Sima Mingrui naturally understood the meaning of Mu's words and nodded, "yes. Master, I will try my best to develop the situ family and make it the first family in Canglang state. I will not fail to live up to your expectations

With the help of the master and son, he is now the king of Ming Dynasty, and it will be sooner or later for the situ family to develop.

Only when the situ family is strong, can he become the support of the master and come forward as soon as the master needs help.

And Mu Yan is still looking for the whereabouts of Jin Yilan.

After staying in Canglang city for a few days, mu Qianyue and nalanjing set out to Yunluo mountain in Yunying kingdom.

Yunluo mountain is nearly ten thousand miles away from Canglang city. Even if Mu Qianyue and nalanjing fly, it took a day, and it was already dark when we arrived at Yunluo city.

Mu Qianyue and nalanjing can only find an inn to live in first. At that time, when they were separated from Fengling, she once said that she would build forces near the poison Dance Gate, and then wait for the opportunity to move.

But now it's been two years and I don't know what's going on with her.

However, Mu Xiaoyue can be sure that the wind chime on the street is not dead, because she once gave a piece of her life card to herself.

So far, the life card is intact, which is enough to prove that she is not dead.


In the early morning, the golden sunshine shines on this land, and a new day begins.

Mu Qianyue and nalanjing walk hand in hand in Yunluo city. Naturally, the development here is not as prosperous as Canglang City, even half as small as Canglang city.

But half a day, Mu shallow moon two people then will this cloud falls the city to stroll over.

"Well I don't know what's going on with Fengling now... " Mu shallow moon Mu Lu worried, looked at this strange sea of people.

Fengling followed her for four years before, and accompanied her to go to the Youming prison to rescue the scene. She had already established a deep friendship with the stranger Fengling.

"With her divine power, no one can hurt her." Nalan Jing soft voice comfort way, "and now we have come here, we can find her."

"Yes." Mu Xiaoyue nodded.

When nothing happened in the afternoon, mu Qianyue decided to go to the poisonous swamp mentioned by situ Mingrui.

As expected, the ten thousand poison marsh is full of poisonous gas, just like what situ Mingrui said.

It's quiet all around. There's no one there. Obviously, everyone doesn't want to come here.

Because the first time he came to Wandu swamp, mu Qianyue summoned Zhenyuan armor just in case. Nalanjing on the side also called Zhenyuan armor. They went to the Wandu swamp together.

At first, mu Qianyue didn't feel anything, but gradually felt that the poisonous gas was eroding her armor.

Mu Qianyue's eyes changed slightly, even the strength of the God King could not resist the erosion of poison gas?

"Green dragon blood, talent open."

With the armor of green dragon's blood, those poisonous gases did not continue to erode.

Next to nalanjing also summoned the yellow blood armor.

However, when she and nalanjing went deep into the center of Wandu swamp, those poisonous gases seemed to have long eyes and rushed towards them two crazily.

Mu's face changed.

For the first time, nalanjing's beautiful face showed a trace of dignified expression, "this poison gas is not generally severe."

"Yes." Mu shallow month nodded, Mou son is tiny heavy, "king, we go out first."

It seems that the poison dance sect still has some means, otherwise it will not become the first poison family in Xuantian world.

What's more, this poisonous swamp is extremely strange. If you accidentally step into a trap or swamp, you will die here.

Mu Qianyue just took a cursory look, and did not intend to continue to go deep. With a movement of body shape, she retreated with nalanjing.

The brow shallow congeals, thought for a long time, in the mind then had the idea, "the scenery, we first go to look for a few herbs."

"Lady, have you found the antidote to the poison gas?" Nalan Jing, dressed in a white robe, is spotless and stands between the green mountains, like a hermit immortal.

"I don't know if it will work. I can only try it first." Mu Qianyue nodded.

After that, mu Qianyue talked about several kinds of herbs with nalanjing. This is Yunluo mountain. It should be easy to find some herbs. After all, these herbs are not very precious.

It took more than half a day to find all the herbs, but now there is only the last Wisteria.

Two people continue to look for a time after, suddenly Mu shallow moon eyes a bright, "Wisteria grass?"

I saw a lilac herb growing under a rock in front of me, especially conspicuous among the green.

Mu shallow moon body movement, toward that side quickly swept past.

Just as she was about to reach out to pick the wisteria, suddenly a figure jumped over from the side, and also reached out.Mu shallow month Mou son a squint, instinctively stretch out a hand to fight toward that person, that person also raised hand, Mu shallow month hit over.

Both of them seemed to be afraid to hurt the wisteria grass. At the same time, they made efforts under their feet, far away from the wisteria grass, and landed on the grass beside them.

Mu Xiaoyue raised his head, facing a middle-aged man about 40 years old. His face was rough, with a trace of heroic breath. He opened his voice and said, "this girl, I need this Wisteria grass. Can you give it to me? I can make it up to you with something else. "

"I'm sorry. I need this Wisteria plant, too." Mu shallow month eye light light falls on his body, light says.

The middle-aged man's eyes narrowed, "girl, we really need this Wisteria plant!"

"I need it, too." Mu Qianyue still did not give in.

"Elder, don't talk nonsense with her. Just grab the Wisteria. We found the wisteria together. It doesn't belong to her. We don't need to discuss it with her. Whoever gets it first will have it!" Several people came from the rear, the eyes vigilantly looked at Xiangmu shallow moon, and looked at the wisteria grass road.

Mu Xiaoyue's eyes are light and her eyes are on them. The wisteria is not of great use. The biggest and best use is to refine the antidote of those poisonous gases in the ten thousand poison swamp.

Are they poison dancers?

There should be no antidote for Wisteria

"Girl, since you won't let me go, I'll have to do it." The middle-aged man said, the words fall, his body suddenly turned into a black shadow, toward the wisteria grass rushed in, and several people behind him quickly rushed to Mu Qianyue, surrounded her inside, obviously want to drag her step, so that the man won Wisteria.

Mu shallow moon Mou son shallow MI, the cooperation of these few people is still very tacit understanding. Looking at the middle-aged man is going to pick the wisteria grass, mu Qianyue's face does not show an anxious look, because there are still people behind her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!