"Yes." Mu shallow moon light nods, lift a step to follow behind that guard.

Yaowangzong is very large, occupying almost half of the space of Lingshan mountain. It is tens of miles in size! It looks like a huge palace!

There are many tall buildings, green foothills, steep cliffs, colorful gardens and pieces of medicinal fields, which make up a magnificent picture, like a fairyland on earth.

Just then, a sharp and angry cry came from the side, "it's you

Mu Xiaoyue looks up and sees Yang QinChun standing on the blue stone path beside her. At the moment, her face is full of anger, ferocity and shock.

"How did you come here?" Yang QinChun has a gloomy face. She never expected to meet mu Qianyue here!

I have left the cloud shadow country, she is still so Haunted!

Seems to think of what, here is not moxiaoyue more casual bullying themselves? Don't forget that there is a medicine fragrance behind her!

"You can come here. Why can't I?" Mu shallow moon eyebrow light pick, light glance at her, intend to ignore her, or to find medicine ruler more important.

Yang QinChun is just a clown for her, and there is no challenge at all!

However, Yang QinChun does not intend to let go of Mu Qianyue so easily. She naturally does not want to miss such a good opportunity. She stops mu Qianyue's body with her feet moving.

"Mu Qianyue, how dare you! Who allowed you to talk to me like that Yang QinChun's delicate face is full of evil.

At present, Yao Xin is still lying in bed and can't move. She has to recuperate for at least three or five months. Because she has to take care of Yao Xin's daily life, but Yao Xin's temper is very bad, because she is very angry about the injury, so she always sprinkles the fire on her head.

Only three days after she came here, she was very angry and depressed.

Now see Mu shallow moon, naturally want to find Mu shallow moon to breathe gas, but it is a pity that she found the wrong object.

"Yang QinChun, you are not the fifth Princess of Yunying Kingdom, but a dog beside Yao Xin. Where do you come from Mu Qianyue's hands are around her chest, and her mouth is full of evil and arrogant smile.

Originally wanted to let her off, but she did not know how to bump into.

Mu Qianyue's words poke her heart, her situation, now she is not just a dog beside Yao Xin? Sometimes she thinks that she has given up her position as the fifth Princess of Yunying Kingdom and given up her life of luxury and luxury. Is it right or wrong to come to yaowangzong?

She was always served by others. How could she serve others? Therefore, he was not less scolded, but did not dare to have a trace of resistance.

Thinking of this, Yang QinChun's face could not help but burst into anger, and his eyes were filled with ferocious color, "Mu Qianyue, I want to tear your face!"

If it wasn't for her, she didn't have to give up her identity as a princess and come to the medicine king to suffer.

Yang QinChun angrily pounced on mu Qianyue and grabbed her face.

Mu Qianyue's eyes flashed with cold light. When she came, she kicked out directly. All at once, Yang QinChun screamed and fell out. She fell to the ground and groaned in pain.

"I don't have time to play with you today."

Lengleng throws down a word, Mu shallow month says to that guard, "let's go."

This guard has been watching from the beginning to the end without any intention of intervening. In a big sect like Yaowang sect, intrigue is inevitable, and such things often happen. And those of them who work as servants need to have vision.

When it is not easy to offend both sides, we should be wise. If one side is very strong and the other side is weak, then we can severely welcome the high and trample on the low, so as to win the favor of those adults and talents, and then we can obtain benefits.

Although mu Qianyue came to yaowangzong for the first time, he held a purple jade card in his hand, so his identity was not ordinary.

And Yang QinChun is Miss Yao Xin's side of the people, he did not want to offend, so obediently stood around watching.

The strength of that foot was so strong that Yang QinChun lay on the ground for half a day and couldn't get up. The pain made her sweat. She looked up at the distant figure of Mu Qianyue. Her eyes were full of anger and hatred. She covered her stomach with one hand and clenched her fist with the other.

Mu Qianyue, I will not let you go!

Mu Qianyue left the garden with the guard, and came to the cliff, opposite is a verdant and precipitous foothill, light clouds around it, like a fairyland.

Connecting the two peaks is a stone arch bridge made of jade, which is like a fairy ribbon between the two peaks.

Standing on the stone bridge, you can see the white mist below. It is elegant and floating with the wind. The air is fresh and full of aura. If you take a deep breath, you will feel comfortable. It seems that the troubles disappear in an instant.

Looking down from the bridge, one can't see the bottom at a glance, which is frightening.

This stone bridge, as if built in the clouds, is beautiful.

Through the stone bridge, you can see a huge and elegant courtyard in front of you. The ancient trees and exotic flowers constitute a beautiful landscape."Autumn courtyard" was written on the plaque of the courtyard.

"Here we are. This is where elder yaoziqiu lives. Yaochi should plant medicinal materials in the back mountain at this time. You can find him by yourself." Said the guard.

"Thank you." Mu Xiaoyue's palm shook, took out a bottle of blood clotting pill and handed it to him as his reward for leading the way.

The guard was overjoyed and quickly took over. He said to Mu Xiaoyue respectfully, "girl, if you have any need or difficulty in the future, please come to me. I'm willing to help you."

"Well, I'll trouble you a lot since then." Mu shallow moon nods, it is very useful to draw people's hearts together when necessary.

After the guard left, mu Qianyue entered the autumn courtyard.

Look, the environment here is very good. It's much better than other places in yaowangzong.

It can be proved that yaoziqiu has a high status in yaowangzong.

Mu Qianyue wandered around at random for a while, and finally came to the back mountain. He saw a slightly old figure busy in the field of medicine. If he wanted to come, he should be a medicine ruler.

Xu is to hear the footsteps behind him, the medicine ruler turned back, when he saw mu Qianyue, his eyes filled with surprise, "girl, who are you, what's the matter with me in autumn court?"

His tone was peaceful, with only a slight doubt.

His face also looked very kind, without a trace of questioning, the look of his eyes higher than the top.

"It's the medicine master who asked me to come. Please give me more advice in the future." Mu Xiaoyue's mouth lifted a faint smile, and his palm shook. He took out a purple jade pendant and handed it to the medicine ruler.

Yao Chi naturally recognized the purple jade pendant. As soon as his eyes brightened, he reached out and took it. He put his divine sense into the purple jade pendant. He only heard Yao Ziqiu's voice ringing in his ear.

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