Luo Zhengqing was tortured to be not human, his clothes were ragged and his flesh and blood were blurred.

When he was brought back to Feibao tower, mu Qianyue saw his appearance, and his heart was filled with pain.

Luo Zhengqing, who had no face, looked like a devil in hell. He was very ferocious and terrible. Some timid maids in Feibao tower bowed their heads or covered their eyes one after another, fearing that they would have nightmares.

"Zhengqing, Zhengqing!" Mu Yan rushed forward, his eyes fell on Luo Zhengqing's faceless face, and suddenly a sense of suffocation surged up in his heart, anger, sadness, worry and other emotions all rushed up in an instant.

Although Luo Zhengqing was only an elder in charge of Feibao tower, he was usually responsible for the affairs of Feibao tower, but he came to Muyan's side since the founding of Feibao tower, and he has been loyal and conscientious.

It can be said that he is the most trusted one around Mu Yan. He has been together for more than 20 years. He has experienced the wind and rain and the danger of life and death. That kind of feeling has already gone beyond the ordinary friendship.

So at the moment, Mu Yan saw that Luo Zhengqing was tortured so much that he felt heartache.

"Bring elder Luo into the house, and I will heal him immediately." Mu shallow month light says, the vision turns to one side of Xiao Wen, "give that piece of human skin mask to me."

"Yes, master." Xiao Wengong said in a flash of his hand. He took out a human skin mask and carefully handed it to Mu Qianyue.

When they saw that Mu was trying to save people, they consciously stood outside the house. They believed that elder Luo's wounds could be cured with the skills of the eldest lady.

It's just the face of elder Luo I'm afraid there's no way to recover, right?


The two guards carried elder Luo into the room, carefully placed it on the bed, then turned out of the room and guarded in the courtyard.

"Yueer, can Zhengqing's face be cured?" Mu Yan's eyes fell worried on Luo Zhengqing's bloody face, which could not be called face

"Don't worry, Dad. I'll cure him." Mu Qianyue takes out acupuncture from the Tongtian pagoda, and pricks 9981 needles on Luo Zhengqing's body, and immediately opens the field of life.

All of a sudden, the whole room was full of vigorous vitality. The strong aura turned into a stream of small streams. Along the 81 acupuncture needles, it slowly flowed into Luo Zhengqing's body, moistening his muscles, bones and every cell

See Luo Zhengqing body injury is in a kind of naked eye visible speed recovery.

"Cough..." Luo Zhengqing let out a cough and youyou opened his eyes. When he saw mu Qianyue and Mu Yan, he could not help but change his eyes, and his eyes were filled with excitement and joy? Miss? It's really you... "

"Zhengqing, let you suffer!" Mu Yan goes to the bed and holds his hand.

"Elder Luo, don't move. You can talk after I cure your face. Now lie down." Mu Qianyue pressed his shoulder and pushed him back to bed.


Luo Zhengqing remembered that his face was gone, and he was torn down by the Xiao family. He still remembers the painful pain. Now when he thinks about it, he feels the burning pain on his face

His face has been removed and made into a human skin mask. Can it be cured now?

"If yue'er says yes, that's sure." Mu Yan seems to see through his mind, softly comforting way.

In order not to disturb mu Qianyue's treatment, Mu Yan got up and stood aside.

Mu Qianyue first soaked the human skin mask with special spirit liquid, and then carefully cleaned Luo Zhengqing's bloody face.

This just carefully put the human skin mask on Luo Zhengqing's face, which was his face, so it was just right on it without any gap.

Of course, it's useless to just stick it on. It needs stitching technology.

As early as mu Qianyue was in the land of magic state, mu Qianyue had already developed it successfully. The special stitches and stitches needed for stitching are all available in the space. You can take it out and use it.

It's very simple to suture the wound. After sewing, mu Qianyue uses the life Qi in the field of life to treat Luo Zhengqing's face to prevent inflammation.

"Well, master lo, you can get up now." His eyes were filled with laughter.

"My face is ready?" Luo Zhengqing sat up with a surprised look in his eyes. He couldn't help but reach out and touch his face. The pain on his face like a knife has disappeared and replaced it with a cool and comfortable one.

What the finger touches is not the uneven flesh and blood, but a smooth and delicate piece.

"Elder Luo, this is a mirror." Mu Qianyue smiles and hands the bronze mirror to him.

Luo Zhengqing took the bronze mirror with trembling hands. When he saw the face of the mirror, there was a layer of water mist in his eyes. This is his own face!

And it was sewn up by the eldest lady, just like the newborn, it was very natural, without any stiff feeling.

"Elder Luo, although your face has been stitched up, it has not been fully recovered. It needs a period of time for fusion and mutual generation. It is better not to be too happy and sad, otherwise it will have an impact." Mu shallow month sees him so, hastily remind a way."Well, good! I remember that Luo Zhengqing collected the mood in his heart and restored his calm and indifferent expression in the past.

"This is Xuelian cream, and this is Shengji pill. You can use the two together. Xuelian ointment can be applied three times a day on your face. Shengji pill can be taken one day. For seven days in a row, there will be no problem with your face." Mu Xiaoyue's palm shook and took out two jars and handed them to him.

"Thank you, miss!" Luo Zhengqing raised his head and looked at mu Qianyue. His eyes were full of gratitude. He bent his knees and knelt down to Mu Qianyue. His voice was sincere and firm. "The old slave can't repay the old lady's help. He must protect the eldest lady with his life and guard the Feibao Tower!"

"Elder Luo's words are heavy. It's for the sake of feibaolou that you are caught by the Xiao family and tortured. If you were a common servant or maid in Feibao tower, I would not hesitate to help, let alone the loyal and meritorious you Mu Xiaoyue helped him up with a smile.

"Yue'er is right. Zhengqing, you should take good care of yourself during this period." Mu Yan said with a smile, looking at mu Qianyue's eyes full of doting and tenderness.

He is proud to have such an excellent daughter!

She has not been in charge of her for more than 20 years, but she can grow so excellent.

While Mu Yan is proud, he is more guilty and distressed

It can be imagined that yue'er, who has made such achievements today, must have paid unimaginable hard work and painstaking efforts. , the fastest update of the webnovel!