"You all go down."

Yao Xin waved impatiently.

The maids, such as the burden of release, one by one hastily and respectfully blessed the body, turned back to go out.

"Yang QinChun, you stay."

Yao Xin's cold and heartless voice rings in the hall, which makes Yang QinChun shiver. She raises her head and looks at Yao Xin with a trace of fear in her eyes.

Last time, the shadow of "strong soul pill" shrouded in her heart and could not be waved away.

At this time, hearing that Yao Xin asked her to stay, she was naturally afraid and hesitated not to go forward.

Yao Xin frowned in displeasure, and her voice was cool and swish, with a trace of piercing coldness, "Yang QinChun, do you want to disobey my order?"

"I dare not!" Yang QinChun stopped and looked at her with some fear. Seeing Yao Xin's cold and frightening eyes, she quickly lowered her head. It was obvious that the incident had caused great harm in her heart.

The corner of Yao Xin's mouth just aroused a satisfied sneer, "take this."

A pill appeared in her hand.

Yang QinChun's eyes gaped, his face showed deep fear and panic, "Miss Xin, what is this?"

Is it strong soul pill again?

Last time that kind of pain is really unbearable, life is not like death, she does not want to experience the second time!

"If you ask me what to do with all this, you can take it for me!" Yao Xin's eyes were round and full of discontent.

"No I don't want to... " Yang QinChun retreated in panic, and Yao Xin stepped forward, clasped Yang QinChun's chin, and forced the pill into Yang QinChun's mouth.

The pill melts in the mouth, and instantly it pours into her throat. No matter how she vomits, how she buckles, she can't spit out.

A sharp pain suddenly hit his whole body, which made Yang QinChun's whole body spasm. He shrank on the ground, and his whole face was twisted because of pain

This kind of pain is not like the pain of qianghu pill that goes deep into the soul, but every inch of skin on the whole body seems to be gnawed by ants.

His clothes have been wet with sweat for a long time, and the whole person looks like he was pulled out of the water

I don't know how long it hurt. Yang QinChun had already fainted.

Several maids in the yard did not go far away. They looked at Yang QinChun, who was still alive and fainted again. Their eyes showed deep sympathy.

"Ah, Yang QinChun is really pathetic. She is so tortured by Miss Xin..."

"Yes! It's said that Yang QinChun is still a princess of a country, but he lives a life like death here... "

"What is a princess? In our yaowangzong, we are just mole ants. "

"Why did Yang QinChun give up his identity as a princess and come here? Although Yunying kingdom is not as big as Yao wangzong, it is also a splendid life, isn't it? "

"Who knows! However, she is really pitiful! Miss Xin always beat and scolded her, and now she is a medicine man. Anyway, she is also a warrior of the fifth level... "

The maids murmured and sympathized, but they did not dare to fight for her unless they were tired of living.

Encounter this kind of thing, the only thing you can do is as if you don't see it, so you can protect yourself.

Otherwise, Yao Xin regards them as medicine men, and I'm afraid they can't last a day. After all, they're just smart warriors.

In the next six months, Yao Xin will make Yang QinChun take all kinds of messy pills she has developed.

Some time ago, Yao Xin got a medical book left by Yao Qing, the ancestor of Yaowang clan. Besides recording all kinds of difficult and miscellaneous diseases, there are also various kinds of Dan prescriptions.

So Yao Xin experimented with Yang QinChun, which made her very sad. During this period of time, Yang QinChun's body lost more than ten kilograms. Originally, her figure was slightly overweight, but now she has become as thin as wood, pale and bloodless.

In the past, the twinkling and bright eyes full of color became dull, colorless and dull, like a silly wood.

Every day muddleheaded life, this moment she is really regret, regret to follow Yao Xin to Yaowang Zong.

It turns out that yaowangzong is not as beautiful as you think, but a place full of bitterness and darkness

In fact, we can't say that yaowangzong is not good. We can only say that Yang QinChun's luck is very bad. He meets a crazy Yao Xin.

If she followed other pills, as a medicine child, would not have such an encounter.

Just like Yao Chi, he was just an ordinary warrior before, but because he met Yao Ziqiu, his status changed dramatically, and he became a five step emperor!

So it is very important to meet a good master.

This is a truth that horses of thousands of miles often exist, but Bole does not.Of course, a great part of the reason for all this is also due to Yang QinChun himself. If she was not greedy for fame and wealth, and if she was not full of jealousy for mu Qianyue, she wanted to kill him and set foot on this road of no return, she would not have come to such an end.

It was all on her own.

Unfortunately, life has no regret medicine.

So every time you make a choice, you need to think carefully and think again, so as not to leave opportunities for regret and regret in your life.

In the garden, Yang QinChun is like a dead body without soul. He walks slowly, his hair is slightly disordered, and his pale face is only a layer of bone.

"Yang QinChun, I haven't seen you for a while. How can you be so thin?" The medicine flies out of the closed door and sees the figure in front of him that is not in the shape of an adult, and his eyes flash with surprise.

"It's master Yao Fei. I'm fine. I'm just a little homesick Yang QinChun red eyes, whispered, tears hazy, looks very poor.

"The medicine flies the Mou son light squint," your matter I heard. Ah... "

After the last time, he closed for half a year. As soon as he came out, he heard the maids in Xinyuan talking about it in a low voice. Seeing Yang QinChun so emaciated, his heart filled with a trace of complex emotions.

I still remember that more than half a year ago, Yang QinChun was still a high spirited, plump, exquisite and beautiful person. I didn't expect that he had become this kind of person now.

"These are Yangxue pills, Yangyan pills and Huiqi pills. You can take them all. Oh, by the way, there are some medicinal spirit stones. You can also take them to practice." Yao Fei took out bottles and jars and some crystal stones from the space like taking out a treasure and stuffed them into Yang QinChun's hands.

Yang QinChun was stunned. She raised her head in a daze. Her eyes were stunned and looked at Yao Fei in disbelief. Gradually, her eyes became more red. Drops of crystal clear tears slipped down her jade face.

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