When they heard this, they suddenly changed their faces and looked up at Liu Ruyan's chest. As expected, it was dark. It was obvious that the concealed weapon was poisoned!

"My God! This is really bad! I'm still smearing poison on the concealed weapon! "

"Tut Tut, the most poisonous woman's heart!"

"Yes! I didn't expect that Mu Qianqian, who is a pharmacist of ten grade pills, is extremely beautiful in appearance and has excellent talent. He should have done such a thing! "

"Isn't she the first lady of Feibao building? Liu Ruyan is also the adoptive daughter of Feibao building. Why does she attack Liu Ruyan secretly

"You don't know, do you? Mu Qianqian has just come to Feibao tower. Before that, Liu Ruyan has been in charge of Feibao tower. She must be jealous... "

"Didn't Liu Ruyan say that just now? Mu Xiaoyue is to blame her for robbing her father's love. The woman's jealousy is really good! "

"That's why she wants to poison Liu Ruyan? It looks like an immortal, but it is a snake and a scorpion. "

I'm waiting for you to judge me.

Hearing the words of the people, Cang Yuwei had already been angry, and stood up from her position. "You all shut up! Shallow is not such a person! She's a second-class king of gods. Does she need to sneak on a nine level warrior? "

The crowd was stunned at the speech, and his eyes were puzzled.

Some people in the crowd disdained to snort, "who knows, maybe she just likes to sneak in."

"Hum! In the last few contests, when shallower met the Ninth level emperor, they were all defeated by one move. Do you think Liu Ruyan should let shallower attack? Liu Ruyan, you are really mean! " Cang Yu Wei angry way.

And Mu shallow month all along did not speak, eyebrow shallow frown.

"Princess six, I know you have a good relationship with Yueer sister. I want to defend her, but the fact is in front of me..." Liu Ruyan's face was pale, and his breath was weak.

Mu Qianyue's lips gently raised a cold arc, light as water eyes fell on her weak pale face, "you say I sneak attack?"

Step light lift, went to Liu Ruyan in front of, stretched out his hand to hold her throat, "my second level God King need to sneak attack you? You deserve it

"Said I poisoned the concealed weapon? If I really want to kill you, there are thousands of ways, and there are countless opportunities in Feibao tower. Do you think I would be stupid enough to poison you in front of people and kill you in such a mean and clumsy way? Do you think I'm stupid, or do you think everyone's stupid? Liu Ruyan, even if you want to frame me up, please find a better reason. "

The woman's cold eyes are filled with bloodthirsty killing intention, and the whole body is cold, just like the devil! Cold and domineering!

That terrible cold eyes, let Liu Ruyan look a change, the body can not help shaking up, the heart filled with a huge fear

At this moment, she knew that she underestimated the moon!

Mu Xiaoyue's wrist is lifted, and she is thrown down from the competition platform. She gets up slowly and wears purple clothes.

The light of gold covered her whole body, just like Lingbo fairy, beautiful.

A woman's words immediately let everyone be shocked, suddenly wake up.

Yes, if Mu Qianyue really wants to deal with it, there will be countless opportunities in Feibao tower. Can we start here? Poisoning people in front of them? I want to tell you that she is going to kill Liu Ruyan?

There will never be such a fool in the world!

Therefore, we think carefully, and then some understand, suddenly one by one look at Liu Ruyan's eyes, full of disdain and contempt.

"What a shame! How could you frame Miss mu in such a despicable way

"Yes, we were almost cheated!"

Liu Ruyan didn't expect to be so cunning

The tone of the crowd suddenly changed. Liu Ruyan was so angry that she almost vomited blood. But at this time, it was obviously useless for her to say anything. The best way was to pretend to be dizzy, so Hua Lili fainted

The referee waved and she was immediately lifted down.

However, to everyone's surprise, Mu was supposed to be the first-class God King, but she was unexpectedly the second-class God King!

Oh, my God! Such a young second-class God, this talent is really against the sky!

If it was not for mu Qianyue himself, they would not know her real strength.

Canglang country has produced so many talents!

The happiest person is your Majesty the wolf, which is a good thing for the Wolf Kingdom! The second level God King is also a pharmacist of ten grade pills. He must try his best to attract mu Qianyue and treat him with courtesy

People in the other three countries were a little gloomy.

The most shocking person is Xiao Jing. His face is full of shock and ruthless expression. Mu Qianyue is the second-class God! How is that possible?

A few days ago, she was a first-class God!

Is she deliberately hiding her strength? It seems that if you want to kill her, his strength is not enough. We must let the elder and them come out. Well, he still has a card in his hand. I just hope the people in Liuhuo country don't let him down!Thinking of this Xiao Jing's face, sometimes grim, sometimes with a sneer, it looks very strange Dian people.

"I admire the moon." The referee's voice was a little excited.

"Wow! Shallow, you are so overbearing! I love you so much Cang Yuwei sees Mu Xiaoyue step down and runs towards her. She reaches out and takes her arm. Her eyes are filled with adoration and is very excited.

"That's the way to deal with that hypocritical woman!" Mu shallow moon light cold hum, really think she is easy to bully? If not some clues are still searching, mu Qianyue really wants to abolish her immediately.

If my mother's missing, it really has something to do with Liu Ruyan

However, she will not easily kill Liu Ruyan, the torture of life is not like death is the best punishment!

"It's a pity that you are a woman. If you are a man, I will marry you!" Cang Yu Wei smiles.

Mu Qianyue's eyes were cold, and she looked up to Cang Yuwei. Her beautiful face showed a smile, "well, you are so eager to get married. It seems that our six princesses are homesick for spring..."

"Shallow!" Cang Yuwei's face turned red, and she looked at her angrily.

"Well, don't tease you. It's Ming Rui's turn to appear later." Mu Qianyue's eyes gradually become dignified.

Sima Mingrui's opponent is Xiao Jing!

People's eyes also converged on the competition platform again.

"Situ Mingrui, you, a country boy, dare to rob the princess with me! I'll make you regret getting close to her Xiao Jing looks at the opposite situ Mingrui.

Situ Mingrui's eyes were fearless and met the bloody cold light in his eyes. "Xiao Jing, you are despicable and shameless. You are not worthy to be with the sixth princess at all!"

Fortunately, he and Liu Ruyan's scene was broken by the six princesses, otherwise this will cause more damage to the six princesses!

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