But the five princesses are also not easy to offend the Lord, offended five princesses, they will also be very miserable, but that end is better than trespassing on the Mo palace!

See five princess left, one by one in a hurry to leave

In the palace courtyard, Yang tie was reading the memorial. Suddenly, a soft figure ran into his arms. The woman was crying bitterly.

Yang tie put down the pen in his hand, looked at the tearful son in his arms, and asked, "chun'er, what's the matter? Who bullied you? How could you cry so sad

"Father, you must be the master of Chuner! Wuwuwu... " Yang QinChun threw himself in his arms, wiping tears.

"What's the matter? Hum, I want to see who dares to bully my princess Yang tie angry way.

"My father, I don't know where a woman came from. She not only insulted me, but also tried to annex our whole cloud and shadow Kingdom, but also seduced King mo. now the king of Mo has brought her back to the palace." Yang QinChun raised his head and said that there was a flash of jealousy in his eyes.

Yang tie smelled the speech, his face changed, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, "what you said is true. Did he take a woman back to the house?"

"Father, I have seen this with my own eyes. Will it be false? Moreover, the king of Mo still holds her hand At the thought of Huoxi's gentle appearance to Mu Qianyue, Yang QinChun's heart became mad with jealousy, and his eyes were filled with anger. "Father emperor, what we're talking about is not that the king of Mo has brought a woman back to his house, but that woman doesn't put our cloud shadow country in his eyes, and even more insults me by talking about it. I suspect that she is a spy sent by other countries. Father, you should send someone to arrest him and torture him now

"Yang chun'er, you can't help but sigh? What you said she wanted to swallow up the whole Yunying kingdom is also false? "

When Yang tie saw what was on his mind, Yang QinChun's face was a little stiff. He put his hand around Yang tie's arm and said in a coquettish way, "my father, I have always liked King mo. I have loved him since I saw him. Before that, there was no woman around him, so I felt relieved. But now, he was different from that woman and brought it back to his house Father emperor, I don't care, Mo Wang's wife can only be me

Yang tie's face showed hesitation and thought for a long time, "chun'er, he is not suitable for you! My father has found you a husband. "

Such a man, he can not control, let alone chun'er! What's more, Huoxi has no feelings for chun'er!

"Why isn't King Mo suitable for me? Chun'er thinks he is the most suitable person for chun'er! He is wise and powerful, cold and domineering. He is a good match for chun'er! I don't want anyone but him Yang QinChun tooted his mouth and thought of his beautiful face and charming peach blossom eyes. His heart was full of ripples, and he would like to rush to his side now.

"Father emperor, you are going to arrest that woman now. As long as there is no woman around him, I believe the king of Mo will see Chuner's good and fall in love with chun'er."

"If he had fallen in love with you, he would have fallen in love with you years ago, instead of turning a blind eye to you all the time. Chun'er, do you think about it? If you really want to be with him, you are doomed to be hurt! " The helpless color in Yang tie's eyes is a little heavy.

"Yes, I've thought about it for a long time! I will marry him in this life Yang QinChun said with a firm face.

"Well, then I'll try to get that woman into the palace." Yang Tiedao, he was also very curious about who that woman was, and could make the king of Mo different from her! You know, King Mo didn't even have a woman around him, and even there was no concubine in the mansion. All the ministers in the court thought that he didn't love women and was good at men

I didn't expect to bring a woman back

"Thank you, father." Yang QinChun was overjoyed.


The whole Mo palace becomes lively because of the arrival of Mu Qianyue. The maids and maids are busy at home and abroad. They are full of curiosity and inquiry when they look at mu Qianyue. They are guessing who she is. It is the first time that the LORD takes a woman back to the mansion!

Does it mean that there will be a new hostess soon?

Mu Qianyue, Mu Xueying and jinliye are arranged to live in the courtyard near Huoxi. The courtyard of Mingyue Pavilion is very large and decorated with simple and quiet. It is similar to that in Jingyue Pavilion of white tiger city before mu Qianyue. Obviously Huoxi is decorated according to her favorite style, which must have taken a lot of thought.

Mingyue pavilion looks simple and elegant, but in fact it is luxurious. The flowers and plants planted in the yard are not ordinary flowers and plants. Basically, there are some spiritual herbs. Some can increase aura, some can purify the air, which can be described as a low-key luxury.

Before the moon pavilion has been empty, the people in the Mo palace have been speculating that this is the prince left for the future Princess, it seems that they guessed well!

For the next people's whispers, fire Xi also ignored.

However, Jin Liye was very angry when hearing these rumors, "the master mother is the master son's! This group of ignorant servants, with Huoxi this Sao Bao is also worthy of the master mother? Hum"What's wrong with Huoxi? I think Huoxi is very good. Unfortunately, he met the master later than the Lord. If Huoxi was the first one who met the master ten thousand years ago, maybe the result would be different! " Mu Xueying's cold silver eyes flashed with a flash of brilliance.

Gold from the night smell speech like a formidable enemy, a face depressed look at her, righteous words said, "small cherry, do you like fire Xi? I tell you, you must not like him! That Sao Bao is cold and smelly. His temper is not suitable for you! You see, you are so stuffy and so cold. If you two are together, you can't hold out a fart for a long time! I am the most suitable person for you. You can see that I am sunny, just like a warm fire in winter, which can melt your cold heart, let you feel the passion, the joy of life and the color of the world! "

Mu snow cherry speechless rolled a white eye, "said so much, is not in boasting?"

"Sakura The two of us are the most suitable. You see, you are ice and I am fire. When ice meets fire, how passionate it is Jin Liye's eyes were burning at her.

"Ice and fire, two different worlds, two extremes, can only be incompatible, where is the passion? If you have to be together, you will be black and blue. "

"Even if I was black and blue, I would be the only one injured! For you, I am willing to change! As long as I can guard by your side, I will feel extremely happy even if I am soaked in blood Jin Liye's eyes are deep and burning at her. His words are like a gust of light wind, which makes her heart tremble violently and ripple

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