Inside, there are two broken holy pills, one broken emperor pill and one broken God pill, which are used by those who break through the sacred martial arts and those who use the divine weapons and the emperor's martial arts.

It's precious.

Tianyiheng didn't reach out to pick it up, but still frowned, "master Yao Ning, it's not that I refuse to help you, but this martial spirit flower is really too important. I need to discuss with all the elders..."

Yao Ning micro Mi's eyeground quickly flashed a touch of dissatisfaction color, what is too important, is completely bullshit! He clearly thought that he had given less pills!

"I have two magic pills here. I'll give them to you." He held back his anger and turned his hand. Another small jade bottle appeared in his hand. He put it on the table with a bang. His momentum was amazing.

Tian Yiheng turned his mouth in disapproval, but his face was still calm and light. "Ha ha, you are welcome, master Yao Ning. It will be my birthday in a few days. I will send out invitation cards to invite you to join us It's just that I have been stuck in the Ninth level God Emperor for many years, and I want to break through to the realm of God Emperor on the day of my birth. "

In a word, he expressed his mind. He wanted yaoning to help him refine pills, and it was the God Emperor pill. Obviously, it was robbing by taking advantage of the fire!

On hearing this, Yao Ning's eyes "Shua" became angry. It was a good day to play chess. I didn't expect that he would dare to take advantage of the fire!

"If you are very busy, then forget it. After all, your injury is just right." Looking at Yao Ning's gloomy face, Tian Yi Heng said faintly.

Yao Ning's eyes float a touch of anger, disdain to snort, "I don't have Shendi Dan on my body, you also know that such things as Shendi Dan are very precious. A while ago, I just made a breakthrough. The God Emperor Dan was given by our ancestors. "

If it is not the spirit of the wounded, in urgent need of that flower, he used so humble in front of a younger generation under duress?

Seeing the smile on Tian Yiheng's face, Yao Ning only feels that he is hypocritical.

"Haha, master yaoning, don't worry. I just collected a piece of herbs for refining Shendi pill. You just need to refine it." Tian Yi Heng said with a smile.

Now he is the Ninth level God Emperor, only one step away from the God Emperor. However, he has not made a breakthrough for so many years, which makes him very distressed.

This time, he found the herbs for refining Shendi pill, but he couldn't find anyone who could refine Shendi pill. The Dan pharmacist in Tianmen was just a ten grade Dan saint, and he couldn't practice Shendi pill at all.

Unexpectedly, at this time, yaoning automatically delivered to the door.

How could he miss such a good opportunity?

"Shendi Dan? As long as you can take out the herbs, I will refine them for you. "

"Well, I'll trouble you, master Yao Ning."

Later, Tianyi Heng ordered people to bring the Wu Hun flower and the medicinal materials for refining Shendi Dan.

As long as Yao Ning agrees, he is not afraid that Yao Ning will repent.

In anger, Emperor Teng takes time to make medicine for Tianluo.

Flower Yun sees medicine rather to come back to be busy to ask a way, "how? Is there any medicine for treating the spirit of martial arts? "

"Hum! That damned day chess Heng, unexpectedly takes advantage of the fire to rob! What a nuisance Yao Ning's face was gloomy.

He was not satisfied with all the pills he had given him. He also asked himself to refine Shendi pill for him. If it was not for the wound of Wu Hun, he would have left long ago and went to other places to look for Wu Hun flower. Would he stay here and be threatened by this hypocrite?

"Tianyiheng is a despicable villain. He is really shameless." Flower Yun smell speech, light cold hum.

She didn't have too much expression on her face. Anyway, no matter how hypocritical tianyiheng was, it had nothing to do with her. She was just a symbolic hem.

"Hum, I'll go to refine the flower of Wu Hun and repair the soul of Wu. Then, I'll write down the account of tianyiheng!" Yao Ning micro Mi's eyes flashed a touch of bloodthirsty cold, he will not easily let this hypocrite.

He had never been subjected to such coercion.

It was not until noon the next day that Yao Ning came out of the room. His martial spirit had been completely restored, but his lost strength could not be made up for again. The loss of his strength made him fall back to the realm of the Ninth level God Emperor.

With this in mind, his face was full of gloom.

It took him nearly ten years to understand the threshold of the God Emperor, and broke through the realm of the God Emperor at one stroke. However, in a short half month, he fell back to the Ninth level God Emperor!

It filled his heart with anger and humiliation!

Holding back one's anger, there is no place to vent her anger. She happens to see Ouyang Ying, a girl sitting in the yard with one hand holding her chin, looking at the dazed girl in the sky. Her beautiful eyebrows are slightly frowned, with a trace of melancholy. She looks like a melancholy princess, which is pitiful.

Medicine Ning Mou son a squint, stride to go in the past, a pinch Ouyang Ying's wrist.

Ouyang Ying was so shocked that she raised her head to Shangyao Ning's evil and ferocious eyes. Her delicate body trembled and cried out in horror, "what are you going to do?"

"Of course, I've been shut up for three years and held back for so long. Since your master refuses to do it, you can do it for your master." Medicine rather cold hum a, grab Ouyang Ying and drag to the house.Ouyang Ying's face was pale and her face was pale. Her eyes were full of panic. She kept struggling, "let me go, you let me go..."

However, she is just Emperor Wu, and how can she be the opponent of the nine rank emperor yaoning?

Only the life dragged into the house all the way.

She thought that Yao Ning was just having an affair with her master, but she never thought that Yao Ning would be so despicable that she started to attack her and wanted to invade her!

"Master, master Help me... " However, Ouyang Ying had no choice but to shout, hoping that his master would come to save him quickly.

As soon as she stepped into the yard, Hua Yun heard her apprentice's cry for help. When she saw Yao Ning pressing on Ouyang Ying and tearing her clothes, she could not help but change her face and roar, "stop it!"

But Yao Ning seems to have never heard of it, and his actions are still going on.

Shua, the sound of clothes tearing.

The girl's snow-white chest was exposed in front of his eyes, which made his eyes red, and the desire in his eyes was even stronger.

"Yao Ning! You beast! Stop it Hua Yun's canthus were about to crack, so he rushed forward and grabbed Yao Ning's back and pulled him from Ouyang Ying's body.

"Master Wuwuwu... " Ouyang Ying is just a 19-year-old girl. She has been living in Wanhua island before. She is not familiar with the world. She is pure and has never contacted any man.

At the moment, such grievances have already turned into tears, and the heart is full of fear. , the fastest update of the webnovel!