Until the figure of Mu Qianyue and others disappeared in the light white fog, Lingfeng was reunited and integrated into a whole. It seemed that it had never split apart, and no trace was found.

If it was not for seeing it with your own eyes, who would believe that the medicine King's realm of medicine spirit would be in a mountain?

Under the foot is the boundless grassland, the air is fresh, the rich aura turns into bursts of drizzle, moistening the land.

Along with the visible some fresh and tender medicine in the past in the dew of tender buds, and grow vigorously. However, the years of these herbs are not very long. They are less than 100 years old, so no one will take care of them. Instead, they are excited to look for the herbs of thousands of years, the cultivation methods of Danshu, and the ancient danfang. These are the most important and precious.

Mu Qianyue stood in this space, looking back, behind a hazy, can not see the road leading to Lingfeng.

Before Yao Ziqiu said that memory flowers like sunny place, it must grow in the sunshine.

For a long time, she looked for some other herbs, but she didn't find any other places on the way.

Suddenly, mu Qianyue's eyes changed. This road seems to have just passed by?

Because the road inside is mostly very similar, at first she didn't care, then confirmed her guess, she even went back to the origin again!

It seems that there should be a small fantasy here, so that she can be kept spinning.

How to break the illusion?

After looking around, Mu found no difference.

Her eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and she closed her eyes gently, feeling the wind, breath, cloud movement and other traces around her. Finally, she found a trace.

Holding the sword in his hand, he struck a huge stone on his left.


With a dull sound, the boulder broke, and a brand-new road appeared in front of him.

Under the countless gravel, mu Qianyue saw a worn-out yellowish sheepskin roll. She was moved in her heart. She hurried forward and picked up the worn-out scroll. She found that it was an ancient pill!

Huangji Dan.

Can let a god below the strong instantly become a first-class emperor!

See here, Mu shallow moon can't help but take a breath of cold air, there is such an adverse pill in the world! Which psychopath did this come out of?

However, this is also a negative effect, the negative effect is that the strength of the user will be stagnant in the God Emperor for life, and can no longer progress.

The life span of the emperor is one thousand years, so after a thousand years, the emperor can only go with the general situation and turn into a pile of loess.

Even so, this Huangji Dan is already very against the sky!

On the mainland, everyone's talent is different, not everyone can reach the realm of God! Some people are poor in talent, and they may be just ordinary warriors all their lives. They will never become martial artists, let alone gods.

Therefore, their life span is only a few years longer than ordinary people. Generally speaking, those who are about 100 years old are considered as long-lived.

But with this Huangji pill, they can break through the shackles and become the emperor in an instant. How against the heaven is this? Have unlimited strength, have a thousand years of life, this is a lot of people are willing to!

If they have such pills, muqianyue believes that no one is willing to miss it.

Of course, huangjidan is so rebellious that the herbs it needs are very difficult to find. Even mu Qianyue has never heard of many herbs. Moreover, this Huangji pill needs 160 kinds of herbs!

Mu Qianyue suppressed the shock in her heart, and her eyes fell on the danfang again. At the bottom of the parchment roll, mu Qianyue saw a signature: Yue.

Not from slightly a Leng, this person named "month" is the person who developed this Huangji Dan?

Think about it, slowly put the ancient pill away, continue to look for memory flowers.

After walking for about half an hour, there is a cliff in front of me. In the middle of the cliff, there is a touch of light colorful light, facing the morning wind, facing the Yang wind, sending out an attractive fragrance.

Memory flower?

Mu Xiaoyue was overjoyed in her heart. Her body moved and her body spread out. She swept away the cliff in front of her. Suddenly, a sharp and frightening sword shot from the side like a streamer of light!

The sword came suddenly and quickly.

Mu Xiaoyue was startled and quickly flashed to the side. He was still unable to avoid it and hurt his left arm.

The sharp sword cut her sleeve, a deep and long sword mark appeared on her arm, clearly visible bone, the red blood immediately flowed down, dyed her dress.

The footstep falls to the ground, Mu shallow month raises a head to look at the figure that goes out to the side, eyebrow slightly frown, "medicine flies?"

Yao Fei's face was cold and his eyes were sharp as an eagle. He was full of terrible killing intention. He did not say a word. His eyes were coldly staring at mu Qianyue. Suddenly, he moved and rushed to Mu Qianyue again. The sword in his hand was lifted up and chopped down with irresistible force!Mu Xiaoyue's face suddenly changed, and he quickly lifted his sword to block it.


A sharp and piercing sound of weapon collision shocked mu Qianyue's eardrum, numbness in the mouth of the tiger, and a mouthful of blood gushed out. The body stepped back several steps to stabilize her body.

Her eyes are so deep!

Reaching out to wipe the bloodstain on his mouth, his eyes fell on the beautiful face opposite him, "you are not Yaofei."

Yao Fei's mouth raised a ferocious smile, "I'm really not Yao Fei, but you know it too late now!"

With one hand, she tore off the human skin mask on her face, revealing a slightly old face, which was very strange.

Mu Qianyue doesn't recognize him.

When she was outside, mu Qianyue didn't notice the change of Yao Fei, because she never thought that Yao Fei would fight against herself. After all, Yao Fei's strength is an imperial warrior. Naturally, he would not die to find his own trouble.

I just didn't expect that someone would enter the realm of Yaoling to assassinate himself.

You don't have to know that this man was sent by Yao Zihe.

"At least I am the ten elders of yaowangzong. If you help yaozihe to kill me like this, if you don't succeed, can you think about the consequences?" Mu shallow moon Mou son light MI, lip Cape hook up a smile not smile radian.

The other party was stunned for a moment, it seems that Mu shallow moon guessed so quickly.

"You're really smart, but do you think you have a chance to get out of here? This place of medicine and spirit will be your burial place The other party's eyes are covered with cold and ferocious color, and the whole body is emitting a chilling opportunity to kill.

She's right. If she escapes here and tells the Lord about it, he will surely die!

This time, Yao Zihe promised him enough benefits that he would take the risk to do such a thing.

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