Looking at her figure disappearing in the night, Huoxi shook his head helplessly, and the tenderness and indulgence of her eyes remained unchanged for a long time.

After three days in the Feibao building, Mu Yan and Jin Yilan decide to go back to the land of magic state to see their long-time relatives.

Mu Xiaoyue has no objection and decides to return with them. He also happens to return to Jingyue pavilion to see how the development is.

However, Nalan Xueling volunteered to stay in Feibao tower. He said that he wanted to stay in Feibao tower. He learned how to look at Feibao tower with Huoxi and thought about the strength of Huoxi God Emperor. Mu Qianyue readily agreed. With Huoxi, no one could hurt Xiaoling Fen Fen.

Ninety nine also chose to stay, saying it was to close the door and impact on the realm of God and Emperor.

So the only people who went back this time were mu Qianyue, Mu Yan and Jin Yilan.

If Mu Xueying and Chu Tiange come back, they will let them wait for a meeting in Feibao tower. After dropping this order, mu Qianyue set foot on the journey back to the unreal land.

After the transmission array, mu Qianyue three people set foot on the land of magic state.

Feeling the familiar breath, Mu Yan and Jin Yilan's faces are showing excitement and excitement, and finally come back!

They are about to see their long lost relatives

With this in mind, both of them were red eyed.

Mu Qianyue takes them both to the direction of Jingyue city. When she left, her grandfather was guarding Jingyue Pavilion in Jingyue City, and Waigong often went to live there.


Under the night sky, the originally quiet and picturesque Jingyue city is full of fire.

Everywhere is the chaotic footstep, the shout, the chaos incomparably.

The atmosphere in the Jingyue Pavilion is as cool as ink. There is a solemn and stirring atmosphere in the air.

At this time, the high-level of Jingyue Pavilion almost gathered here, with 20 elders, 200 team leaders and disciples waiting for orders in the yard.

"Elder black scorpion, the Xiao family has reached 50 miles outside the city and will soon attack the city!" A disciple of Jingyue Pavilion came from the courtyard in a hurry with a dignified report.


Black scorpion's rough and handsome face showed an angry expression, and a pair of eyes was burning with fury.

"The Xiao family is too much! Our Jingyue pavilion has never violated the river water with their well water, but this time, we have done something to our Jingyue Pavilion for no reason. It's really hateful! " Green scorpion clenches his fists.

"Hum! I'll fight them now The white Scorpion was so angry that he rushed out and was stopped by the black scorpion.

"We sent letters for help to the Mu family, the Shangguan family, the Bai family, and the Ling family! These hateful grandsons! I usually flatter and flatter Jingyue Pavilion, but I'm not for those pills of the sect leader? Now we are in danger in Jingyue Pavilion, and no one has ever offered a helping hand! " Hao Yun's face was even more angry.

Hao Yun was met by mu Qianyue when he was training in the wild ancient world. At that time, Hao Yun was brutally killed because he informed her. It was mu Qianyue who saved him. After training from the wild ancient world, he joined Jingyue Pavilion. Now he is the seventh elder of Jingyue Pavilion, and his strength is the eighth rank emperor martial artist.

"Don't you think it's strange that the Xiaos have done something to our Jingyue Pavilion for no reason?" Qiao Zixian on one side frowned and thought about the cableway.

Like Hao Yun, Qiao Zixian was mu Qianyue's best friend in the wild and ancient world. Her strength was the same as Hao Yun's, and she was an eight rank imperial warrior.

It can be said that such strength, looking at the entire illusory state mainland, are rare strong.

But in the face of the Xiao family's trouble, it is not enough to see.

Because there are several gods in the Xiao family this time!

Her voice immediately attracted people's eyes.

"What's strange?" Asked another elder.

"In the past, when we had difficulties and dangers in Jingyue Pavilion, the Bai family, Ling family, Mu family and Shangguan family were the first to help. This time they turned a blind eye, not only because they were afraid of the Xiao family! After all, the strength of the Xiao family is at the bottom of the six blood families! " Qiao Zixian frowned tightly and analyzed.

"What's more, why do the Xiao family have more than one king? If there are so many gods in the Xiao family, it is impossible for them to endure for so many years. They must have become the first of the six blood lineage families! "

Qiao Zixian's words instantly let everyone fall into meditation.

Yes, it's weird!

But obviously there is no time to give them too much consideration, because the Xiao family will soon arrive at Jingyue city!

"No matter how weird the Xiao family is, we have no time to guess! This is the critical moment for the survival of Jingyue Pavilion The black scorpion's eyes were cold and firm, "the headmaster and the vice headmaster are not here, but before the headmaster is leaving, give us the Jingyue pavilion to take care of it! We can't let the headmaster down! Even if you die, you should protect Jingyue City, Jingyue Pavilion, and the people in the city! "

"We are willing to live and die with Jingyue city!"The crowd roared in unison.

The clear and tidy voice went straight to the ninth day, hovering in the dark.

The black scorpion raised his hand and motioned for silence. All the voices stopped. In an instant, it was as neat and unified as it had been tempered.

"But we can't die! Now I announce that Qiao Zixian, you take ten people to escort the old man away from the south gate. Hao Yun, you quietly leave Ximen with the talent and elite disciples of the clan Ten elders, you take all the women and children in the door and go away quietly from the north gate The black scorpion quickly ordered.

His words fell into the crowd and quickly aroused a thousand waves.

Elder black scorpion, do you want them to leave?

"No! I'm not going! I will stay and live and die with jingyuecheng Qiao Zixian's soft face showed unyielding fighting spirit and firmness.

"Qiao Zixian, the old master is the head of the gate. Besides big brother Feng, he is one of the few relatives! Do you want the headmaster to see the old man's ashes or tombstone when he comes back? " Black scorpion angry way.

"But..." Qiao Zixian was stunned, a trace of sadness and helplessness welled up in his heart.

"It's up to you to protect the old man! You must protect the old master's safety. Otherwise, how can you face the headmaster? " Black scorpion road.

"Yes..." Qiao Zixian's voice was weak, and his hands under his sleeves were tightly clasped.

"Elder black scorpion, let's stay!" Hao Yun and elder ten are very dissatisfied with the order of black scorpion. Why should he let them go?

He knew that black scorpion had made the worst plan and decided to retain part of the strength of Jingyue Pavilion, and the remaining people who were left behind were no different from waiting for death here!

"Jingyue Pavilion can't die! This is the foundation of the headmaster's hard work The fist clenched under the black scorpion sleeve, the blue veins burst out, and the loud voice resounded in the ears of all

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