The words are so naked that only a fool can't understand the meaning of it.

Now we are all confused. The eldest princess said that the man was nalanjing? Now, how can you make a profit?

Yan Qingya's body couldn't help shaking, and her eyes were full of flames. She didn't expect that Yan Li was so ignorant! Even for the sake of admiring the moon, I didn't hesitate to put up the whole palace!

Good, good! She will make Yanli regret all her life!

"Yanli, do you know the consequences of lying? Don't forget to leave the palace behind you! If you dare to say one more word, I will kill you immediately Yan Huang glared at Yan Li fiercely and said angrily.

Where the hell did Yanli come from? Seeing that his plan is about to succeed, with this reason, he can take nalanjing with justice, without fear of the threat of the temple and the accusation of the world!

But Yanli's appearance disrupted all his plans.

Now in front of so many courtiers, he is not good to directly kill Yan Li!

"What I said is true! Ya'er and I fell in love with each other. She asked me for yellow flowers on that day. Ya'er is the goddess in my heart. She is as beautiful as a fairy who doesn't eat fireworks among people I never thought yall would like me Yan Li said with a gentle and affectionate face.

"So I gave it to the princess. These days, our feelings became more and more profound. Just last night, we couldn't help but have such a thing I know I'm the one to blame for this. I broke the rules! But my feelings for ya'er are serious! Last night, she promised to love me only in this life. Why did she change so early in the morning? Are you really a woman of easy temper

At last, Yanli looked at her with disappointment.

Her face was white and angry.

The ministers were shocked to hear the speech, but they didn't expect that the truth of the matter was like this!

At that time, at the Baihua Festival, they did see Yan Qingya asking Yanli for Yanli yellow flowers, so at this moment most people chose to believe Yan Li's words.

They looked at Yan Qingya's eyes slightly changed.

"Yanli, you want to die!" Yan Qingya finally got angry and completely tore off the hypocrisy on her face. She raised her hand and pounded at Yan Li fiercely. Yan Li had been prepared, and her figure flashed in the past. Then she fell beside mu Qianyue and said with a soft smile, "mistress, am I doing well?"

"Well, not bad." Mu shallow moon praises a way, become a puppet after burning benefit but more than before adorable.

"Qingya, do you want to kill me? Whether you want to admit it or not, everything last night is true. Maybe you have my flesh and bones in your stomach. Are you really so heartless? " Yanli continued.

Yan Qingya was angry, and the whole person trembled, and there was endless killing intention on her face. "Yan Li, you mean person full of lies. What good did mu Qianyue give you? How could you slander me like this

"Yan Li, you deserve to die and insult the present princess!" Burning emperor also immediately angry way.

No matter how the truth of the matter, they can not admit it, must maintain the reputation of Yan Qingya! Otherwise, the world will not laugh at it?

The faces of the ministers were puzzled and shocked. They didn't know who to believe."By the way, I have witnesses!" Yan Li suddenly yelled, the public was stunned at the smell of speech, this kind of thing still has witness? How clever!

"It was the second prince who witnessed this last night."

Yan Li's voice fell in the ears of everyone like a thunder, and his face was full of shock.

"Isn't the second prince dead?"

"Yes, as early as a few years ago, the second prince's life card was broken. How could he still be alive?"

"Yes, the life card of the second prince is broken and dead, but last night I saw the soul of the second prince, which was hidden in the space of Najie. Last night, he knew how to have fun with Qingya. If you don't believe it, you can ask the second prince to come out and see you. " Yan Li's eyes fall on the ring between Yan Qingya's fingers.

People were shocked at the speech, especially Yan Huang and his body trembled.

"Evil son, his soul is in your hand?" Yan Huang Mou son suddenly a squint, look to Yan Qing Ya's eyes with a trace of anger, "why don't you tell me?"

"Tell you, can you save him?" Yan Qingya lips raised a scornful sneer, she looked up to Mu shallow moon's eyes with strong anger, "this time I lost to you!"

"Yan Qingya, why do you secretly hide the soul of evil son?" "Burning emperor anger way," quickly hand over the soul of evil son

Yan Huang's attitude towards Yan Qingya changed, which surprised all the ministers.

After the inflammation also advised way, "ya'er, you hurry to hand over the evil son's soul, at least he is your brother!"

A ray of light from the burning elegant fingers, only to see a translucent soul body appeared in people's sight.

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