"I have never felt lonely before, but your appearance has rekindled my faith in my heart. Miss Rong, can you give me a chance to take care of you?"

Tian Yi Heng looks at the woman in front of her affectionately, and her eyes fall on her beautiful face.

The cool color between Huarong's eyebrows and eyes became thick, "tianyiheng, I'm very grateful for your saving me, but I don't like you, and I can't be with you! I Wanhua island has the rules and regulations of Wanhua Island, and I will never marry a man. "

"It doesn't matter if you don't like me. Emotional things can be cultivated slowly." Tian Yiheng's eyes were still gentle, soft as if he could drip water. "As for the gauge of Wanhua Island, I have heard of some before. As long as you quit Wanhua Island, I believe the master of Wanhua island will not embarrass you too much."

The beautiful Dai eyebrows were wrinkled tightly and the eyes were filled with displeasure. Why didn't Yiheng understand that day? She made it so clear!

"Well, let's not say these unhappy words." Tian Yi Heng said with a smile.

"Tianyiheng, I still have a task to do. I have to go back to Wanhua Island first. I will send a thank you for your help when I go back." Huarong said faintly.

Tianyi Heng heard the words, and his eyes were filled with a look of reluctance, "Miss Rong, are you going to leave so soon? Can't you stay here a few more days? "

"I'm sorry, I'm not idle." The tone of Huarong is indifferent and cold, with a touch of alienation, and there is no slightest reluctance.

Tian Yiheng thought for a moment and then sighed, "Miss Rong, since you want to go, I don't ask you. It's just that I have a little request. It's my birthday in 12 days. Can you stay with me and then leave? "

Seeing the woman's frown, Tian Yiheng quickly explained, "Miss Rong, don't think too much about it. Since my wife died ten years ago, I have never had my birthday and never laughed again. Although I am the leader of Tianmen sect, I have spent every day of these years in solitude, and no one tells me about my worries. I just hope you can spend a birthday with me... "

"All right." Huarong thought about it and nodded. After all, her life was saved by others. She was only asking for a small request. If she refused, it would be too inhumane.

"How wonderful! Miss Rong, thank you for staying to celebrate my birthday. " Tian Yi Heng's face showed a happy and excited smile, "let's go inside and pick out two clothes."

"No more clothes. I have enough clothes to wear." The face of the flower refused.

"Then help me choose. There are too many styles in it. I don't know which one suits me. With you, I'm sure your vision will not be wrong." Tian Yi Heng said with a smile.

As the leader of Tianmen sect, his clothes are numerous, and there is no need to come to the shop to select them. They are all delivered to his bedroom in person for him to choose from.

He just happened to pass by, so he had a whim and wanted to experience the feeling that he had not experienced for a long time.

Seeing that he said so much, Huarong was not good to refuse. As she was about to follow him into the shop, a joyful and excited voice rang out in the crowd, "rong'er!"

Huarong frowned faintly, turned his head, and saw a figure running over. Even though he was in the turbulent crowd, Huarong still looked at his pretty eyes.

Huarong's heart was pulled hard. She had planned to forget him. Why did he still appear in his sight? He has a wife and children, grandchildren, why to provoke himself?

At this time, Mu Yan has come to her, with a happy smile on his handsome face, and looks at her with narrow and deep eyes, gentle and full of deep love, "rong'er, I finally find you!"

"Miss Rong, do you know each other?" Tian Yiheng was stunned when he saw Mu Yan, and a flash of light flashed through his eyes.

Mu Yan this just noticed one side of the day chess Heng, slightly a Leng, "day patriarch, you are also here?"

"Yes." Tian Yiheng nodded lightly.

"Rong'er, where have you been these days? I've been looking for you... " Mu Yan takes back his sight, his eyes fall back on Huarong's body, but his words are interrupted by Huarong lenglenglengleng.

"Mr. mu, we are not familiar with each other. Please call my full name."

"Rong'er, you misunderstood me. In fact..." Mu Yan's eyes flashed with anxiety.

"Miss Rong, let's go in." Tian Yi Heng opens his mouth and interrupts Mu Yan's words. He looks at the face of the flower with a smile in his eyes and says with a smile.

"I'm tired. Let's go back." The beautiful face of Huarong is indifferent and alienated. He throws down a word coldly, and does not give Mu Yan an opportunity to explain. He turns around and walks away.

Tian Yi Heng quickly raised his step and followed him.

"Rong'er..." The anxious color on Mu Yan's face was even more serious. He hastened to catch up with him, but he was stopped by tianyiheng. "Mr. mu, since Rong girl said that she didn't know you, you'd better not disturb her."

"Lord Tian, what do you mean?" Mu Yan's face suddenly cooled down. He interrupted his words just now. The meaning is not obvious. Now it can't be more obvious.Is he trying to block himself?

"Don't you know what it means? Miss Rong doesn't like you. You'd better not stick around and be self-conscious He was obviously disdainful.

The figure of Huarong has disappeared in the crowd.

Tian Yi Heng glanced at Mu Yan coldly and caught up with him.

Looking at the figure of Huarong disappearing in the crowd, Mu Yan clenched his fist tightly under his sleeve.

Lan'er, I won't let you leave me! You are my wife, my only wife in my whole life!


As night falls, a cold moon shines on the courtyard, leaving only a cold silver glow, reflecting the camphor trees in the yard, as if coated with a layer of silver frost, and the beautiful beauty of Meilun.

Huarong sits in the courtyard and looks at the dishes on the table. Her divine sense has already gone beyond nine days. Tianyiheng's voice is full of concern, but she can't hear a word. In her mind, she keeps floating that beautiful and familiar face and the injured eyes

She couldn't help but feel the pain.

Does he think that he is a woman of fickleness?

Well, it doesn't matter anymore, does it?

After 12 days, she will return to Wanhua island and have nothing to do with him.

"Rong'er, what are you thinking? Are these dishes not to your taste Tian Yiheng could not help asking when he saw that she was out of her mind and had no appetite.

Huarong put down his chopsticks and Shi ran got up, "I'm full. Lord God, I want to go back to my room and have a rest. "

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