"Then you can try it!" The medicine ruler stood in place, and the whole body was cold and frightening.

"Hum! Medicine ruler, you usually rely on the support of yaoziqiu. If you don't pay attention to me, the two elders, I will teach you a lesson today! You are just a medicine boy, and you are not qualified to fight against me Medicine son he Nu way, see his index finger bend, put between lips gently blow up.

All of a sudden, a loud whistle rang through the world.

In a moment, he saw several figures flying from the air and landed in front of Mu Qianyue and yaochi.

"Two elders, what can I do for you?" The visitors were two old men in dark gray robes. They looked at Yao Zihe in front of him and asked respectfully.

"If it's below the medicine ruler, I'll catch him together!" Yao Zihe's eyes are cold, and his tone is cold and severe.

When Yao Ziqiu is here, he will be afraid. Unfortunately, Yao Ziqiu is not here! So he has nothing to worry about.

Even if Yao Ziqiu comes back and everything is late, even if he wants to investigate, it's useless!

Will the two lords kill themselves for their own sake? Any excuse can cover up the past!

The two were the middle level gods, the great elders and the three elders of the outer hall.

The inner elders and disciples of Yaowang clan are all Dan pharmacists, while the outer sect elders and disciples are ordinary people. Therefore, the Yaowang clan is divided into Dan Hall and outer hall.

When there are any dangers and battles, they are basically left to the outer hall, while the people in the Dan Hall usually only need to be responsible for refining pills.

In addition to protecting the people of Dantang, waitang is also responsible for all affairs of Yaowang sect.

It sounds very unfair, but this is the world.

The big elder and the three elders of the outer hall did not start at once. Instead, they looked at Yaozi and said, "elder two, the medicine ruler is the medicine boy around the elder. We are afraid it is..."

"What are you afraid of? I will support you all Yao Zihe disdains cold hum, "after the event, I can give you each ten pieces of medicine spirit stone!"

"Ha ha ha Yao Zihe, are you going to bribe them? I'm going to tell the patriarch that you will not hesitate to deal with me for your own personal gain, but also against your fellow disciples. I believe the Lord will report it to the public for handling! " Yao Chi sneered and looked up at the two opposite.

"When it comes to alchemy, my adult is much better than yaozihe! In addition, there are many medicine spirit stones in the hands of adults And the adults are not very good-natured. If the adults come back and know about this, they are afraid that your good days will come to an end. "

Yao Chi's words made both of them change their faces and show a complicated and puzzled look on their faces. At last, they both thought for a moment, looked up at Yao Zihe, and mildly said, "elder two, yaochi has not made any mistakes. We can't arrest him casually."

"Then arrest this woman! She is not a member of yaowangzong at all. She broke into yaowangzong secretly. I suspect that she is trying to steal the precious medicinal materials and pills of yaowangzong. " Seeing that he could not move the ruler, he aimed his spearhead at mu Qianyue.

The big elder and the three elders of the outer hall look at mu Qianyue.

Yao Chi sneered, "she's a new disciple of my family. My adult is very precious to her. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

"Hum! It's not his disciple who didn't hold the ceremony of worshipping the master and didn't join the ancestral hall of our medicine King clan. It's just your words "Medicine son he Nu way," you two still Leng to do what? Get her

"Although Miss Mu has not yet held a teacher worship ceremony, she is a closed door disciple recognized by adults! And she was a drug child with adults before she became a teacher, so she stayed here without any problems. " The medicine ruler said coldly.

In a word, no matter what Yao Zihe said, Yao Chi always had a way to refute his words. He always carried out yaoziqiulai, which almost made him crazy, but he had nothing to do.

If Yao Chi really goes to the patriarch to complain, it will not be worth the loss.

Finally, after thinking about it, he lenglengleng stares at mu Qianyue and yaochi, shakes his clothes and clothes, and turns away in anger.

Yang QinChun is unwilling to follow behind. He thought that this time he could see Mu Xiaoyue's sad and sad appearance. However, Yao Zihe still couldn't help it! Thinking of this, Yang QinChun felt that there was a fire burning in her heart, which made her very unhappy!

After seeing them go, Yao Chi turned his head to look at Xiangmu Qianyue. The coldness in his eyes gradually faded away and became kind and kind. "Miss mu, you don't have to be afraid. With me, I won't let them hurt you."

"Cheeper, thank you for protecting me so much." Mu shallow moon lip corner light bend, the bottom of my heart flowed a burst of warmth.

The first time I met, chibo was so protective of himself. Mu Qianyue was very warm in his heart, although a large part of the reason was because of Yao Ziqiu.

Even so, it was enough for her to write down the love of the medicine ruler.

Although she is not afraid of medicine to congratulate them, but it can also avoid a lot of trouble.Because there is still a period of time before the alchemy competition, mu Qianyue settled down in the autumn courtyard. She has great confidence in Dan Shu. Now the only thing she lacks is strength.

So mu decided to shut down for four months and come out again after four months of alchemy competition.

But Yao Zihe did not come back to look for mu Qianyue's trouble after they met with a piece of ashes. It seemed that they knew that this was not a good way to get rid of it, so they gave up.

Of course, they are not likely to let go of Mu Qianyue, but contain a bigger conspiracy.


On the busy and noisy street, two small figures, one big and one small, were walking in the crowd.

The big one is only nine years old, and the small one is only three years old. However, their clothes are very exquisite and gorgeous, so they are not ordinary products.

"Sister, where do you say your mother and father will be?"

The small face carved with jade powder is lovely, with big black eyes everywhere.

Although two generations are human beings, it is his first time to come to Xuantian world!

No, he is not a man of two generations. As the king of the nether world prison, he has no substance.

Well To say that, I have to thank his mother for giving him a new life, so that he has a chance to see this colorful and picturesque world.

"I don't know." Nalan Xueling took Jiu Jiu's hand and frowned. For a moment, her eyebrows expanded gently, and a confident smile appeared between her lips. "But I believe we can find our mother and father."

Although nalanxieling is only nine years old, her facial features are exquisite, her eyebrows are picturesque, and her skin is as white as clotting fat. She has such a graceful appearance at a young age. It is conceivable that she will become a great power when she grows up.

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