However, she has no resistance at all. Her struggle, her slapping and her anger have aroused Xiao Jing's desire and excited him more.

"Weiwei, you want to kill me now. After we get together, you will fall in love with me again..." BR, < BR, < BR,

, it's better to see the light in the eyes of no one? With the sky as the quilt and the ground as the furnace, the moon is bright and the stars are shining. How romantic... "

"Help Help... " Cang Yuwei cried weakly.

"Ha ha, Wei Wei, you'd better save your energy. At this time, everyone has already gone to bed. This is a remote place. There is no figure in the daytime, let alone at night Ha ha... " Xiao Jing sneered and reached out to pick up her clothes.

"Xiao Jing, let me go, or I will bite my tongue and commit suicide..." Cang Yuwei tried to endure the hot evil in her body, but she felt more and more uncontrollable.

There was a look of humility on her face, and she knew that it was the effect of flattery!

Xiao Jing seems to have not heard her words at all and deceives her.

Just when Cang Yuwei was about to bite her tongue and commit suicide, suddenly a sword light came in the night, and the sharp sword light was as gorgeous as fireworks, which briefly illuminated the night sky.

Startled and fierce momentum suddenly hit behind him. Xiao Jing was shocked and quickly rolled away.

He stood up angrily, turned his head, and looked darkly at the man who had destroyed his good deeds. His eyes were filled with shock and anger, "situ Mingrui? It's you again

This damned guy is really haunting! He is the one who destroys his own good every time!

Instead of paying attention to him, situ Mingrui looked at the woman lying on the grass crying in front of him. He was shocked, "six princesses?"

Quickly rushed forward, quickly took off the clothes on her body, covered the white of Cang Yuwei's chest.

She reached out to help her up, and then looked up angrily at Xiao Jing, "Xiao Jing! You are so despicable

"Situ Mingrui, there is a way in heaven. If you don't go, there is no way to enter hell! Hum Xiao Jing's mouth aroused a sneer and just wanted to find a chance to kill him. Unexpectedly, he delivered it to his door and wanted to destroy his good deeds!

"Mingrui, go, you are not his opponent..." Cang Yuwei's face is crimson, powerless paralytic in his arms, and his voice is as attractive as a tender chant.

"Walk together!" Situ Mingrui didn't seem to find her strange. Instead, he carried her on his back, threw out a sword light quickly, and then turned around and ran. The speed was extremely fast.

But Xiao Jing's speed was faster, which blocked his way.

"Go to hell!" Xiao Jing looks ferocious. He blows out his sword quickly and fiercely. He immediately flies situ Mingrui out.

In order not to let Cang Yuwei get hurt, situ Mingrui tightly hugs her in his arms, turns her body in the air, turns into a meat mat, and catches Cang Yuwei with his body.

His back hit a sharp stone under his body and stabbed it into the flesh. Situ Mingrui frowned, but he didn't say a word.

In the twinkling of an eye, Xiao Jing's attack comes again.

Xiao Jing sees situ Mingrui holding Cang Yuwei in his arms. He is even more angry and rushes over.

Sima Mingrui's strength was not as good as that of him. In addition, he was not his opponent, so he was quickly beaten down.

Soon, situ Mingrui's body was covered with blood. He was very embarrassed and obviously seriously injured.

"Come on, I don't care." Cang Yuwei only feels that her body is getting hotter and hotter, and her consciousness is somewhat blurred. However, the resolute eyebrows and eyes of the man in front of her are so clear that they are engraved into her eyes and in her mind

"Six princesses, no matter what, I won't leave you alone!" With a firm look in his eyes, situ Mingrui lifted his hand to wipe the bloodstain from his mouth, and clenched the liushuang sword in his hand.

He knows that if Cang Yuwei is thrown down at this time, he still has a chance to escape, but Cang Yuwei will be defiled by Xiao Jing!

This is what he can't do! Not because she is a princess! But for any woman in such a danger, he will also come forward!

Otherwise, his conscience will never live!

"But you will die for me..." Tears from her face down, the man's resolute eyes, expression, deeply moved her.

"I'm not afraid of death It's just that I'm afraid I can't protect you for long. " Sima Mingrui sighed and glanced around. He found that he was far away from Canglang city in the battle.

Surrounded by dense dark jungle, occasionally heard a few Warcraft shouts.

Sima Mingrui's eyes quickly flashed a touch of fine light, started a sword again, turned around and ran. In an instant, he fell into the jungle and lost his trace in the blink of an eye.

"I see where you two can run!" Xiao Jing's eyes were gloomy and her expression was extremely angry.

Where the hell did situ Mingrui come from! If it wasn't for him, he would have got it!Once Cang Yuwei becomes his woman, he will publicize it in the morning, and everyone knows it. Even if the wolf's majesty is angry, she will be betrothed to himself!

After all, it's about the reputation of the royal family!

He had already designed all this, but he didn't expect to kill a situ Mingrui on the way!

Xiao Jing looks for the breath all the way, with a sneer floating under his eyes, and quickly chases after him. Sure enough, it doesn't take long to see two figures staggering away in front of him.

You don't have to think about it. It's situ Mingrui and Cang Yuwei.

Situ Mingrui and Cang Yuwei walked together and looked at the cliff in front of them, and their eyes showed a helpless smile. "Six princesses, it seems that we are doomed to have no way to escape."

Xiao Jing saw that they stopped and quickly caught up with them. After seeing the cliff in front of him by the light moonlight, his eyes could not help but show a wanton arrogant sneer.

"Ha ha, run, run, see where you are going! Ha ha ha It seems that even heaven won't help you The bleak laughter of Xiao Jing rings out in the night sky, which shows that he is from Yunnan.

He swore that he would kill situ Mingrui, take back his liushuang sword and torture Cang Yuwei severely

"Weiwei, please come to me. I promise I will cherish you as much as before." Xiao Jing bewitched the way with gentle voice.

"Ming Rui, are you afraid?" Cang Yuwei doesn't even look at him. Instead, she looks at situ Mingrui.

Maybe she was blown by the cold wind, her consciousness had a trace of soberness.

"Not afraid. It's my blessing to die with the princess Sima Mingrui put a smile on his mouth and hugged the woman in his arms. , the fastest update of the webnovel!