"Fortunately, the master appeared in time, otherwise I might have been imprisoned in the black wood space, and when her strength became stronger, I would be directly devoured." The sound of snow is quiet, like a calm lake.

If it is, it can only be said that it is a good hit.

Fortunately, the master appeared in time and rescued her.

Yuan Han was annoyed when he heard about the experience. He was ridiculous that he stayed outside the stone chamber day and night, but he never knew that the people in the jade coffin had already changed their identities. It's funny that he has always loved Xueer, but he can't tell which is the real one

But in front of us, this seemingly fragile human has done it!

Is that why Cher is willing to follow her and regard her as the Lord?

Even after ten thousand years, they can still recognize each other in an instant! Maybe this friendship is different from what he imagined

"Anyway, thank you for saving xue'er. Since Xueer says you are her master, you will also be my master of Yuanhan. " Yuan Han said to Xiangmu, with a trace of respect in his voice.

"In my heart, she is not only my contract animal, but also my friend and relative. So you don't have to thank me at all Mu Qianyue glanced at him with a faint glance, and her beautiful face was filled with a trace of indifference and laziness.

Turn to look at the side of the snow, "snow, what do you plan to do next?"

"Master, I will go wherever you go!" Snow white eyes burning at Mu shallow moon, for the master, she has been waiting for thousands of years, now it is not easy to meet again, naturally can not separate.

"Good. Then you can rest in the space of my sky tower. There are a group of friends and friends you are familiar with. I believe they will be very happy to see you! " Mu Qianyue's lips raised a faint smile.

"Everything is at the master's disposal." Snow squint suspiciously eyes son, familiar friend? Are they Qinglong?

"Cher, are you going to abandon me?" Yuan Han saw this, and quickly took Snow White's hand. His beautiful and cold face showed a pathetic look, just like a little daughter-in-law who was mercilessly abandoned.

"Don't pull me, or the master will misunderstand me for having an affair with you." Snow White frowned, and her delicate jade hand slipped away from him.

Yuan Han's shameless face entangled up, such as the star like deep eyes in the surge of fine awn, "I don't care, you just can't leave me! Not only do I have one leg with you, we have two legs! "


Mu Xiaoyue almost didn't laugh when she heard the speech. It turned out that the love words of Warcraft were no worse than those of human beings. They were so handy! Yuan Han seems cold in appearance, but in front of the snow, his painting style suddenly changes and he is a little abandoned woman


Snow white face a white, gas almost did not back to breath, Jiao Ruhua's face gushed a blush, "you are shameless!"

"Xueer, I've been guarding you for a thousand years. Do you still understand what I mean?" Yuan Han looked at her with burning eyes and gentle water.

"Yuanhan, if you want me to look up to you, you should take good command of the beasts. In the future, when my master needs you, you can help me. Maybe I will see you more." Snow's eyes turn, can like stars in the eyes quickly across a touch of cunning.

Hearing this, Yuan Han nodded and agreed, "OK! Cher, don't worry, I will let you look at me willingly, and only look at me... "

Snow White spat out her tongue and swore, "I don't know shame." but she has a faint smile on her beautiful face.

Mu Qianyue puts their interaction in the eye, and slightly raises a smile at the corner of her mouth. Although Yuan Han always put her under her armpit and caught her, she can meet again with Xueer, and this hatred is not considered.

If there is no Yuan Han, maybe Xueer is really dangerous.

And, ten thousand years ago, xue'er's character was very cold and anti male. But now it seems that her character has become more and more cheerful. At least she doesn't hate men so much. This may be a good thing for xue'er.

Worried about his father and nalanjing, mu Qianyue decides to return to Canglang city immediately. Snow White enters the space of Tongtian tower. Yuan Han says he is hurt, but he can only say goodbye with tears.

He swore to Bai Xuexin that he would establish a million king of beasts army to support the master at that time

Hearing his words, mu Qianyue looked at him sympathetically. The million king of beasts Legion This is equivalent to a million gods! This is something that I dare not even think about on the mainland!

It is needless to say how difficult it is to become a God King. It costs a lot of medicine and material resources, knows how to cultivate and choose talented young people, not all of them can become God King!

Even if it can be the king of gods, it will be decades later

So is Warcraft.

Therefore, the request of Bai Xue is clearly in trouble with Yuan Han, and Yuan Han agrees foolishly. He is still so confident

But if you have a goal, you have motivation!


In Canglang City, Feibao tower is shrouded in gloom."Are all hands ready?" Mu Yan's cold and sharp eyes passed over the people.

"All ready!" They all answered in unison.

"Then go Mu Yan Mou son a sink, a blue robe with the wind, the whole body surging with the cold breath.

Nalanjing dressed in a white robe, there was no wind. His black hair was rolled up by the wind. His pure purple eyes were full of bloodthirsty cold light at this time.

The man's whole body publicizes the domineering and arrogant, as if a god of killing!

At the same time, it was the same with the Xiao family. The Xiao family leader gathered almost all the Xiao family members and went out to the wolf city.

The people of the whole Canglang city also poured out. The tall city wall was full of people, and the eaves and tree trunks were full of human figures. They watched this rare drama in a hundred years.

"Which side do you think will win this fight between feibaolou and Xiaojia?"

"It's hard to say. The strength of the two sides seems to be similar..."

"Why did Feibao tower fight with the Xiao family?"

"You don't know. I heard that situ Mingrui was able to stay with the sixth princess because of Mu Qianyue. Who didn't know that the six princesses liked Xiao Jing before? Xiao Jing pursues the six masters to become the master, but he is defeated. Naturally, the master of the Xiao family remembers the hatred in his heart, so he records the hatred on mu Qianyue. He takes advantage of the opportunity of this animal tide. The Xiao family leader proposes to let mu Qianyue be the pioneer, and clearly asks her to die! Now Feibao tower naturally takes revenge on the Xiao family... "

"So it is! The Xiao family is really dark! Xiao Jing has a human face and a beast heart. He wants to rape the sixth Princess and marry him? At the beginning, Mu Xiaoyue gave a poor and strange blood pill to the sixth princess. However, Xiao Jing tried to cheat Liu Ruyan into giving it to Liu Ruyan. The sixth Princess saw that they were in love with each other. The sixth Princess saw his true face... "

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