Under the leadership of situ Mingrui, mu Qianyue came to a commercial street, which was also the most prosperous trading market in Huazhou county. Weapons, medicinal materials, pills, various materials and rare paintings were sold here.

"Miss mu, this is the medicine shop of situ family. In addition to operating medicine shops, the situ family also includes clothing stores, material stores and jewelry stores, and has more types of contact. " Situ Mingrui said with a smile.

As soon as they were about to step into the drugstore, they heard a scornful laugh behind them, "Oh, isn't this master situ? It's just in time. My master ordered me to come and get the money

Sima Mingrui's eyes were slightly cold. When he turned back to look at the old man, his eyes were filled with a trace of coldness. "Ink flag, I remember that there are still three days to go before the specified time? It's too early for you to ask for money now! "

Mu Xiaoyue's eyes lifted slightly. He was a tall and strong man, followed by eight guards in the same clothes. His face was a little grim, and his mouth was filled with a scornful smile.

The man, known as Mo Chi, sneered, "it is true that there are still three days left. My master is afraid that you will forget this matter, so he sent me to remind you. If you still can't get the money after three days, the two medicine shops, three clothing stores and jewelry stores of your situ family in Huazhou county will belong to the Mohist family. "

"Hum! Don't worry about this! We'll have the money in three days Sima Mingrui's eyes were filled with anger and a faint cold hum.

"Oh, no brag! Or is it that after two days' absence, master situ became more confident? Three days later, we have to take out ten million xuanjing coins. This is not a small sum. When will you be so rich in situ family? " Mo Zhi's eyes are obviously full of scorn and ridicule.

He is very clear about the situation of the situ family. He doesn't think that it is absolutely impossible for the family to take out another 10 million xuanjing coins in three days!

So the situ family is doomed to be destroyed!

When the last few profitable shops of the situ family are gone, the situ family will not attack itself! Ha ha

"Doesn't it seem that it's none of your Mohist business? As long as I can take out ten million xuanjing coins in three days! Now if it's all right, you can go! " Situ Mingrui said coldly.

"Ha ha Good luck to you Ink flag disdains to sneer, with people turn to leave.

It was not until they left that Mu said, "what's going on?"

"Although the Xiao family is the first-class family of Canglang people, it is not easy to fight against the situ family, so they bribe the Mohist family in the city and serve them. In recent years, the business of the situ family has been severely suppressed by the Mohist school. As a result, the medicinal materials, jewelry, ready-made clothes and materials in our shop have to be sold at a low price or even at a loss. If we don't sell it at a very low price, we'll lose the last customer! "

"The Mohist school has the support of the Xiao family, so they don't have to worry about money at all. The business of several shops of the Mohist school is almost the same as that of the situ family. In recent two years, the Mohist family has bought several shops around and sold the goods at extremely low prices, which are even half of the cost price!" There was anger in situ Mingrui's eyes.

On hearing this, Mu understood that this is essentially vicious business competition, selling goods at cost price and defeating competitors.

Even though they knew that the Mohist school was intentional, the situ family was helpless. After the loss in recent years, the situ family was not as rich as it was at the beginning.

If the goods are not sold at a low price, the customers will go to the Mojia shop nearby. If the goods are sold at a low price, the situ family will always lose money No matter what kind of loss it is!

"Just five months ago, the elder suddenly said that a family near the city wanted to buy most of our medicinal materials for three months, and asked us to deliver them, and paid a deposit of five million on the spot. On the night before delivery three months ago, all the herbs in the field suddenly withered and died without any sign That family is very angry about this and wants us to refund the money! With their deposit, we need six million yuan of xuanjing coins! At that time, we couldn't take out so much money at all, so we were willing to give us a month's grace. When we tried our best to raise money, we were told that the signing agreement was in the hands of the Mohists! " When he said this, a flame of anger sprang up in situ Mingrui's eyes.

"It is also said that your creditors have become Mohists?" Mu Xiaoyue's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yes! When we want to give money to the Mohist family, it turns out that the Mohist school has raised the interest rate and must give it 10 million yuan! Give us another month to raise money. If we can't raise money, the Mohist family will take over the five shops of our situ family. This condition was written in the signing agreement at that time. Therefore, even if we find the sheriff as the leader, there is no way. "

"Well, I'm surprised. Why do you have to write down the shop of the situ family in the signing agreement on the sale of medicinal materials?" Now mu Qianyue can almost conclude that this is a trap, and the situ family is calculated!

And that so-called family to buy a large number of medicinal materials is just a cover to deceive the situ family.At that time, the situ family had been losing money and the economy was in a depression. Suddenly, a family made a big order of five million at a time. Naturally, the family agreed without much thought.

"This request was put forward by that family. It said that we were afraid that we would collect money and there would be no medicinal materials for them. Then we must pay five times the price. If we can't, we will take the shop as collateral. If it was not for the sudden withering and death of those herbs, there would be absolutely no problem! " Said situ Mingrui.

"Isn't it ridiculous? My family, a second-class family in Huazhou County, couldn't even get ten million yuan of xuanjing coins... " Sima Mingrui's mouth lifted a helpless smile. His eyes fell on mu Qianyue's face, and his eyes burst into a dazzling light. "Miss mu, the pills and herbs you gave me are definitely the most effective encouragement to the situ family! I believe that I can raise ten million xuanjing coins in three days

"Yes! I believe you Mu Xiaoyue said with a smile. After a pause, she asked again, "who is the person who contacts and talks with that family?"

"It has always been handled by the elder, who was contacted by the family at the beginning."

"Don't you doubt it?" Mu Qianyue raised his head and looked at him directly.

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