"Your Majesty, there is no such thing! Our Xiao family has always been loyal to your majesty and the Wolf Kingdom! Go through fire and water and never say goodbye again The ancestor of Xiao family is also an expert in flattery. It's a pity that his majesty Cang Lang would not let go of this matter after listening to his flattery?

His face was covered with frost, and he looked at the ancestors of the Xiao family with indifference. "If so, let me see your loyalty, your loyalty to the Xiaos!"

Xiao's ancestor was stagnant, and his heart was filled with extreme reluctance. He looked up at the supreme elder next to his majesty Canglang. The other side was the strength of the fifth level God Emperor.

Continue to entangle, he is not good at all, he knows that today has missed the opportunity to kill Mu shallow moon, on the contrary, his own side of the staff suffered heavy losses!

His hands clenched into fists under his sleeves, and his eyes flashed with a sharp ferocity. After a long time, he released his hands and bowed to his majesty wolf and said, "Your Majesty, I'm going to fight, hunt and kill Warcraft and defend our territory."

After that, he swept into the battle circle under the city wall and rushed to the group of Warcraft animals. However, the place he went to was only the side of his Xiao family members to protect his family. As for the life and death of other people, the Xiao family's ancestors did not intend to take charge of it.

"Your Majesty Sorry, because I almost delayed everyone... "

The voice of the girl was so weak.

I saw Mu shallow moon has woken up, beautiful pale face full of guilt and remorse.

"Miss mu, just wake up." Your majesty wolf is very happy.

"Yes. Your majesty, please bring the wounded and I will heal them. " Mu Xiaoyue sat up, cross legged and kneaded with both hands, exerting her birth field.

At this time, those who were seriously injured and dying were carried over and quickly recovered in the field of Mu Qianyue's life until they recovered

Most of the wounded were the royal forest army. Some of the strong people who came to fight against the animal tide on their own were not from the Xiao family, the Lin family or the Li family.

Most of the members of the Xiao family, the Li family and the Lin family have all died in the war. Some of them have even been torn in two by Warcraft. There is no possibility of surviving.

Due to the participation of several ancient fierce beasts, the morale of these Warcraft was high, and the human race was constantly defeated. In desperation, his majesty wolf had to invite some elders of the supreme emperor to join the battle.

These Taishang elders all had the strength of the fourth and fifth level gods. They directly rushed to the Nine Tailed sky foxes, the ancient poor and strange, the Honghuang Teng snake and the ancient ice snake.

If you can hunt an ancient god beast and a fierce beast as a pet animal, then the combat effectiveness can definitely be doubled, and there are ancient divine animals and fierce beasts as pet animals, that is absolutely winning!

Will make the whole Xuantian people envy!!

Mu Xiaoyue's face suddenly changed. She would never let Xueying and Tiange fall into the hands of the royal family!

"Your Majesty, my wound is healed. I'm going to hunt and kill Warcraft." After throwing down a word, mu Qianyue quickly rushed into the battle circle. The huge body of Warcraft and the crowd quickly buried her body, and then lost its trace in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, Mu Xueying and other people's body size also rapidly reduced, drilled into the lower herd, disappeared.

When those elders rushed down, they found that the ancient gods and fierce beasts had lost their trace!

A look of doubt in each eye, how to return a responsibility? What about the gods and beasts? Why is it suddenly gone?

Mu Xueying and their income into the space of Tongtian tower, mu Qianyue is relieved. She just wants to deal with the Xiao family, but she doesn't want to let Xueying expose them.

If you are innocent, you will be guilty.

This has been the case since ancient times.

After looking for a circle, the elders of the supreme court failed, so they stopped pestering and began to massacre cruelly.

Where they passed, one Warcraft fell to the ground, blood stained the ground.

When the herds saw that the ancient supernatural beasts and fierce beasts suddenly disappeared, a pair of beasts' eyes were filled with angry, frightened and flustered looks, and then began to retreat.

Seeing that the herds of animals began to retreat, they did not catch up with them. The tide of animals was over, and the next ten years would be waiting.

Mu is also about to retreat, suddenly a dark shadow appeared in the air, appeared beside her, no waves, no trace, no omen.

The man was dressed in a delicate black robe. His face was cold and evil. His mouth was covered with a cold and sharp smile. His deep eyes were staring at mu Qianyue without blinking. He stretched out his hand and grabbed her directly.

Mu Xiaoyue's heart rises a bad premonition, but the strength gap is too big to allow her to have a trace of resistance.

Majestic aura shrouded in her body, this moment, Mu Xiaoyue was shocked to find that he could not move!

A thought rises between the heart, this suddenly appears the black clothing man, the strength is stronger than those supreme elder!

Situ Mingrui, Cang Yuwei and others were shocked to see this, but it was too late to stop them.



Nalanjing and Mu Yan's face suddenly changed, and at the same time, he rushed to the man in black, but the man in black forced him back."You guys, go and save Miss Mu!" Cang Lang's Majesty's face also showed a look of panic. Mu Qianyue is a pharmacist of ten pindan. She can't do anything. Her appearance can make Canglang state develop more smoothly and become the only big country in the dark world!

Several elders heard the speech and immediately launched a fierce attack on the man in black without hesitation.

The same by the man in black, a blow back, instant serious injury!

Several elders were forced to retreat back, "beast emperor?"

"This is a strong beast emperor level!"

When people heard of the beast emperor, their eyes were full of horror. The beast emperor was equivalent to the existence of the God Emperor! Stronger than the emperor, but also frightening!

I didn't expect that there were still Warcraft at the level of beast emperor!

The man in black grinned at the crowd, then put out his hand and put mu Qianyue under his arm. He moved and sat on the back of a king of Warcraft. With the surging tide of animals, he instantly disappeared in the eyes of everyone

"Shallow!" Cang Yuwei's eyes stare at the eldest, her beautiful face is white and full of worry.

His majesty Canglang closes his eyes powerlessly. This time, mu Qianyue is taken away. It's absolutely bad luck. Rao is the emperor, and he can't save her

The happiest people in the field were the ancestors and the owners of the Xiao family.

They tried their best not to kill mu Qianyue, but to cause their own heavy losses! Originally thought there was no way to kill Mu shallow moon, but at the last moment, Mu was taken away by the beast emperor level of Warcraft! That's definitely death without life!

Ha ha ha Master Xiao suppressed the feeling of revenge in his heart. His face was ferocious and proud, not to mention how happy he was.

Because of revenge, because of complacency, his face looks terrible and twisted

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