The shopkeeper saw that the business was booming, and he couldn't close his mouth. "Anyone who bought the medicine can come here and let Miss Mu see a doctor for you for free."

After all, those who have paid for it will go there for a walk. After all, who doesn't want free things?

Usually, it costs more than ten yuan to invite a general doctor to see a doctor. If it's a difficult disease, it costs hundreds and thousands of yuan. So there are free medical treatment, white see white do not see, even if there is no disease have to walk around.

And Mu shallow moon is also to seize the psychology of the public, will attract everyone over.

However, when you see mu Qianyue so young, they don't think so. As a young doctor, his medical skills must be limited. Forget it, since it's free, let's see.

The first one who came over was a middle-aged man. Mu Qianyue asked him to sit down and felt his pulse. He found that his body was not big or bad, but just a few small problems. So he took out acupuncture and put two needles on his body seemingly casually, "OK, you can go."

That person a Leng, the eye shows a trace of displeasure, "so fast good? Are you a real doctor? You are obviously perfunctory! I suspect you don't know anything about my health! "

"Did you feel blocked when you practiced before? Those two needles have already solved the problem of your muscles and veins. You can run zhenyuanli to have a look. Besides, you are strong and strong, and there is no problem. If you have to say yes, it is that you have been a little angry and have bad breath recently Mu shallow moon light says.

The man's face turned red and he could not help humming. After trying to run zhenyuanli for a while, he found that the original two veins in his body were actually connected! Moreover, the true element force moves more freely and quickly, and the body seems to be full of strength.

His face could not help but show excitement and joy, "fierce! It's amazing! Don't ask to debate the disease, gently two needles to solve my muscles and veins problem, it seems that you are a really good doctor! I've seen a lot of doctors about this problem before, but I haven't been optimistic about it! Just now I have a bad attitude! I'm sorry

"It's OK." Mu Xiaoyue waved her hand lightly.

The man walked away with the medicine in his arms.

The people behind saw that person's attitude changed in an instant, but their eyes lit up and they came up one after another.

The shopkeeper quickly called out in the back, "everyone line up, one by one!"

The second one was also a young woman. After she came over, she looked at mu Qianyue and stopped talking. Her eyes were a little dodgy. Mu Qianyue saw that she had difficulties in speaking. Her lips raised a faint smile. "You don't need to talk. I'll know my pulse. You can reach out your hand."

The young woman quickly and excitedly nodded, sat down in front of Mu Qianyue, stretched out her hand, and then looked forward to looking at her.

Su finger light on her wrist, but for a moment, Mu found out her disease, is a more difficult to treat skin disease, namely vitiligo.

However, in order to confirm, mu Qianyue still lifted up her sleeves and checked her neck. As expected, there were obvious differences in skin color in those places, and several places became very white.

"Girl, can I cure this disease?"

"It can be cured." Take out acupuncture and moxibustion in the woman's chest and back on several acupuncture points, 36 needles, this just opened his mouth and said, "OK."

Hearing this, the woman quickly lifted up her sleeve and saw that the irregular white spots on her arm had disappeared. Tears of excitement and joy sprang up in her eyes. "Thank you, doctor! Thank you, doctor

Because of this skin disease problem, she has been troubled for several years, until now has not married. No matter how many doctors I saw before, they didn't look forward to it, but now it's easy to cure. Naturally, I'm very happy.

As a matter of fact, mu Qianyue can easily cure the skin disease of Qingzi in this year as long as she uses the field of life. However, the field of life is her bottom card, so she can't show it casually, especially in the unknown Xuantian world.

The people who came from behind were all small problems. Mu Qianyue put a few needles at random and all the problems were solved.

Then came a man, with a cold breath on his body. It seemed that it was not easy to get close to him. He looked like he refused to be seen from thousands of miles away!

His body is a problem because of his long-term practice of Yin cold breath, which makes his body often cold. If he continues to practice, it will easily lead to the rupture of his muscles and veins. Naturally, mu Qianyue can cure this problem with just a few needles.

More and more people came to line up, and Mu was despised by everyone from the beginning, until now he was called the miracle doctor.

At first, people came to buy medicinal materials. They just went to Mu Qianyue to see a doctor for free. But later, it gradually became that people came to see a doctor and bought herbs by the way.

The difference before and after the contrast, enough to prove mu Qianyue's medical skills.

But in just half a day, half of the herbs in the drugstore have been sold out! And the ten thousand year old herbs were also bought three!

By the afternoon, the whole drugstore was full of people, showing an extremely congested situation. People outside could not get in and those inside couldn't get out. It took him a long time to clean up a road.It was not until midnight that the door of the drugstore was closed, and the people returned one after another.

"Miss mu, it's really hard for you today." Situ Mingrui looked at her with burning eyes. She did not expect that she would not only refine pills, but also be so skillful in medicine! Those difficult and complicated diseases seemed not to her at all.

Mu shallow moon rubbed some sore hands, "the first time in a day to see so many patients, to tell the truth is really a little tired."

"When I go back, I'll find some maids to give you a good massage." There is a trace of gentleness in situ Mingrui's eyes.

"Yes." Mu Qianyue nods.

"Little Lord, little Lord, do you know how much we sold today?" The shopkeeper took the account book and trembled with excitement.

"How much?" To tell you the truth, he's looking forward to it.

"More than 56 million xuanjing coins!" This is equivalent to the turnover of the previous year. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, he could not help but look forward to it more.

Sima Mingrui was also surprised, "so many?"



At this time, the atmosphere of the Mohist school was very solemn. An elder of the Xiao family was sitting in his position, with anger on his face, "what's going on? Why did the situ family suddenly have many hundred year old herbs? There are ten thousand year old herbs! Where did these rare medicinal materials come from? "

"We don't know." Mohist master's face showed a puzzled look.

Before that, the situ family was in a dead end. It was impossible for them to have such rare medicinal materials. Otherwise, they would have taken them out for a long time. There is no need to wait until now! , the fastest update of the webnovel!