"My mother's name is mu Qianyue, and my father's name is nalanjing." Ninety nine did not hide it.

When they heard the children's death, they had an impulse! The funny thing is that he followed them for a whole year and vowed to help them find their parents. The funny thing is that he didn't know it was his grandson!

Nothing is more stupid than him!

In this year, he didn't even ask the names of their parents

After being depressed and upset, he was extremely excited and happy. He held Nalan Xueling and Jiu Jiu in his left and right hands at the same time, "I am your grandfather!"

"Are you really our grandfather?" Nalan Xueling's beautiful eyes are full of curiosity.

"Yue'er is my daughter. She is looking for me and Lan'er to come to the Xuantian world regardless of the danger, but she didn't think they would leave you two for me and Lan'er It is my grandfather who is not good. My grandfather will protect you and take good care of you in the future. I will not let you suffer any more injustice... " Mu Yan's face is full of heartache and tightly embraces the two small figures in his arms.

Before seeing them two little guys, he saw that they were very clever and lovely, and he also wanted to have a pair of such grandsons. But now when he knew that they were his own grandsons, his heart was extremely distressed.

Different from the mature mind of ordinary children, they have the strong strength of adults. They must have suffered a lot. They must have been forced to practice when they were in the womb

"Is this our grandmother Nine nine blinks lovely big purple eyes, looking at the face of the flowers in front of the body.

Huarong's face was stiff, and his heart was filled with bitterness and bitterness. He looked at Mu Yan's eyes with deep sadness.

But mu Yan immersed in the joy of meeting grandson again, did not find this, his face full of smile, "yes, she is your grandmother."

Huarong just pulled the corners of her mouth and didn't show too much smile. But when she looked at Nalan Xueling and Jiu Jiu, the smile in her eyes was sincere. She really liked the two children.

Immediately, Mu Yan took Jiu Jiu and Nalan Xueling and Huarong to find an inn to stay. Now he has too much to ask these two little guys.

It wasn't until late at night that we stopped talking.

Mu Yan coaxes Xiao Ling and Jiu Jiu to sleep, and then goes to the room next to Huarong.

In the past year, he took care of Jiu Jiu and Xiao Ling to take care of them in case of bad people. And Huarong is a room for one person.

"Rong'er, are you asleep?" Mu Yan came to the next door and knocked on the door. Seeing no one answered, he could not help but dye a little doubt in his eyes. Forget it, or come back to Lan'er tomorrow.

So he turned back to Jiu Jiu and Xiao Ling's room.

The next morning, when he came to the door of Huarong's room again, he knocked on the door for a long time, but no one answered. He felt a bad feeling in his heart.

He quickly pushed the door into the house, but did not see the figure of Huarong.

In the morning, the golden sunshine comes through the window, and with the cool morning wind, it gives people a chilling sense of coldness, and the surrounding is quiet.

The quilts on the bed are neatly folded. It's cold and cold without a trace of temperature. Obviously, no one has ever slept at night.

Mu Yan's heart suddenly flustered up, his eyes light a glance in the pillow found a letter.

The person who left the letter was naturally Huarong. When he read the complete letter, his face showed a look of remorse and pain.

LAN Er misunderstood him!

So I left

"Mu Yan, I don't regret knowing you, but you have already married I was kept in the dark.

This year's encounter, acquaintance, I will bear in mind. Since Xiao Ling and Jiu Jiu are your grandsons, I can leave with ease. I wish you and your family a reunion as soon as possible The face of flowers. "

Looking at the letter in his hand, Mu Yan's sight has been blurred.


The palm slapped heavily on the column beside him, hitting a palm print.

Sawdust stabbed into the flesh, but he could not feel a trace of pain. He hated himself and hated himself. Why didn't he explain the matter to Lan'er earlier, so that she misunderstood herself

Yesterday, when he learned that Xiaoling and Jiujiu were his own grandson, he was too excited and excited, so he didn't care about Lan'er's feelings.

In his consciousness, he thought Lan'er, like himself, was extremely excited. He forgot that Lan'er had long lost his memory. Although she liked Xiao Ling and Jiu Jiu, she could not accept the betrayal and deception of love

If he had spoken earlier, Lan'er would not have left!

"What about grandma? Why didn't you see her? " Nalan Xueling walked into the room and looked around, but she didn't see the familiar and beautiful figure. Mu Yan stroked her forehead with pain and sadness, and her white face could not help showing a puzzled look.

"Lan'er, she's gone." At this moment, Mu Yan's whole body strength seems to have been drained out in general, pale and powerless."Ah? be gone? Why did grandma go Then into the room of 99 is also a face of confusion and puzzled.

"It's going to start two years ago..." Mu Yan sighed and said the whole thing slowly.

Nalan Xueling and Jiu Jiu suddenly realized that Grandma had lost her memory. She must have heard her grandfather say Lan'er yesterday, which made her jealous, so she left a letter and left

"So it's a misunderstanding. Grandfather, let's go to grandma and find her. Explain these misunderstandings clearly, and she will understand it! " Nalan Xueling's lips are slightly curved.

"My sister is right, granddad. We can catch up with grandma before she goes far away. It's not good if grandma meets a bad guy Jiujiu's lovely pink face is serious and mature. It doesn't look like a four-year-old child. His mature mind makes Mu Yan a little shy.

"Good! Let's go after it now Mu Yan nodded and put away the letter paper. He went out of the city together with Nalan Xueling and Jiu Jiu Jiu and went to the outside of the city.


When the day was slightly light, Huarong was out of the city. Her face was in a trance, her eyes were dull and inanimate, like a walking corpse walking slowly on the official road.

The word "Lan'er" echoed in her mind.

Think of that beautiful face, think of that pair of warm and affectionate eyes, flower face only feel the heart pain can't breathe.

LAN Er, these two words, she was not the first time to hear them yesterday.

When the four of them were training in the forest, once it was her turn to watch the night. She gently covered the sleeping Mu Yan with clothes. At that time, she heard him calling "Lan'er".

Whisper softly, whisper softly.

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