At that time, Shangguan lengyi was in a state of impatience. He was very angry at the old man's sudden inquiry. "If you want to find a genius, you can find it yourself. Don't bother me!"

It was he who answered such a sentence at that time that he almost broke his neck on the spot by the old man.

The reason why the old man didn't kill him was that Shangguan lengyi was the only one in the mountain forest at that time, so he saved his life. When Shangguan lengyi learned about the old man's deep and terrible breath, he was as scared as a kitten. Where could he dare to cross the line?

The strength of the old man may surpass the God King, like a mountain that cannot be crossed!

At first, he thought that some big family of the old man came out to look for talents, so that he could bring them back to cultivate them. However, there was no such master in the land of unreal state!

If there were, those clans would have been revealed, let alone hidden teasing.

After that, he carefully answered any questions the old man asked, for fear that he would make the other party unhappy, so he stretched out his hand and pinched his neck.

After his careful service, let him know a secret, this old man is not really a person from the magic land, but from a higher plane.

There is only Xuantian world, which is more advanced than unreal state!

When I guess that the old man is from Xuantian world, Shangguan is very excited. If he can enter the Xuantian realm to practice, he will have a bright future. It is possible to become a God Emperor or a God Emperor!

So Shangguan lengyi waited on the old man carefully like a dog. Shangguan lengyi was not a fool. In his conversation with the old man, he gradually learned a message.

This old man is not looking for any talent to go back to cultivate, but has other purposes!

As for what it was, he could not know and speculate.

All he has to do is obey the old man's words and do as he says.

After learning that the old man was looking for the most talented one, it was not for cultivation, but for another purpose. Shangguan lengyi led the flame to Jingyue Pavilion.

He did not forget how mu Qianyue killed his father and grandfather!

He became a loner because of his decline! All this is caused by the light moon!

Although mu Qianyue didn't do anything, she played the most important role. If it wasn't for her, my grandfather would not have died! And he is still a genius of Shangguan family. He will take over the position of head of Shangguan family, instead of handing it to Huoxi!

These vagabonds, did not let his hatred disappear, but become deeper!

He knew that, this time, his opportunity to revenge!

Mu Qianyue has developed better and better in recent years, especially Jingyue Pavilion, which seems to be one of the upper class families. Several other blood related families have come to show their friendship, which makes him have no chance to revenge. He can only watch mu Qianyue become stronger and stronger, and Jingyue Pavilion is also more and more powerful!

Naturally, he couldn't swallow it.

I didn't expect that God gave him such a wonderful opportunity! Naturally, it's a joy!

What excited him was that it was exactly the same as he had guessed!

When the old man heard of Mu's unique talent, his eyes twinkled, and his expression was sometimes cruel and excited. It was very strange.

"I began to practice at the age of 15. In just nine years, I have reached the realm of the divine king. I am still a pharmacist of ten grade pills This talent can really be called a rare one in ten thousand years. It's her. Take me to the woman named mu Qianyue. "

Later, Shangguan lengyi took the old man to Jingyue Pavilion. However, this group of people who knew nothing about life and death refused to tell mu Qianyue's whereabouts now.

Of course, the strength of the old destroyed the whole city is a matter of action.

But the old man didn't seem to want to let everyone know his strength and the things he came from.

In order to revenge, Shangguan lengyi deliberately intensified the conflict with Jingyue Pavilion.

The old man relied on his identity and strength to find the people of the Xiao family.

The Xiao family, as one of the six blood lineage families, is naturally not to be underestimated. When I heard that the old man had to deal with Jingyue Pavilion, he was naturally opposed to it. Jingyue Pavilion is now in the ascendant, and there are numerous strong ones. It is also famous for its pills. Rao is his Xiao family who wants to stay away from the edge.

But the old man took out a few pills at will, and let the three elders of Xiao family become the strong ones of the divine king level!

It is also the family of several heavenly elders, reached the intermediate level of emperor martial arts!

Knowing the strength and means of the old man, the Xiao family did not dare to disobey.

What's more, with the help of the old man, the strength of the Xiao family has become the first of the six blood lines. The Xiao family is extremely happy and dare not disobey the old man's payment.

Then there was the scene.

"It's just a group of ants. Since they don't want to cooperate, they'll all be killed." There was a faint chill in the old man's turbid eyes. His face was like a calm lake without waves and waves. Although his momentum was very plain, it was frightening.

Smell speech, Shangguan lengyi's heart is overjoyed, but the expression on his face is becoming ferocious. He raises his head and looks at the opposite black scorpion and others, "do you choose how to die?""Kill if you want! The people of Jingyue pavilion are not afraid of death! " One angry way.

"Good! If you want to kill us, even if you fight for your life, it will not make your Xiao family feel better! "

"You grandsons, if you have the ability, just let your horses come here!"

Members of Jingyue Pavilion roared.

But the Shangguan lengyi didn't seem to be in a hurry to attack, and the corners of his lips drew a faint irony, "you are determined to die, so that you want to fight for more chances to live for those people? Unfortunately, your plan is doomed to fail. "

Black scorpion and others face a big change, especially black scorpion, a pair of eyes round stare, canthus to crack, eyes burning with anger and unbelievable expression, "what do you say?"

"Is it not clear what I say? Soon the bodies of those people will be thrown in front of you. That's the end of your disobeying my master's orders! " Shangguan lengyi disdains cold hum.

At this moment, how can the black scorpion not understand the meaning of his words?

"Go! Go and support them The black scorpion roared and did not stop. He turned around and left with the crowd.

Xiao Wantong and his wife didn't want to kill all the girls

Once they are caught by the Xiao family, they will die!

Especially at the thought of the old master, their wives and children, were mercilessly and cruelly slaughtered, the hearts of black scorpions and others could not help shaking.

It is said that the misfortune is not as bad as his wife and children, but the Xiao family is so cruel! So mean, so ruthless!

It's hateful!!

Just black scorpion, they did not go out of a few steps, they were three out of thin air three shadow blocked the way.

These three people are the elders of the Xiao family. They have profound and strange strength and are incomparable in strength! , the fastest update of the webnovel!