But how did the eighth rank God die?

Yao Zihe's heart is full of doubts, no matter how he doesn't understand.

Is it said that after killing mu Qianyue, he met with other dangers, so he died?

Apart from this possibility, there is no other possibility. If you told him that mu Qianyue killed the eight level God King and killed him, he would not believe it!

Because it's impossible!

On the mainland, there are some powerful people who can fight across the ranks, or use pills that can improve their strength for a short time to assist in killing strong enemies. It is amazing to cross a level or two, and no one can achieve the ability to cross five levels!

What's more, he also gave the man a sudden increase in the strength of the first level of violent yuan Dan?

In his uneasy waiting, the road of Lingfeng was slowly opened again, and then the figures came out from it.

Yao Zihe saw Yao Xin walking in the crowd with a touch of joy in his eyes and called out to her, "Xin'er! Come here

"Dad Yao Xin, with a smile on her delicate face, walks quickly to Yao Zihe.

"Xin'er, what's the harvest in the realm of medicine and spirit this time?" Yao Zihe's eyes fell gently on her and asked with a smile.

"Dad, I found ten precious thousand year old herbs and got a medical book, and my alchemy has broken through the realm of ten grade Dansheng!" Yao Xin said her harvest in a hurry.

"What? Have you broken through to the realm of Dansheng Yao Zihe was overjoyed when he heard the speech. A few days ago, xiner just broke through the jiupindan pharmacist. Unexpectedly, she broke through to the realm of Dansheng so quickly!

Even the medicine patriarch and Yao Ziqiu could not help but look at her.

"Good! It seems that xiner's talent is also very strong! I guess it won't take long to become the king of Dan, ha ha... " Master Yao's eyes are full of admiration. After all, the fragrance of medicine is excellent, which is also of great benefit to yaowangzong.

"Xin'er, what kind of medical books do you get in it? Let me have a look." After a pause, the medicine master continued.

"Yes Yao Xin's palm shook and took out a medical book made of yellowing sheepskin scroll and respectfully handed it to the master of medicine.

For the drug lord, her heart is still very respectful.

When the master of medicine opened the ancient medical book and saw the signature of Yao Qing on it, he could not help feeling shocked and excited, "this is actually the medical book left by our ancestors!"

"What? The medical books left by the ancestors? " Yao Ziqiu is also shocked. She looks at Yao Xin strangely. She has gone through dog, excrement and fortune and got the medical books left by the ancestor of Yaoqing!

Yao Zihe was excited and overjoyed when he heard the speech, "ha ha, it's really my daughter of yaozihe, which is excellent! Maybe the ancestors didn't want the things of our medicine King sect to be obtained by outsiders. Seeing that xiner was so excellent and outstanding, he secretly instructed xiner to find this medical book! "

Other people's view, eyes have shown envy and jealousy.

Oh, my God!

It's a medical book left by the original God!

Yao Xin's luck is really good!

Yao Xin lifted her lips with pride and pride.

Medicine son autumn cold hum a, calm face, also did not speak. Looking up to the illusory road in the middle of Lingfeng, I didn't see the familiar figure. I couldn't help but get a touch of anxiety in my eyes. Why hasn't Mu wench come out? Can't you forget the time?

Yao Xin looks up at the crowd, but she doesn't see the familiar figure. The corners of her lips can't help but draw a sneer. It seems that the person sent by her father has already got it.

At the thought of Mu Qianyue's death in the realm of medicine spirit, Yao Xin's face is full of complacent and excited expression, and mu Qianyue is finally dead! No one will rob her of the limelight!

And she is destined to be brilliant, and mu Qianyue can only be unknown in the realm of medicine into a touch of loess, become the fertilizer of those herbs!

Yao Zihe saw that mu Qianyue had not come out, and a cold light flashed quickly in his drooping eyes. It seems that mu Qianyue has died, otherwise it will not have come out now! As for why the man he sent to break his life card, he must have encountered other dangers in it!

With the strength of his eight level God King, Mu shallow moon is not his opponent at all!

At this moment, almost all the people came out of the realm of medicine spirit, but never saw the figure of Mu shallow moon!

Yao Ziqiu's eyebrows were tightly wrinkled, and the master's face was not good-looking. After all, mu Qianyue was his favorite, and now he is also the ten elders of the medicine King clan. If something happened to her, it would be an irreparable loss to yaowangzong!

"Lord, time is coming..." One side of the medicine son spring sound reminds a way.

For the talent revealed by mu Qianyue, he is also very appreciative. If Yao Wang Zong has such a talent, he will surely develop to a new height!

But if she

He didn't dare to think about the later things!

But mu shallow month to now did not come out, must be her what accident, otherwise also can't come out now!Drug Lord raised his hand, eyes have been tightly locked in front of the exit, "and so on."

Medicine son autumn's face finally showed anxious flustered color, Mu wench should not really have what matter?

Turning his head and looking at Yao Zihe beside him, he saw a faint smile on his face. Yao Ziqiu's eyes were filled with a bad premonition.

Damn Yao Zihe, he must have done something!

If there is something wrong with Mu wench, it is absolutely irrelevant to him! He will never let him go!

"Lord, time is up, we can't wait any longer. This will have a great impact on the realm of medicine and spirit, and it is easy to cause space collapse." Yao Zihe said in a cold voice.

"Yes, Lord, the realm of medicine and spirit must be closed as soon as possible. We have already delayed for a while just now..." Yao Ziquan also said that although Mu's talent is very strong, even surpasses the elder, he doesn't want him to die.

But compared with the realm of medicine and spirit, Mu's life and death has become less important!

"Ah..." The master of medicine sighed with a deep regret on his face.

What a pity for such an excellent genius!

"Wait a minute. If she doesn't come out, close it."

Yao Zihe is not talking. How about waiting a little longer? Anyway, mu Qianyue is dead, she is absolutely impossible to come out alive again!

Time passing by

Finally, the last bit of time also passed, Mu shallow moon still did not come out.

The medicine son he dark relaxed a breath, the expression on the face is complacent and gloomy.

"Close it..." Seeing the eyes cast by Yao Ziquan and Yao Zihe, the master of Medicine said in a feeble voice, and his expression was slightly tired, as if he were a teenager in an instant.

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