Yang QinChun's face was stiff. He quickly scratched a cold awn in his drooping eyes, and his face showed a pitiful look. "Miss Yao Xin, you don't know that mu Qianyue has a God Emperor like Mo Wang as his backing. Even my father and Emperor dare not fight against him, let alone me..."

Yao Xin disdained to snort, "that's the truth. Even if I don't have such a young God Emperor. "

Thinking of Qingcheng's evil face, Yao Xin's mouth brings up a touching bright smile and whispers his name, Huoxi

This man, she's going to make it!

No one wants to rob the man she loves! Only such an excellent man can be worthy of himself!

"Yang QinChun, remember your own identity. Don't think about what you shouldn't think about. If you follow me honestly, I can not only kill muqianyue for you, but also make you a king of gods. " Yao Xin eyebrows light pick, light look to Yang QinChun, the bottom of the eye contains a trace of contempt.

When Yang QinChun heard the speech, his eyes changed, but his face did not show it. Instead, he pretended to be very happy. He nodded quickly, "yes, I will try my best to follow Miss Yao Xin and not let Miss Yao Xin down!"

"You'd better not be duplicity. If you let me find out that you are making small moves behind my back, the consequences will be very tragic!" The cold voice of medicine Xin threatens a way, the cold light of bloodthirsty is permeated in the eyes, which still has usually gentle and generous?

"Yes." Yang QinChun bowed his head and said respectfully, but the fingers under his sleeve were tightly twisted together.

She did not expect that Yao Xin would fall in love with Huoxi!

Huo Xi is the man he likes. Why should he give it to her? Hum! Yao Xin, after killing mu Qianyue, I will try to deal with you again!

Anyone against her will die! Even if you are the third lady of yaowangzong, you are no exception!


Here, after finding Mu Xueying, mu Qianyue quickly returns to the original place and joins Huoxi. Mo Lin and Mo Yu follow Huoxi behind.

Fire Xi sees Mu shallow month side medicine son autumn time not from a Leng, "how is he here?"

Mu Qianyue briefly tells the story. After listening to Yao Xin and others trying to snatch jinliye as a pet animal, he also reviles jinliye as a beast. He even wants to make a move against mu Qianyue, and his eyes are infected with cold and sinister intent.

Is Yao Wang Zong? He wrote down the hatred!

And Yang QinChun. It seems that he is still kind to her

Mu Xueying's eyes are also filled with cold and frightening cold light.

After returning to the Mo palace in Yanglong City, mu Qianyue went directly into the space of Tongtian tower and couldn't wait to check the order of that day.

When I was in Yanglong mountains, I didn't have time to take a close look.

With the fading of the order of heaven, there is a light blue color of glittering light, soft but with a sense of hegemony, as if the king of the world!

The whole piece seems to be made of bronze, but it's not like it. Even mu Qianyue can't see what material it is.

On one side of the sky are carved the sun, the moon, the mountains, the stars and rivers It's only a piece as big as a palm, but it's really vivid.

On the other side of the order of heaven is a giant with a huge body. He is naked and his hands are raised high. It seems that he is holding the sky that is about to collapse

His handsome and resolute face is firm, his eyes are sharp and calm, and his hair is dancing wildly in the wind.

There was no wind, no moon, no cloud and no sun all around him. There was a faint white fog floating around him. He was the only one in the whole world. The picture was very strange.

Such a picture deeply shocked mu Qianyue. Her eyes can't help being attracted by the men on the screen. It seems that there is a kind of attraction and a familiar feeling between her and him

Who is this man? Why should he hold the sky?

The sky won't fall!

What is the meaning of this picture?

Mu shallow month tightly frowns, thought for a long time also didn't want to understand, the side of snow in the eyes is also full of doubts.

A little doubt flashed through his dark eyes and murmured, "how can this picture look like Pangu's pioneering work..."

"The beginning of chaos, the four seas and eight wastelands God's blood essence Everything is born... " Mu shallow moon murmured when the order of heaven just appeared, that line of small characters emerged.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, "this picture is Pan Gu! It was the scene of Pangu's creation. Those who appeared around him were not white fog, but chaos! This is the beginning of chaos! "

Then she turned the order of heaven aside, and her eyes fell on this side of the river where the sun, moon, stars, mountains and rivers were carved. What she said here should be Pangu's body and blood essence turned into the aura that nourishes the earth, and all things are born

"Pangu? Who is Pangu? " Snow White frowned doubtfully and looked curiously at the moon.


Mu shallow month a Leng, just think of at this moment, Pangu that not appear in the myth story? But this piece of land is a different time and space. I wonder if it is related to mythology?Forget it. I don't want this.

"Pangu is a mythical story in my hometown. It is said that a long time ago, when heaven and earth first appeared, the universe was in chaos. At that time, the sky and the earth were connected together, and they were not separated. Then there was a man named Pangu... "

Mu Qianyue told the story of Pan Gu's creation.

After hearing this, Bai Xue didn't see the little stars in his eyes, but frowned tightly. "According to the reason, this man named Pangu should be a very powerful man. Since he separated the heaven and the earth, and had the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains and rivers, and all things in the world, his name should be handed down. But why is there no record of Pangu in this continent How about it? "

"I don't know." Mu Xiaoyue shook his head in dismay.

She is not a person in this world, but a soul from China.

Well If the man painted on the decree is really Pangu, the mythology of the Chinese mainland will appear here Is the Chinese continent related to this time and space? Is it possible for her to return to China one day?

Thinking of this, Mu could not help but get excited.

After all, there is also their own hometown, also have their own relatives and friends, said is not miss, that is false.

It would be nice to go back and have a look.

However, what we have to do now is to find her mother, kill Yan Shu, and solve the problem here, so that she can return to China without any worries.

But the problem seems too far away

It's better to think about the things in front of you.

"How can this decree be used?" Mu Qianyue flipped the order of heaven in her hand, but she didn't study it for a long time.

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