A word completely let flower Yun quiet down, her eyes incredible stare boss, face exposed thick jealousy, hateful! No wonder Huarong will appear here!

It turned out that she was climbing up to the heaven! No wonder she's not afraid to see herself!

In fact, she really thinks too much.

Even without tianyiheng, Huarong could not have been afraid of her.

"Miss Rong, are you ok?" Tian Yiheng went to Huarong and asked in warm voice.

His face is full of care and worry, that gentle look let the side of the flower Yun see, are deeply jealous.

Huarong is really a fox spirit! In the past, Mu Yan tried to protect her, and now even Tian Yiheng is so gentle to her

By the way, Moyan!

Thinking of the name, Hua Yun's mouth raised a scornful sneer, "Lord Tian, I'm afraid you don't know? Huarong is not as cool and noble as you think. In fact, before that, she had a secret meeting with a man named Muyan. Unfortunately, after playing with her feelings, she abandoned her... "

After that, Hua Yun lifted up her lips and looked at her face, and said mercilessly, "I can't believe that your action is really fast. The first second was abandoned by other men, but the second after that, she colluded with the Lord of heaven. Your means are really many!"

Huarong Mou son a squint, the eye fundus cold light flashed, looked at the flower Yun's eyes in more than a trace of cold awn, did not expect that she even pulled Mu Yan in!

Before, she had many misunderstandings about Mu Yan, but since last time Mu Yan came to find herself and tell the truth of the matter, she realized that she and Mu Yan were originally husband and wife

So the despair and sadness in her heart had disappeared. At the moment, any flower Yun how to fight, are useless.

Hua Yun saw the face of Tian Yi Heng completely black down, the pride on the face even more a few minutes.

Tian Yiheng must not know these things about Huarong before, so he adores her. Now that she knows, will she still be wanted?

And Hua Yun deliberately said the name of Mu Yan, in order to let Tian Yiheng understand that she didn't talk nonsense, otherwise, she would not even know the name of a man with a good face.

But she said at this moment, no doubt in front of the whole Tianmen sect, playing tianyiheng's face!

One second, tianyiheng also said that Huarong was her person. The next second, Hua Yun burst out such a thing. It felt like a green hat had been buckled in public, which made tianyiheng's face hard to see the extreme.

But Hua Yun didn't know it.

If she said it in private, tianyiheng might not be so angry!

"Lord Tian, if you have something to say, she is also the saint of Wanhua island." Medicine rather squint eyes, naturally know that day chess Heng was angry, hastily advised to say.

Hua Yun doesn't know that Yao Ning is making love for herself, and her face is even more proud. "Lord Tian, according to me, such a woman deserves to be abandoned. She is too fickle..."

"Shut up!" Tian Yi Heng finally couldn't help but get angry. He stared at Hua Yun with a pair of eyes and said, "if you say one more word, don't blame me for being rude!"

Whatever the island of flowers, what island!

Hua Yun is stunned. It seems that he didn't expect that tianyiheng would roar at him. At this time, he should thank himself for exposing the true face of Huarong and let him see the hypocritical face of Huarong?

But Hua Yun was not a fool. She was yelled by Tian Yi Heng. Her face changed. She was pale and blue, but she gradually understood that she was biting her lip and didn't speak any more. She was just a pair of extremely sinister eyes.

"Miss Rong, I don't care what happened in your past. I believe you." Tian Yiheng's eyes are affectionate and gentle, and they are locked on the body of Huarong.

Tianyiheng's moving words immediately moved the public.

Their patriarch is really affectionate!

Like this woman! And trust her!

Ah, yes, their patriarch has always been infatuated. Otherwise, they would not have never married ten years after his wife died

Huarong frowned. In the cold moonlight, her beautiful face was cold and indifferent.

"Thanks to God's wrong love, Huarong can't afford it."

A light sentence is to refuse tianyiheng's confession.

Tianyiheng's deep eyes were stained with a touch of green air. It was disgusting! She refused herself in front of so many people! Who is he? He is the leader of Tianmen sect, with absolute strength and power. She refused! It must be for the man named Muyan!

But I didn't kill him last time! Let him run away!

However, Tian Yiheng didn't reveal all this. He had a gentle smile on his face. "Miss Rong, don't be in a hurry to refuse me. I know that we haven't been together for a long time. I'd like to give you time to get to know me."

Huarong frowned again and did not speak again.

There are so many people here. It's a face for tianyiheng. Anyway, no matter what, when he was born, she would leave immediately, which would be regarded as the grace of saving his life.Hua Yun was so angry that her chest rolled when she saw how she was playing chess. She really didn't know what was good about her face. She was fascinated by her one by one!

In such a disturbance, Hua Yun also forgot to look for Ouyang Ying. She didn't think of it until she went back to her residence with Yao Ning, so she went out with Yao Ning and looked for it again.

However, they did not find it for a whole night. Finally, Yao Ning invited tianyiheng to mobilize the whole Tianmen sect's power, and finally found Ouyang Ying on a remote green grassland.

But now Ouyang Ying has no breath of life.

She lay on the green grass, pale and silent, with a ferocious red piercing wound on her white left wrist

The grass under the wrist was red with blood.

Ouyang Ying killed herself.

Yesterday, she learned that amazing news, and was naked by her own father, which seemed to defeat her mind. She was extremely disappointed in the world, and she chose to end her life!

Hua Yun saw this scene, the whole person was silly, like crazy rushed forward, holding the cold body of Ouyang Ying, crying bitterly, looking very miserable.

When Yao Ning saw Ouyang Ying commit suicide, his whole face became extremely pale, and countless remorse surged in his eyes. Only yesterday did he know that she was his own daughter. As a result, she died the next day, or because of him

When she saw Ouyang Ying's body, Hua Rong was stunned. Especially when she was proud of her suicide, her eyes filled with doubts. How could Ouyang Ying commit suicide?

"Lord Tianzong, my apprentice has always been clever, and there is nothing wrong with him. Now he has died in your tianmenzong for no reason..."

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