They were careless! Fortunately, this time I came back skillfully. Otherwise, the Jingyue pavilion which Yueer had worked hard to establish would be completely destroyed!

Mu Qianyue's eyes are also surging with cold light, never thought that the people of Biyu hall would come here!

Turning his head, his eyes fell on the master of the Xiao family and killed them all, leaving none of them.


Jingyue Pavilion all nodded excitedly, took up the knife in hand, and walked towards the Xiao family.

Their eyes flashed with anger and bloodthirsty light. They didn't forget how arrogant the Xiao family was just now. Now it's time for them to take revenge. The black scorpion raised his big knife in his hand and yelled loudly. Brothers, it's time to avenge our dead brothers!

Waiting for the end of the Xiao family, is only merciless massacre. Jingyue Pavilion, which was faced with the destruction, now has a big turn. No one thought that the consequences would be like this!

Hundreds of people brought by Xiao's family have been killed. None of them are alive. It is not that they are cruel at present. If it is not for this time, Muyan will arrive in time and wait for their fate to be slaughtered. Therefore, we should not be soft hearted to these people.

If people want to kill me, I will kill them.

"Master, fortunately you are back..."

"Yes, headmaster, if you hadn't come back, we would not have seen you in the future."

"Master, all the brothers are dead..." After they killed all the Xiao family, they surrounded mu Qianyue in the middle. You and I said it as if you had found the backbone.

"Master, what should I do with this man?" The black scorpion and the white scorpion take Shangguan lengyi to Mu Qianyue.

"The headmaster, it is this guy who brings the divine emperor to our Jingyue pavilion to make trouble, and he is also the person who instigates the Xiao family to deal with our Jingyue Pavilion!" White scorpion anger way, side said also mercilessly kicked Shangguan lengyi one foot.

"It's you." Mu shallow moon light vision, falls on his face, one eye then recognized, he is Shangguan lengyi.

For the sake of Shangguan's ancestors, she spared him his life. After all, Shangguan lengyi didn't do any bad things at that time. However, she never thought that Shangguan lengyi had hated Shangguan lengyi for so many years. She almost destroyed Jingyue Pavilion and killed so many brothers. She knew that she should kill him directly!

"I'll deal with him later. First collect the dead brothers' bodies, and I'll save them with needles." Mu shallow moon just a cold glance Shangguan lengyi, look to the black scorpion and others said.

People's eyes brightened when they heard the speech. Yes! How can they forget that the headmaster has the ability to bring the dead back to life! All the brothers will not die. The headmaster will be able to rescue them!

If other people say so, they will feel that the person is a madman. But no one will doubt her words because they have all seen the master save the dead green scorpion with their own eyes!

That's what they saw with their own eyes. Now the headmaster wants to show this anti heaven medical skill, so they stare at each other excitedly for fear of missing this wonderful scene.

When Shangguan lengyi hears such words, he can't help showing a touch of ridicule on his face. Is it possible to resurrect the dead?

It is said that there are only dozens of golden lotus flowers in the Golden Lotus Pavilion, even if there are dozens of golden lotus flowers in her life, it is said that even if there are dozens of golden lotus flowers in her life, she will not be able to live for three months!

No one paid attention to Shangguan lengyi's idea, but one by one, they were busy carrying the bodies, sorting them out, and then arranging them neatly together.

Since Mu Yan and Jin Yilan appear, mu Rufeng's eyes have been locked on them all the time. His body can't help shaking. This is

"Big brother, sister-in-law." Mu Qianyue looks at Mu Yan and Tong Xiaoxiao, and points to Mu Yan and Jin Yilan beside her with a smile, "this is our father and mother."

"Father and mother, this is the elder brother and sister-in-law. "Fenger..." Jin Yilan immediately red eyes, tears fell like rain.

"Maple." Rao is mu Yan's eyes are red, a little tears from his eyes.

It's not that the man has tears, but he doesn't go to the sad place.

After all, I have been separated for so many years and endured so many years. When I see my close relatives here, I can't hide my sadness.

No matter whether they are the emperor level strong, but also a person with feelings!

As long as it is a person, there will be sad time!

"Parents..." Always strong and cold man, red eyes, rushed into the arms of Mu Yan and Jin Yilan.

Children small clever stand aside, dare not make a sound to disturb, but the beautiful eyes are full of happy tears.

Rufeng and his family are finally reunited!

Mu Xiaoyue looked at this scene with a smile and looked around the crowd, "the injured all stand here for me."

Smell speech, immediately regardless of the big injury or small injury all came over, standing in front of Mu shallow moon.

The field of life radiated out and shrouded in the people's bodies, and their injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eyeBut for a moment, the injuries were completely recovered.

"Thank you

All of them cried out in unison, and looked at the moon with the light of fanatical worship, just like looking up at the gods in the sky.

"Master, all the dead brothers have been arranged!" At this time, the black scorpion came over with a dignified face.

He didn't want to save people with Jinlian Huisheng pills before, but there were only three Jinlian Huisheng pills. After so many people died, he didn't know which one to save.

"Well." Mu Qianyue nodded lightly.

There are also several Dan pharmacists in Jingyue Pavilion. They have also learned the yin-yang needling method taught by mu Qianyue. Although they have not reached the highest level of 9981 needles, they also have 36 needles, 54 needles and so on.

Under the command of Mu Qianyue, these Dan pharmacists sewed the severed limbs and arms of the corpses with needle and thread method, using silk thread made of special medicinal materials, which is most suitable for suturing wounds, broken tendons, etc.

And bonesetting.

And Mu Xiaoyue's palm shook, took out a set of silver method, began to give needles to save people, so that everyone cooperated with each other.

The corpse in front of me is no other than Mo Yang.

At the beginning, he had a conflict with mu Qianyue, but after he saved his sister Mo Ying, he changed his attitude. Not only he, but also the whole Mo family joined the Jingyue Pavilion.

This time, Mo Yang died to protect Jingyue Pavilion.

Under the control of Mu Qianyue's Zhenyuan force, 9981 silver needles were suspended in the air. At the next moment, they were punctured into various acupoints of Moyang's body, so accurate that there was no mistake.

In an instant, the aura between heaven and earth surged violently, forming a spirit rain above Mo Yang's body, and then all of them poured into his body. , the fastest update of the webnovel!