"He's not very poisoned, so it's OK. This is the antidote pill of Biyu hall. It can neutralize hundreds of poisons in the world. Take it. " Bi DongTeng's palm shook, a round and fragrant pill lay quietly in his heart.

Qin Xiang was overjoyed to see the appearance, and quickly accepted it with his hands excited, "thank you, elder Teng."

After taking over the hand, without hesitation, I saw the swelling on my body slowly faded down.

"Tell me all the people and things I've been exposed to these days." Bi DongTeng said coldly.

"Yes." Qin Xiang then talked about the itinerary of these days and the people he contacted.

"It seems that the woman is highly suspected." Bi DongTeng narrowed his eyes, and the essence of his eyes flashed.

"But there is nothing wrong with my four guards..."

"You need to know that if she poisons you, your four guards will be fine." Bi DongTeng snorted coldly.

"Bitch! I was kind enough to let her go. She poisoned me! If I meet her next time, I'll be worse than dead! " Qin Xiang's face was filled with fierce killing intention.

"Such a woman is too insidious indeed." Bi DongTeng didn't think of a snort, and his look was full of disdain.

"Elder Teng, will we leave for Biyu hall the day after tomorrow?" Qin Xiang collected the anger on his face, looked at BI DongTeng with joy and excitement, and asked.

Biyu hall is a mysterious and tall existence in the whole Xuantian world, and it is the place that countless powerful people yearn for.

Now he can enter Biyu hall, even if he is a layman, he is excited and proud.

This is a symbol of identity, a symbol of status!

I don't know how many people can't get into the place with their heads broken! If his mother had not been a maid in Biyu hall before, he would not have this opportunity to enter Biyu hall!

He is even proud that his mother was a maid in Biyu hall!

"No, I have something else to do. I'll come back to you in half a month, and then I'll go to Biyu hall. You'd better not have any more problems during this period. Otherwise, I won't help you any more! " Bi DongTeng snorted coldly.

"Yes, yes, yes." Qin Xiang nodded repeatedly, not daring to disobey.

"Elder Teng, if you need any help from us, we will certainly die!" There was a flattering smile on her face.

"There is one thing. Recently, I am looking for a mysterious map, which is said to be the legacy of a strong man at the top of the God level ten thousand years ago. Now I have two copies of this map in my hand, and the other four. I don't know where they are. If I can find the other four maps, I will certainly make the headmaster happy. At that time, it will be possible for Qin Xiang to become an inner disciple. " Bi DongTeng said slowly.

"Don't worry, elder Teng. I'll arrange people to look for it everywhere." There was a flash of excitement in Qin Xiang's eyes. He could become an inner disciple! So he must find those four maps anyway!

"It is said that one map was bought by a mysterious man in Feibao building half a year ago, and another was in the hands of the young master of the magic moon sect." Bi DongTeng said slowly, his voice sounds like calm, but in fact there is a turbulent killing.

"Xiang'er, you will leave for Canglang city tomorrow. You must find out who bought the map from Feibao tower. As for the magic moon sect, it's up to your grandfather to arrange. " Bi Caiyu ordered.

"Yes. Mother, I'm going to prepare now


"Mystery map?" Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes, and her white and beautiful face showed a look of contemplation.

I don't know if the mysterious map that Biyu hall is looking for is the same as the map she got some time ago

"Yes, master, this is what the ancestor himself said. It is said that elder Teng of Biyu hall is looking for these maps, and now let the people of Qin family search around for him. In addition, the elder of Biyu hall found out that a map was bought by a mysterious man in Feibao tower half a year ago, and the other one was in the hands of the young master of the magic moon sect. " Qin Shu points the way.

Mystery man? Isn't that yourself?

Mu Xiaoyue's frown is gradually unfolding. At the same time, she also understands that the incomplete map in her hand is one of the mysterious maps that Bi DongTeng said!

Since the map was bought by her, it has been put in the space of Tongtian tower. She has no time to take care of it and never thought that she will find another map.

After all, the vast sea of people, without a clue, is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

I didn't think about it, but now I bumped into my own hands.

"Tomorrow I will also set out to go out with Qin Xiang and them to Canglang state. This is the arrangement of my ancestors." Qin Shu said, his eyes fell on Mu shallow moon's body, eyes emerged a touch of concern, "master son, now the Lord is not around you, I also want to leave, you must be careful."

"Well, I'll be careful. You can go with them." Mu shallow moon light says.

Qin Xiang wants to go out, which just gives her a chance to make a move?

Tall and lofty mountains, a broad and flat official road extends to the distance.

A team of more than ten people are moving forward rapidly, raising dust all over the sky.Suddenly the crowd stopped.

"Qin Shu, you don't have to go. It's more suitable for you to stay." Qin Xiang pulls the cloud horse under his body and looks at the man behind him coldly.

Qin Shu's face changed, his eyes sank a little, "what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Don't you understand? " Qin Xiang's sneer at the corner of his mouth grew bigger and bigger. His cold eyes were filled with bloodthirsty killing intention. "Today, I'm going to kill you here to avoid future trouble! This is a very good mobile phone meeting

"You and I have the same strength. You can't kill me!" Qin Shu's face was cold.

"Yes, we have the same strength, but they are all my people, so it is still very simple to kill you." The corner of Qin Xiang's mouth aroused a scornful sneer. The original soldiers in his hand condensed and pointed at Qin Shu in the opposite direction. He said in a cold voice, "kill them all!"

"Yes." There were more than ten people in the group, more than ten of them were Qin Xiang's people. Obviously, these people were secretly bought by Qin Xiang.

Qin Shu's face was cold and indifferent, and did not show a trace of fear, "just rely on your people who want to kill me, ha ha Qin Xiang, do you really think I'm not prepared at all, so I'll come out with you? "

With the fall of his voice, one after another of the figures from the sky, into several beautiful figures.

All of them are beautiful and beautiful. They are like gods. They are blind to Qin Xiang.

Qin Xiang stared at his eyes in disbelief, his eyes flashed with a touch of deep amazement. The men and women in front of him even had a face like heaven and man!

After a short period of astonishment, he quickly came back to God. His face showed a look of vigilance. He clenched the sword in his hand and said, "who are you?"

When did Qin Shu have such a group of strong and powerful people around him, but he didn't know at all?

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