"Yes! In vain We trust you so much, you are the black sheep of Tianmen sect

"Kill the old patriarch, maim the same family, prescribe medicine ~ * *, kill the first wife, and still want to run away?"

The elders seriously injured him and tied him up. You and I swore angrily. Almost everyone could kill him with a mouthful of saliva.

However, there was no trace of regret on tianyiheng's face. Instead, it was a ferocious and angry color. He looked at everyone in the scene with hatred, which almost devoured everyone alive.

Although his eyes were terrible, he was seriously injured and temporarily lost his resistance, so everyone was not afraid of him.

An elder hurried to the direction of the back hall, while the rest of the people were watching tianyiheng.

"Lan'er." Mu Yan went to the face of the flower, and his eyes fell on the woman's beautiful face. His eyes were full of tender pity and touched her pale cheek, "Lan'er, you have been wronged these days."

Tianyiheng's bad deeds were exposed, and everyone had no fault to take mu Qianyue and others into consideration, so they naturally released Huarong.

"I'm fine..." The corner of Huarong's mouth picked up a faint smile and gently shook her head to show that it was OK. She looked up and her eyes fell on the side of Mu Xiaoyue, "is this our daughter?"

"Yes, she is our daughter yue'er." Mu Yan nods.

The woman's face is very beautiful, her eyes are as bright as stars. She looks at her without blinking.

That pair of eyes like stars contains thousands of emotions, can not be explained clearly, the way is not clear.

But when Huarong saw that pair of eyes, she understood the mood in her heart. She couldn't help but tremble in her heart. Her eyes were red, "my daughter..."

"Mother, I have found the memory flower. We will go home now to restore your memory." With a smile in her eyes and eyebrows, Mu Xiaoyue held her hand.

"How wonderful! My grandmother will soon remember my mother Nalan Xueling's smiling face was excited.

Just when mu Qianyue and his party were ready to leave, several supreme elders of Tianmen sect appeared.

After the report of the people who reported it, they have roughly understood the truth of the matter.

So when he saw Tian Yiheng lying on the ground seriously injured and tied up like zongzi, his eyes were full of anger.

The elder kicks a foot and leaves a day for the elder.

Mu Qianyue and his party did not intend to stay. After a few polite remarks, they left tianmenzong.

As for the fate of tianyiheng, they didn't care about it. They believed that his fate would not be too comfortable. It was an unforgivable death penalty to maim his fellow disciples, to prescribe medicine to him, or to deceive his teacher to destroy his ancestors!

Waiting for his end, only a word, death.

As for the method of his death, it is not mu Qianyue's concern.

Dapingcheng, Yunlai inn.

Mu Qianyue will refine the memory pill into pills, handed to the face of Huarong.

Huarong didn't want to take it without hesitation and suspicion.

As the pill melts in the mouth, the pure medicine flows into the elixir field. A tearing pain rings out in the mind, followed by a stream of memories, playing like a film

For a long time, the tearing pain like water faded away.

It turns out that she is not Huarong, nor the saint of Wanhua Island, but Jin Yilan

Before that, Liu Ruyan attacked her secretly. She lost her strength, poisoned her throat, destroyed her appearance, and was sold to the brothel thousands of miles away

On the way, she took advantage of the two guards who were not paying attention to her and ran away. The two people were chasing after her. In order to avoid their pursuit, she also resolutely jumped off the cliff. She did not want to lose her accomplishments. She jumped off the cliff, but she did not die!

Because of the shelter and shaking of the trees, she was hurt even more.

But her brain was hit violently, so she lost her memory. Later, when she woke up, she found that she was already in Wanhua island

Everything flashed through her mind like a dream.

Mu Yan looked at her without blinking, for fear of disturbing her memory recovery, but his eyes were infected with a trace of tension.

Can Lan'er really restore memory?

Dongfang AO and Yao Ziqiu are also looking at them in the dark.

The eyes of Jiu Jiu and Nalan Xueling also fell on her body, paying attention to the breath on her body and the change of her every move

For a long time, Jin Yilan raised her head and looked at mu Qianyue in front of her eyes. Her eyes were full of missing and guilt. A drop of crystal clear tears fell from the corner of her eye, "yue'er..."

The call of affection is mixed with countless feelings.

At this moment, mu Qianyue knows that her mother has recovered her memory.


Mu Qianyue stepped forward and looked at her deeply.

"Yueer, you are so big..." Jin Yilan can't help it any longer. She hugs her tightly in her arms. Her tears are rolling down, like raindrops that have broken the line, blurring her face in an instant."Mother, I miss you so much these years!" Mu Xiaoyue hugs her back, feeling her tenderness and affection. The hard part of her heart slowly becomes soft.

These years, her heart is not without resentment.

Although she is always thinking about looking for the whereabouts of her father and mother, at the same time, why not hope that they can go home?

However, they did not appear in the 24 spring and Autumn period, even a message was not heard, as if the world evaporated in general.

Later, through her father's explanation, she knew why they were afraid to go back.

Because it is not only the Mojia of the unreal state mainland who are looking for the tower, but also the Biyu hall in the Xuantian world is also looking for the tower.

But Biyu hall and Mujia are two different forces and have no contact. If Tongtian tower is the heritage of Mujia, why Biyu hall also knows?

No, the Tongtian tower is not the heritage of the Mu family, but a artifact unintentionally acquired by a genius named Muxuan.

It is possible that the secret of Tongtian tower can be found in Biyu hall.

"Yue'er, my hard-working child, is my mother sorry for you. You and feng'er have been wronged these years..." Jin Yilan is crying into a tearful person, full of heartache and suffering.

Even Dongfang AO and yaoziqiu are red eyes.

She has always been strong, even though she was betrayed and her left leg was disabled, she just shed a few tears, but now she is full of tears.

The atmosphere was a little sad, affecting the people in the house.

"Lan'er, now that our family is reunited, yue'er has grown up, no one can separate our family any more!" Mu Yan steps forward and embraces Jin Yilan and mu Qianyue into his arms.

One is his beloved wife, the other is his beloved daughter. He will protect them with his life in this life!

"By the way, what about Maple? Did he not come? " For a long time, Jin Yilan controlled her mood, reached out to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and asked mu Qianyue.

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