Nalanjing didn't seem to hear it. His exquisite and picturesque face was cold and indifferent, even his eyes were not lifted, as if there was no Liu Ruyan.

Liu Ruyan's greeting is ignored by the red ~ naked ~ naked, which makes her look stiff.

Cang Yuwei is not happy to stare at the eyes, coldly stare at Liu Ruyan.

Elder Luo frowned with displeasure.

The air suddenly congsu down, and no one laughed again. It was obvious that Liu Ruyan's arrival made everyone very disgusted.

Mu shallow moon eyebrow is wrung gently, did not make a sound.

Liu Ruyan saw that nalanjing didn't pay attention to himself, but his expression was a little stiff, and then changed into a gentle and charming smile. He raised his head and looked at Mu Yan, "adoptive father, can I sit down?"

Mu Yan coldly nodded.

Liu Ruyan chuckles and goes to the position beside nalanjing and sits down. On the other side of her is elder Luo.

Cang Yuwei disdains cold hum, in the heart secretly annoys this Liu Ruyan's face how so thick? First, she seduced Xiao Jing shamelessly. Now she is sitting beside her as if nothing had happened

It's disgusting to think of what I saw that morning. It is just that she is a guest of Feibao building, so there is no way to drive Liu Ruyan away.

Even mu Qianyue also admired Liu Ruyan's courage. As long as she was not a fool, everyone here didn't like her, but she turned a blind eye and still sat in the world with thick skin.

Mu Yan naturally also saw at a glance that we all hate Liu Ruyan, but he didn't say anything more, but said faintly, "all have a meal."

He also wanted to see what Liu Ruyan wanted to do.

Ever since he knew that Liu Ruyan was the culprit who might divulge the news and made Lan'er missing, his heart was full of anger.

But he hides it well, and when there is not enough evidence, he will bear it all.

As well as in the martial arts competition, Liu Ruyan tried to injustice yue'er and wanted to damage yue'er's reputation, which he had already known. But at that time, Liu Ruyan changed his words and said that someone had played a secret weapon secretly and wanted to put the blame on yue'er.

Of course, Mu Yan absolutely does not believe this. This kind of lie is full of holes. It's OK to cheat a child. It's impossible to cheat him!

However, he pretended to believe her words in front of Liu Ruyan and let Liu Ruyan relax her vigilance.

"Ming Rui, you eat this." The sixth princess, Cang Yuwei, gives the dishes to situ Mingrui.

"Vivi, you eat this, too." Sima Mingrui pinches Cang Yuwei with a drumstick. They are so affectionate that they envy others.

"Hello, you two are too much. This is my family at least. Are you not afraid that I will beat you when you show love like nobody else?" Mu shallow moon mouth with a smile, teasing way.

"Hee hee, I'm not afraid. How can I be willing to beat me if I'm so shallow." Cang Yuwei raised her lovely face.

However, Sima Mingrui was red faced. He felt very shy, but his heart was full of sweetness and happiness. This is the feeling of love.

Mu Xiaoyue shakes his head. Situ Mingrui is a good boy, but how can he feel that he looks like a shy little daughter-in-law? He always blushes. Look at Wei Wei Wei, who is very big and square, what should he do? It seems that thick skinned is good!

Just at this time, two pairs of chopsticks reached out to her, and Mu Yan and nalanjing gave her dishes at the same time. After a while, her bowls piled up like hills.

Mu shallow moon helplessly frowns.

"Lady, you can't finish so many dishes. I'll share them for you." Nalanjing said, then Mu rock clip to her dishes are put into their own bowl.

Mu Xiaoyue's eyes narrowed. He also played a careful eye and took all the dishes her father gave her

Mu Yan shook his head helplessly. The boy seems to be a vinegar jar. It seems that Zhanyu is very strong. It seems to be quite similar to himself.

Mu Yan will not blame him, who has never been young? Who hasn't been in love? He has done this before.

Liu Ruyan's slightly drooping eyes quickly flashed a touch of jealousy. Looking at mu Qianyue being taken care of as a treasure by Mu Yan and nalanjing, it makes her jealous, just like an invisible anger burning her heart

Why do two such excellent men belong to her? One is her father, the other is her husband group

But I have nothing! Mu Qianyue is just a woman from a lower level. She doesn't deserve to have all these beautiful things!

Whether it is mu Yan or nalanjing, she vowed that she would take them all! Will not let Mu shallow moon live so unrestrained and unrestrained!

Thinking like this, her feet under the table began to get restless, and slowly hooked the man next to her. Then she felt that nalanjing did not avoid her teasing, but sent her feet to her side, and also hooked her calf belly.

Liu Ruyan's eyes were stained with joy, en hum, she knew that men didn't steal? What's more, she is young and beautiful, and her talent is also good. The men never refuse to send her beauty to her doorShe turned her head to nalanjing and showed a charming and gentle smile. Unfortunately, nalanjing's face was still indifferent, but her leg under the table was more and more dishonest, constantly teasing her, just like a love master.

Liu Ruyan's eyes narrowed, and the smile in his eyes became deeper. It was estimated that nalanjing was a hen pecked husband. Because of the presence of all the people, it was not easy to wipe off the face, so it was another scene under the table.

Wei's face was so charming that she hated it.

After lunch, everyone left.

Mu Qianyue, cangyuwei, nalanjing and situ Mingrui walk in the garden.

Cang Yuwei turned her head and looked at nalanjing and situ Mingrui, who were far behind. Then she took mu Qianyue's hand and hurried to the side. She whispered, "shallow, there's something I have to tell you!"

"What's the matter?" Mu asked curiously.

Cang Yuwei thought for a long time, and finally seemed to have made up her mind and said, "when I had dinner just now, I saw that Liu Ruyan had been smiling at your husband all the time, and she was very lewd. I felt that there was something different between them..."

Smell speech, Mu shallow month corners of the mouth pursed up a trace of profound smile.

Cang Yuwei saw her smile but didn't say anything. She was immediately in a hurry, "shallow, do you know, Liu Ruyan is like a fox spirit, who is very good at attracting people. In case he can't hold it Ah, bah, I don't mean to speak ill of your husband, but we should be careful not to let Liu Ruyan poke his foot in the wrong direction! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!