"Yang QinChun, I really underestimated you. I didn't expect that you would pretend to be pathetic and tender. At the beginning, you must have been on the bed of medicine flying by such means?" Anger surged in Yao Xin's eyes, and suddenly rushed to Yang QinChun. He stretched out his hand to pull Yang QinChun's face. "I want to tear up your hypocritical face..."

"Ah..." Yang QinChun screamed and dodged. Unexpectedly, Yao Xin grabbed her hair. She refused to be outdone by her, and said, "you sinister and vicious woman, you almost killed me at the beginning, and now you hurt my children I'm going to kill you and avenge my child who died in vain! "

They wrestled like a madman.

The hall was dreary and solemn. The elders looked at each other, and their eyes were full of surprise and shock. Is this still the third lady Yao Xin, who is noble, elegant, reserved and gentle? If they had not seen it with their own eyes, they would have thought that the medicine fragrance in front of them had been transferred!

Mu Qianyue's hands around the chest, the corners of his mouth with the meaning of watching a good play, light standing watching.

Such a good play is really rare.

It's really a dog biting a dog. It's true.

"Enough!" Yao Fei angrily drinks, rushes forward, grabs Yaoxin, pushes her away, and then reaches out to protect Yang QinChun,

"husband Wu Wu, Yao Xin. She killed our child. She is so rude and unreasonable Is it true that our children died in vain? " Yang QinChun's face is sad and hopeless, and he nestles in Yao Fei's arms. His eyes are slightly drooping, and his light is vicious and proud.

In the past, Yao Fei was following the fart bug behind Yao Xin to protect her everywhere, but now Yao Fei has no Yao Xin in his eyes, but only her, Yang QinChun. She was very glad that when she was in the palace, she learned a lot of tricks and ways to hook men with her mother's concubine, so that Yao Fei could pity her

Seeing this, Yao Xin was very angry. Her eyes were angry and unbelievable. She said, "Yang QinChun is just a worldly lowly woman. Is it worth you to turn over my face for her?"

She even fell out with her father and elder two. I really don't know what Yao Fei thinks!

You know, Yao Fei used to scold someone who couldn't even scold her. She only loved her. Now she suddenly turned to love Yang QinChun. Naturally, she couldn't accept the huge difference.

It's like a toy that belongs to you, and suddenly it's taken away by someone else, even if the toy is not your favorite.

At the moment, Yao Xin is such a psychology.

"What about the humble women in the secular world? She is my medicine fly woman now, you kill my child, still so justifiable Medicine flies angry way.

"Xin'er! That's enough Yao Zihe saw the downcast face of the drug lord and Yao Xin's disordered hair like a madman. His eyes were filled with anger of hating iron and steel, and he said coldly.

When Yao Xin saw that her father didn't even help her, she was extremely aggrieved. She opened her mouth to speak, but she was interrupted by Yao Zihe's cold voice. She looked at her and said, "this is in the hall, in front of the patriarch and many elders. What's your style like this? Don't lose your image and reputation because of a temporary anger, not to mention a country woman who doesn't know etiquette! "

Yao Xin was stunned and immediately realized that she had made a fool of herself in front of the public in the hall. She could not help but look stiff. She knelt down in a hurry towards the medicine Lord on the high ground.

Her white and beautiful face showed a look of remorse, and her voice was even more sincere. "Lord, it was Xin'er's impoliteness just now, and it was the first time that xiner was so vilified and flattered that she didn't hold back for a moment. Please forgive me, patriarch and elders."

"Patriarch, although Xin'er was wrong and shouldn't give Yang QinChun the refined test pill, Xin'er told her not to take it, but she didn't listen and took it without permission. As for the abortion of Yang QinChun, I also sent someone to investigate and understand that it was Xin'er who was angered by Yang QinChun first. Xiner just pushed her and she miscarried. I found it strange that she took abortion medicine by herself. " Yao Zihe said with cold voice and ferocious face.

"Elder two, how can you slander me in order to protect your daughter! Which mother in the world is willing to hurt her children? Besides, tiger poison doesn't eat children! There were several maids who had seen the situation with their own eyes! " Yang QinChun said angrily.

Later, the master called for the maids and the maids who served in Xinyuan. At first, they didn't admit that they were all helping Yao Xin to speak, but under the cold and peerless pressure of master Yao, they all told the truth.

The truth came to light, and everyone was deeply sorry.

I didn't expect Yao Xin to be the kind of woman with different appearances! How vicious!

Yang QinChun naturally pretended to be weak and pitiful at this time. The master of medicine gave her a lot of pills and a local advanced skill, which made her excited. Especially when she saw Yao Xin's ugly face, her heart was filled with the joy of revenge!

Those who belong to the line of Yao Zihe quickly plead for Yao Xin, saying that Xin'er is too young to be sensible, or to mention the contributions made by Yao Zihe and Yao Ning to Yao Wang Zong.Young and ignorant?

Hearing the speech, mu Qianyue's mouth aroused a smile. Yao Xin is now 28 years old. Now they say that she is not sensible and she is young?

How ridiculous!

Do you want to wait for Yao Xin to be 40 years old and make a mistake, or do you want to cover up her mistakes with her age?

It is estimated that the mistakes she made from small to large are covered up with such an excuse, so that she can be so arrogant and arrogant!

Yao Fei and elder eight, of course, used Yao Xin's various evils. All the vicious words were used on Yao Xin's body. She was so angry that she trembled, but she could not find any refutation.

"Well, you don't have to say any more. I've decided that Yaoxin will be expelled from yaowangzong immediately." Master Yao's whole body was cold and heavy,

his words made Yao Xin's face pale and lifeless.

Her body a soft, suddenly fell on the ground, cold beautiful eyes full of shock and stupidity, it seems that she has not yet come back to

The master of medicine glanced at Yao Xin lightly, then turned his head to Yao Ziquan beside him and said, "elder nine, go and collect the ring in her hand. She can't take anything that belongs to the yaowangzong. "

Especially the medical books left by Yao Qingshi.

In fact, he knew everything Yao Xin had done, but Yao Xin refused to admit it. In order to convince the public, the master of medicine naturally needed to find out the witness, so he asked the maids to come.

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