Yao Tao was very angry and depressed, "I don't think you came to apologize at all. You don't think I have enough pits and come to find trouble on purpose."

He glared at her with a look of displeasure.

"Well I'm really here to apologize. It's that you're asking too much. " Nalan Xueling said innocently.

"How do you want to make up for what you've done to me Yao Tao Dao.

"Well, how about I treat you to roast chicken?" Nalan Xueling looks at him brightly.

Yao Tao disdained the corners of his mouth, "what's delicious about roast chicken? I'm not rare!"

"Roast chicken is very delicious. I learned it from my mother. It is delicious, smooth and not greasy. You can eat it once and never forget it." Nalan Xueling said with a smile.

Looking at the girl's face, that beautiful smile, drug Tao Leng Leng Leng God, perhaps really delicious?

"Well! The young master will try your craft. If it's delicious, I'll forgive you. If it's not delicious, you'll have to make up for it until I forgive you. " Hehe, no matter if it's delicious or not, he says it's not delicious. In this way, he can continue to torture her and revenge.

Yao Tao is deeply proud of his great plan.

"Let's catch a pheasant now?" Nalan Schelling asked.

"Yes! Go, catch the pheasant Yao Tao is in a good mood. After sweeping the haze before, he is not in a hurry to return to Yao Wang Zong. He and Nalan Xueling go into the jungle beside the mountain road to catch game.

After a while, they caught a pheasant back, and then found a clear and clean stream.

Nalan Xueling holds a dagger and squats by the river, ready to kill the chicken. Yao Tao walks over quickly and grabs the dagger in her hand.

"Killing chickens is not suitable for you. I'll do it." Yao Tao's handsome face is full of heroism and masculinity.


Nalan Xueling looked at him. Well, it seems that the fool is not so bad, or quite intimate.

In order to save time, Nalan Xueling got up and picked up firewood. Then he folded several big lotus leaves and picked some mushrooms.

"Hello, do you have a medicine stove?" Nalan Xueling came to him. At this time, Yao Tao had just killed the chicken, removed the hair, peeled the belly and cleaned it.

Yao Tao's action is quite quick, obviously he did not lack to make his own food when he was training outside.

"Medicine stove? What do you do with the stove Yao Tao raised his head in doubt and asked.

"You'll find out later." Nalan Xueling smiles mysteriously.


Yao Tao's palm shook and summoned a bronze ancient tripod. Nalan Xueling cleaned the medicine stove and filled it with water. Seeing Yao Tao in a daze, he couldn't help saying, "what are you doing in a daze? Don't you spray fire quickly?"

"What do you do with water in my medicine stove?"

"Soup! Now that you're invited to eat the roast chicken, I'll let you have enough. " Nalan Xueling said with a smile.

Eat enough?

How do you feel that this is not strong!

At the next moment, he thought about the key thing, and couldn't help jumping up. "This is my alchemy guy. Do you want to use it to make soup?"

She really came to treat herself to roast chicken, not to play with herself?

Nalan Xueling turned her eyes angrily. "It's just a medicine stove. My grandfather and my mother are both Dan pharmacists. They often use the stove to cook soup and cook. After all, after all, in the wild, if you don't eat well, how can you have any strength to fight strange things?"

It seems reasonable.

"But However, this is my medicine stove for refining pills! It is very holy in my heart Yao Tao was depressed.

"I know that your Dan pharmacist is more important than the medicine stove, but holiness and worship can be kept in mind, and it is not holy to use it to make soup? There are still monks in the family, and they drink a lot of fish and meat! "

"What kind of monk is that?" Yao Tao is wide eyed.

"Have you heard a word? It's called wine and meat passing through the intestines, and the Buddha's heart remains! Holiness is proved by action and heart, not by words. It is because we respect it that we need to make soup with it! Will we appreciate it if it can make us eat and drink delicious soup

In a word, Nalan Xueling finally convinced Yao Tao with a lot of wrong reasons.

"OK, OK, I'm going to start making roast chicken." Nalan Xueling picked up his cleaned pheasant with a smile, wrapped it with lotus leaves, and wrapped it with a layer of wet mud. Then he dug a hole in the ground and put the wrapped pheasant in.

Then there was a fire on it, and it was called the chicken.

Yao Tao didn't speak this time, but his eyes were full of curiosity. What else could he do? Can such roast chicken be eaten?

After finishing all this, Nalan Xueling went to cook soup again and fished two fish from the river. After cleaning his belly, he put it on the fire with the fork of a tree.While turning and baking, the golden oil stains dropped from the roasted fish and fell into the fire, crackling.

See the color baked almost, from time to time again sprinkle some seasoning, suddenly a fragrance floating out.

Yao Tao looked at the golden fish and felt his stomach purr.

Nalanxieling looked at him, picked up a bunch of roasted fish and handed it to him. He said with a smile, "OK, you can eat it."

Yao Tao reached out and took it. He ate it. His eyes were bright and he was full of praise. "Wow, it's delicious! It's better than those chefs in the restaurant

"That's it." Nalanxieling's face was proud.

Yao Tao quickly solved the problem of grilled fish. He could not help but fall under the fire, "when is the roast chicken good?"

I didn't expect that the taste of the roast fish is so delicious, and the taste of the roast chicken will certainly not be bad!

"Well, it should be soon."

After about a cup of tea, Nalan Xueling removed the fire and dug out the chicken from below.

The original wet mud was baked dry and black.

She carefully tapped on it, and the mud broke open, revealing the lotus leaves inside.

A fragrant smell of lotus leaves floated out and filled the air. Suddenly, Yao Tao couldn't help swallowing and salivating, "how fragrant! I didn't smell the fragrance just now, but it was so fragrant when I opened it

"Nonsense, it's hard to smell the fragrance when it's wrapped in mud!" Nalan Xueling pulled off the lotus fragrance with the action of numbness, and suddenly a more delicate flavor floated out.

Yao Tao is ready to move.

Nalan Xueling pulled a big chicken leg and handed it to him. Yao Tao took it, but he didn't burn his mouth. He ate it so much that his mouth was full of oil. "Oh, this roast chicken is more delicious."

"This is a beggar chicken. How about it? I didn't cheat you, did I?" Nalan Xueling said with a smile.

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