"Today I have gathered you all together. There is a kind of pill for you.

After saying this, Shi Shi ran got up and walked down from the top. With a flash of palm, a jade vase appeared in his hand. "I have a kind of Huangji Dan, which can ignore all the barriers of the martial arts and directly reach the realm of the first-order divine emperor."

Hearing this, everyone was deeply shocked.

"What? Directly break through to the realm of the divine emperor? "

"Can you ignore all barriers?"

"Instant arrival?"

"Hiss! How could there be such an adverse pill in this world

"That's the first-class emperor

Mu Hong, Jin long, black scorpion and other people's faces showed a deep shock, one by one staring at the boss, afraid that he heard the wrong.

Originally thought that there is a blood pill, it has been very against the sky, did not expect that there are such pills in the world, really subverted their cognition!

Is Huangji Dan so against the sky?

It's hard to imagine!

After the deep shock, the people are still some did not come to God.

However, they did not doubt Mu's words.

The sect leader can even study such pills as blood vessel pill, and can even bring the dead back to life. It seems that Huangji pill is also possible!

After all, their master is so excellent!

"Yes, it's a pity that I have only 14 pills in my hand." Mu Qianyue's voice is flat and can't hear a trace of fluctuation. This huangjidan was refined with the help of two masters when she was in the Xuantian realm. Otherwise, she could not do it with her ability.

Huangji Dan, you need the strength of Dan emperor!

Rao is so, still let them master three people spent seven days and seven nights time, nearly failed.

Fortunately, at the last minute, it was successful.

"However, this Huangji pill has a great negative effect, that is, the user's lifelong strength can only stay in the realm of the emperor, and he can never make progress in his whole life. Now we want to ask if you would like to take this Huangji pill Mu Qianyue's light eyes as water swept through all the people in the hall.

Mu Hong pondered for a moment, "it's impossible to say that such a powerful pill has no negative effect. I didn't expect that the strength of the whole life is stagnant However, it is extremely difficult for us to advance every time. It's hard to say whether we can break through the emperor's martial arts, let alone become the emperor. That's impossible for a lifetime If this pill can make me become the emperor at once, it's good

Speaking of the back, Mu Hong's eyes lit up and his face was filled with excitement.

"My in laws said it's true that we can't be emperor in our lifetime with our talent. I can't let go of such a good opportunity now. Hey hey, baby granddaughter, come and have a taste of it for me. " Jinlong's face smiles and blooms. He seems to think that he can become a God all of a sudden. He is so excited that he looks like a very wretched old man.

Black scorpion and others deeply shocked, suddenly come back to God, also nodded their heads to express their willingness to accept huangjidan.

The six blood families, such as Bai, Mu and Shangguan, have eight or even nine grades of blood. Their talents shocked the mainland in those years, otherwise they would not be the head of the family and lead the family!

But even if they were extremely poor, they could not reach the height of the emperor. No matter how hard they tried, they just stopped at the threshold of the king, not to mention the mediocre talents? It's impossible to be emperor!

Don't talk about the God Emperor. It's good to be emperor and martial artist. Or they are in the light of the sect leader. Otherwise, they will not have such a chance?

So they won't miss such a wonderful opportunity to be a god! I don't know how many people are envious of it!

The headmaster selected them and proved that he absolutely trusted them and valued them!

"We will, too!"

Black scorpion and others almost said with one voice.

"Good." Mu Qianyue opened the bottle cap and handed out 14 pills in turn.

Muhong and Jinlong take the pills without hesitation. When the pills are put into the mouth, a pure and majestic force explodes in the body in an instant. It is as vast as a vast ocean and surging

"BAM, BAM, BAM..."

A series of breakthrough sound from Mu Hong and Jin Long's body vie for each other.

I saw them both rise from a holy warrior to the realm of the divine emperor in an instant!

It's like a baby growing up in an instant!

Shocking, incredible!

The black scorpion and others are astonished with their mouths open and their eyes twitch violently. The speed of upgrading

It's faster than shooting!

Rao is that they have made psychological preparations, and did not expect the promotion speed will be so fast!

It's going to be horrible!

The shock in Tong Dabao's eyes is beyond the limit. As a Dan pharmacist, he naturally knows how adverse such pills are!

He knew that his younger martial sister gave him such a Huangji pill, most of which was due to the small face of his master, his grandson Tongling and his grandson girlOtherwise, such a precious pill would never be his turn!!

After a brief shock, he also did not hesitate to throw Huangji Dan into his mouth.


The pure medicine quickly melted in his mouth and flowed to all his limbs.

At the next moment, he seemed to take a rocket, and he came to the realm of the emperor in an instant, so fast that he didn't come back to his mind for a long time

Ding Hao, black scorpion and others no longer hesitated to see the situation. They looked up and quickly swallowed the pill.

In fact, it was not that they hesitated, but they were so shocked that they froze on the spot!

After that, a series of "bang bang bang" sounds were heard inside the hall, which was like a hundred guns firing in unison.

In just a few minutes, everyone has become the first-class emperor!

One by one reaction, followed by excitement and excitement.

Now their strength is higher than that of the headmaster!


In the past, they did not even dare to think!

Now, in a blink of an eye, they are all gods!

"Thank you very much! We are willing to follow the headmaster! "

The black scorpion and others knelt down to admire the moon.

If there is no master, they can not reach this height in this life!

This is not even the six blood lineage family has not!

"You should all know that the opponents of Jingyue Pavilion this time are the first-class forces in Xuantian world, but they deceive people too much to kill our brothers! This feud is a bitter feud. Biyu hall will punish it! "

The woman's cold voice with a silk scarf, women's momentum, so that black scorpion and other people heard the look greatly, one by one raised their arms and cried, "Biyu hall, we must kill it! We are willing to follow the sect leader, and we will not give up life and death! "


Except for mu Hong, Ding Hao, Jin long, Jin Yi Cheng, and Tong Dabao, the remaining nine are all elders of Jingyue Pavilion, including the three brothers of black scorpion, Qiao Zixian, Hao Yun and Mo Jiazhu.

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