At this time, a burst of fragrant and fresh medicine fragrance came from the test bench, which was very pleasant.


The sky was covered with dark clouds and thunder, and the whole sky was gloomy.

A silver lightning in the sky dense, seems to be ready to break the clouds.

Seeing the scene, everyone was shocked.

"Is this thunder robbery?"

Some people stare in horror, eyes full of unbelievable look.

"I think so! Her pills seem to have caused thunder robbery... " Another person stupidly said.

On the grandstand, Yao Xin's beautiful eyes stare at the boss in an incredible way. Her eyes are full of shock. She murmurs softly and says, "no! It's impossible! How could she make it? "

That's eleven grade Wang Dan, shenhuang Dan!

The smile on Yao Zihe's face was still frozen there, and he couldn't smile any more. His eyes were staring at him, and his eyes were gloomy and strange.

He underestimated this little girl, did not expect that she could really refine 11 products of shenhuang Dan!

Only when she was only 24 years old, her Danshu reached the level of 11 grades?

Xiner in their own efforts to cultivate, but now only to reach nine grades!

Yao Ziqiu's eyes are shining, like a wolf tightly locked in the middle of that thin figure.

Ha ha, Mu girl is the king of Dan! Yesterday, she also said that she was a top ten Dan Sheng.

Well Did she break through in this competition?

Whoa KAKA! This time is really to pick up the stool suitable! Hum, these people who have no vision dare to laugh at Mu girls. Now they can't laugh at each other?

What a slap in the face!

It's a wonderful feeling!

How dare you look down upon them! It is estimated that these people will regret to death!

The shock on the face of the drug lord was the same. In addition to shock, he was more appreciative.

"Ziqiu, this moocchio's Alchemy talent is better than you! Twenty four year old Dan Wang, tut tut It would be unbelievable if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes! I'm sure she'll be better than you in the future

Yao Ziqiu raised his eyebrows and said, "that's it! Will my apprentice, Yao Ziqiu, be bad? "

Master Yao shook his head with a smile, "it seems that people have not worshipped you as a teacher? Why did you get the first one? "

Yao Ziqiu looked as if she had been trampled on her tail, and her expression was very depressed, "she will certainly worship me as a teacher!"

"I'm really curious about the master of the girl, who has trained such an excellent disciple!" In the eyes of the drug lord, there was an admiration.

Imperceptibly, the medicine patriarch's address to Mu Qianyue has become a mu girl.

Originally, he was very appreciative of Mu Qianyue, but now he saw her Danshu strength, and his admiration and affection for mu Qianyue rose to a higher level.

After all, there are not many such rare talents! And she didn't grow up in the king of medicine!

Yaowangzong is the leader of xuantianjie pill pharmacist!

But now there is a better disciple than xiner!

But why didn't you hear the name of Mu Qianyue before? It is reasonable to say that such an excellent genius will surely be famous in mainland China!

There is also the man who teaches him how to make pills. Is his alchemy more powerful than Ziqiu?

Yao Ziqiu disdains to snort coldly, "the master of Mu wench is not competent at all! After receiving Mu wench as a teacher, she just threw her a notebook of experience, let her understand it by herself, and then went to play around! If you worship me as a teacher, you may have been Danti and Dan Zun! It's not a problem to be a Dan God! "

Speaking of this, I'm angry.

Such a good and excellent apprentice, that damned guy is still wasted. He really wants to strangle that hateful guy!

Hearing Yao Ziqiu's words, the master of medicine had been stunned, and his eyes were filled with incredible light. "Do you mean that Mu wench's Dan skills are all self-taught?"

"I think so." Yao Ziqiu nodded.


The medicine master couldn't help but take a cold breath, and the shock in his eyes was like a sea wave after wave.

"What a waste! Her alchemy talent is absolutely rare in a thousand years! No, maybe ten thousand years! " The master of medicine sighed with regret.

Relying on a notebook, you can reach the realm of Dan Wang. If you are cultivated carefully in yaowangzong, maybe she is really Dan Di and Dan Zun at the moment!

"Ziqiu, you must accept her as an apprentice by no means! Such a good seedling can't be wasted! Even if we do our best to cultivate her. "

" master, you can rest assured that I will still depend on her even if she is shameless. " Yao Ziqiu's eyes were filled with a rather obscene light, and without knowing it, he thought he was making some bad ideas.

When Yao Zihe and Yao Xin on one side heard the master's words, they were filled with jealousy and anger.What do you mean by suzerain? Decided to devote the whole medicine king to cultivate mu Qianyue? She is an outsider!

"Lord, this alchemy talent of Mu Qianyue is really shocking, but she is an outsider after all! And she doesn't want to learn from the elder. If we try our best to cultivate her, and finally she abandons us, the consequences will be... " Yao Zihe said quickly.

"Ha ha It doesn't matter if she doesn't want to be a teacher. Well, I'll let my grandson sacrifice his looks to seduce her. Hey, if she becomes my granddaughter-in-law, she will definitely think more about the medicine king The medicine Lord is excited laugh way.

Yao Ziqiu turned his white eyes and looked at him bitterly, "patriarch, you are so ungrateful!"

"Hey, hey..." There was a smile on the face of the drug lord.

"Patriarch, young patriarch is only 15 years old!" Yao Zihe is surprised. Naturally, he would like to admire the death of Xiaoyue. If she becomes a young lady, will xiner and himself have a good life in the future?

"What happened to fifteen? You can get married and have children at the age of 15! "

"But mu is nine years older than the younger patriarch! The difference They are not suitable! " Yao Zihe was full of anger in his heart, but he only endured the anger, and respectfully exhorted him.

"How do you know they're not suitable?" Yao Zong's eyes were filled with a trace of displeasure, "martial arts people live a long life, and although Mu wench is 24 years old, she looks like 15 or 16 years old. She and Tao Er can't match each other any more! Mu is nine years older than Tao'er. She can take care of her and teach him to practice and refine pills It's so much more emotional! "

Yao Ziqiu speechless quipped, "are you looking for a daughter-in-law for Tao'er or a wet nurse for him?"

"You mind me!" The master of medicine threw him a big white eye. Anyway, he recognized mu Qianyue, the granddaughter-in-law, "calculate the time, Tao'er should also experience back! After all, tomorrow is the day to open the realm of medicine and spirit... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!