However, mu Qianyue only came here for two months, which aroused her suspicion.

I have to say that Mu is really smart!

"If you want people to know, you have to do nothing." Mu Qianyue, with a trace of cold light in her eyes, walked slowly towards her.

The girl's slender body burst out a terrible pressure, just like the majestic mountain.

Mu Xueying, Chu Tiange and others are looking at her coldly.

Liu Ruyan's face turned white and felt an unprecedented pressure. Her eyes were filled with a frenzy and ruthlessness, "Mu Qianyue, you don't want to kill me!"

Fingers pinch Jue, she quickly activated the real yuan force in the body, the next moment, her body like a ball of rapid expansion.

"No! She's going to blow herself up A cry of surprise.

"If you want to blow yourself up, you have to ask me if you agree with me!" In the black eyes like ink, the light of Sen Leng surges, the palm lifts gently, mercilessly pats toward the front in the past.

In an instant, Liu Ruyan's self explosion was resolved.

Mu Qianyue's slender figure broke out in the cold air, just like the mountain torrent burst over Liu Ruyan's body. The powerful and dignified breath made Liu Ruyan a little breathless, and even had no ability to resist.

"You want to die so happily? I'm not what you want The voice of the song is as cold as a song. Her lips float out, and her palms are lifted and patted to the elixir field of Liu Ruyan.

Hearing only a dull sound of "bang", Liu Ruyan's elixir field broke up in an instant, and Zhen Yuan Li was scattered. At this moment, she became a waste person directly.

"Ah..." Liu Ruyan screamed in pain.

She looked up at mu Qianyue, and her eyes were full of anger and madness. She yelled like a shrew, "Mu Qianyue, if you have seed, you will kill me! Kill me

Become a waste man, there is nothing, no strength, no power, no status, always live at the bottom of the mainland, become the ants trampled on by everyone!

She should not live in such humiliation! She would rather die!

"I will not kill you." Mu Xiaoyue hummed softly and took out a dagger. "I will make you live longer than anyone else..."

Mercilessly to her face a row, Liu Ruyan immediately issued a tearing heart crack lung scream.

After a while, her originally white and beautiful face was covered with bloody sword marks, shocking.

The pain of piercing bone marrow on her face almost made her faint, but her consciousness was clearer than anyone else

"Ah, ah Mu Qianyue, you cunt! You must die Liu Ruyan's face showed a look of pain. She wanted to cover her face with both hands, but she didn't dare. Because of the pain of bone erosion, she even touched it gently, which made her feel cold.

"Mu Qianyue, do you know? At the beginning, Jin Yilan thought I was going to save her Ha ha I hate her too late, how can I save her? Only when she dies, the adoptive father will really belong to me, only to me! So I killed her, ha ha It's all over the place, you know? You'll never find her in your life, unless you go to hell Liu Ruyan's eyes filled with a vicious look, eyes blinking at Mu shallow moon, cold voice curse.

Mu Xiaoyue's eyes were suddenly cold, as cold as frost. The air around him suddenly dropped by more than ten degrees, which made Liu Ruyan shiver fiercely, showing a trace of fear in his eyes.

"You want me to kill you? No way! I will make you live, live in pain Mu shallow moon angry way.

Then he turned his head and looked at Xiao xuan'er beside him, "take out his body."

Xiao xuan'er nodded and moved his mind. A corpse appeared in front of everyone. It was Liu Ruyan's biological father.

When Liu Ruyan saw the person in front of her, her eyes flashed with surprise. How could her father's body be in their hands? Did someone follow them that day? It turns out that every move of her these days is under the control of Mu Qianyue. She thinks the plan is perfect!

Mu Qianyue raised her head and looked coldly at Liu Ruyin, and her mouth was filled with bloodthirsty anger, "don't you like it? First of all, I drew my father and tried to miss my husband, Liu Ruyan. Now I will let you taste the taste of "! I will not only make you live in pain all your life, but also ruin your reputation

Her mother saved her, took her in, raised her, took care of her and gave her the best things. Unexpectedly, she was ungrateful and revenged the hand that feeds her! In order to get his father's favor, he colluded with the Qin family and nearly killed his mother. He stole the poor Qi blood pill for his own personal gain and ignored the reputation of Feibao building! Now I repeat my old trick!

If it wasn't for snow cherry beside them, I'm afraid she and Jing would fall into Liu Ruyan's hands today.

Therefore, she can never let Liu Ruyan off!

The method of reviving the dead is displayed on Liu Fu's body. He opens his eyes.

Before he knew what was going on, he saw a powder with a faint fragrance of flowers coming over and pouring into his mouth and nose. Gradually, his eyes became blurred and his eyes were full of desire and fire.In the sight of the side of Liu Ruyan, directly incarnate as a wolf to pounce on!

"Ah Get out of here, get out of here... " Liu Ruyan kept punching and kicking, but at the moment, she was just an ordinary person with no real yuan. Her struggle to Liu father was just scratching, which had no effect at all.

Although Liu's father is addicted to gambling and has poor talent, he is also a smart warrior.

After the matter, Mu shallow month also did not have the desire to watch ~ hope, some headache's stroked forehead.

A pair of warm palms covered her forehead, gently rubbed her locked eyebrows for her, "lady, let's go home."

"Yes." Mu Xiaoyue nodded and left hand in hand with nalanjing, giving the place to the two people on the ground.

Mu Qianyue is only attracted to Liu's father, but Liu Ruyan doesn't fall in love with her. So she is conscious at the moment. She is abused by Liu's father again and again. Her heart is as gray as death. She is desperate and painful. She wants to die immediately

The next morning, Liu's father woke up with a look of doubt and shock in his eyes. Wasn't he dead? Mingming was killed by Liu Ruyan, the bad girl! How did you survive? Is everything before is a dream? Or was he not dead and saved?

Liu Ruyan was woken up and angry, "you bastard, let me go quickly! Let go of me , the fastest update of the webnovel!