"I'll save his life. If I don't kill him, I'll let you solve it by yourself. Only with hatred and goals can you grow faster! " Fu Bo said lightly.

Then he frowned, "boundless, he has a double container in the world, which can become his new body. When he finds the double container and merges into one, his strength will return to its peak! So, you two need to refuel. It's better to find the double container and destroy it! "

Double container?

Mu shallow moon frowned, did not expect boundless still have this hand!

In the past life, limitless's peak strength is the ninth order God Emperor! If he really finds the double vessel and becomes the Ninth level God Emperor, she and Jing are not his opponents at all. It seems that we should improve our strength as soon as possible.

For boundless, in the past life, she and he should be regarded as good friends, how to know each other?

When she was swimming in the pool, he seemed to have had a fight. He fell from the top of the waterfall covered with blood and fell into the water in front of her.

Fortunately, at that time, she was still wearing a belly bag and quickly wrapped her clothes. However, she had already been seriously injured and unconscious.

Mu shallow month then uses Dan technique to save him, in he wakes up, then begins to pester her not to let go, where she goes, he follows where.

I still remember that when he woke up, he looked at her with shock, surprise, joy, excitement and so on

At that time, they met for the first time, as if surprised to see her.

Boundless mouth with an excited look, said that she is very much like a friend he once had, but that friend disappeared for tens of thousands of years, now met, feel very happy, will be friends with her.

See drive him not to go, so mu shallow month then follow him.

Later, he fell out with boundless because of the scenery. Especially after she and Jing love each other, he became very violent, killed him three times and several times, and later conspired with Yan Shu.

So from then on, she and he were no longer friends.

If he had not helped Yan Shu and colluded with Yan Shu, Jing would not have died, and Xiao Ling would not have been cut off. He has suffered for thousands of years alone!

Therefore, she can not forgive boundless in this life!

He and Yan Shu are her enemies!

Thinking slowly back together, Mu shallow month clenched his fist, "owe us, I will certainly let them double repay!"


After Fubo left, mu Qianyue and nalanjing also set out for the Xuantian realm. It turned out that there was not only a passage to the Xuantian realm in the dream city of the wild ancient world, but also a passage to the Xuantian realm in the forbidden area of the temple.

It's just that the dream city in the wild ancient world was opened only once every ten years. The last time it was opened was four years ago, and now it's impossible to go there.

Therefore, they can only pass through the forbidden area of the temple. As the Lord opens the passage, there is no barrier.

The boundless plain, green grass, in the morning after the sun spit out fragrance, crystal dew hanging on the green leaves, in the golden morning light reflects the luster of glass.

The air is full of fresh and sweet taste.

The aura here is obviously much stronger than that in the magic land, at least twice as much.

Mu Xiaoyue looked up and looked around, and didn't see Nalan Jing's figure. "It seems that it's separated from the scenery, and I don't know where this is or where the scenery has gone."

After trying the telepathy, we didn't feel the existence of nalanjing, which was obviously beyond a certain distance.

Mu Qianyue didn't know how big the Xuantian world was, and he didn't know where he was now. After thinking about it, he decided to find the nearest town to inquire about the news.

After flying for about half an hour, Mu found a city under the clouds.


The tall city wall is engraved with three powerful characters.

Mu Qianyue searched her mind and didn't remember that there was such a city in Xuantian before.

Tianfangcheng is very prosperous. There are many restaurants, shops, medicine shops, weapons, clubs and so on. It covers the whole street. People come and go very lively.

After entering the restaurant, Mu Xiaoyue sat down in the hall on the first floor and was about to order. Suddenly, he remembered the problem of currency. The gold coins in the land of magic state could not be used here.

The bartender came over with a flattering face. "What do you want to eat, girl?"

Mu Qianyue turned her eyes and asked, "is there a menu here?"

"It's on the wall. You can see it for yourself." The bartender answers carelessly, see Mu shallow moon action is too slow, so turn to busy work.

She lifted her eyes and fell on the wooden card menu hanging on the wall in front of her. It was written in big seal script. Fortunately, she knew all of them.

The price is marked at the back of each dish.

"It turns out that the money in circulation is xuanjie. Well, it seems that my gold coins are useless here. In an instant, I feel like I'm going from a billionaire to a pauper. " Mu shallow moon murmured softly.As soon as her voice dropped, she heard the ferocious voice of the bartender behind her, "what? Poor? You dare to come here to eat without money! You don't look like you don't have money! I didn't expect to be a poor man! Maybe you stole all the clothes! If you don't have money, get out of here

Mu Qianyue's cold eyes surging, the dog's eyes look down on the low guy!

Just as she was about to get angry, a man's voice came from the door, "this girl is with me. Do you have any complaints? "

A man dressed in Chinese robes, he walked into the restaurant, took out a bag of xuanjing coins from his arms and threw them into the hands of the bartender, "is that enough to have a meal here?"

The bartender quickly took it with a smile and nodded, "that's enough..."

"Give me your best food and wine!" The man is very rich said, and then walked to the opposite side of the moon sat down, his eyes fell on her beautiful face, eyes flash across a deep surprise.

"Girl, are you new to Tianfangcheng?"

Mu shallow moon vision light, nod, "en."

"Miss, I don't know your name." Sima Xing's face with a flattering smile, as well as malicious eyes, let Mu shallow moon is very disgusted.

However, mu Qianyue didn't leave. When he first came here, he knew nothing about Xuantian world. He could apply some information from situ Xing.

If not, she's like a headless fly flying around.

"Mu Qianyue." Red lips light open, light spit out three words.

"The girl's name is really beautiful."

After a while, the bartender served all the dishes. During the meal, mu Qianyue got to know the situation around him. Tianfangcheng belongs to Huazhou.

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